NY chicken lover!!!!

Mine are sick of being in the coop. They're still ducking back inside for bits of time but mostly they're sitting in the spot that's normally sunny soaking up natural daylight.
I have an overhang on the half hoops and dump some hay there for them to step on. They have to come out if they want a drink because I don't put water inside the coop. Tucked in the shelter it rarely freezes except on the coldest days. I do go out to break the ice from time to time.

Snowing here again. I'm trying to to homework with my younger son. He has attention issues, and as soon as I take my eyes off him, even though I'm sitting next to him, he goes off track. I need a cup of tea
Rancher, sorry to hear of all the cancer in the family. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.

I too believe there are more cures then they are letting on its just more profitable if people get cancer and pay for treatment. I believe that what causes cancer is in most of our everyday items but I think food is probably one of the biggest contributers.

Hisirishgm, glad to hear from you again. I'm with the others that the blood is probably from the wattles somewhere, but don't worry it looks bad but I have never found it to be serious.

Myfivegirls, sorry to hear of the loss of some of your chicks. We lost power for 7 hours the other night, my chicks are all in my basement but we had 3 silkie chicks under a week old that I had to bring upstairs. They made it. I have had roosters that rooster in trees before not in the same tress or huddled and they survives in the snow and rain and in below freezing temps. Cold don't bother them, just moisture.

I have gotten eggs from tjs chickens before, highly reccomend them, the porcelain are beautiful.

On another not, we are thinking of moving again. We rent, and won't be able to buy anything for at least 5 years probably more. There is never anything for rent in our area that's why we jumped on the house we are in now, but we are outgrowing this house and my plans for poultry and livestock outgrow the yard. The biggest issue is the ticks and bears. It turns out we do not have the amount of property we were origionally told..3.5 acres. We got the chickens to free range the woods but it's not our property. It's loaded with giant barberry bushes that ticks breed in. Also the bear and raccoons pass through our property to go to the sports bar across the street and raid the dumpster. The raccoons are on
Y a problem to the chickens that are stupid enough to try to roost in trees but the bear can get what he wants if he wants it.

Anyway we have baby # 5 on the way and will be devastated if any of our children come down with another case of Lyme disease. H huge house that has 9 acres is available that used to have a horse living there . Several acres are fenced in and the neighbor has goats and chickens. It has a deep freezer in the basement so good for extra Roos and a bigger fridge in the kitchen. Ours is a small one now, no room for a big one. Also a lawn tractor, for the lawn and maybe to move small chicken tractors.

I know the place is in our budget, but barely. We won't be able to save much money, but the kids will be safer and have more room, the chickens will be happier, and I will get to do a huge garden as well as other livestock. I feel this is the healthier way for our family. It is also walking distance to the school and an award winning park.

I just worry about things like gas and oil prices going up. Or if my husband gets injured and can't work. I might not see another house for rent that is Suitable for us for a few years. What do you all think. Should we go for it?

Sounds beautiful! Have u talked to a bank about what u can afford as a mortgage? I'm sure u have. Just thinking that rent on a 9 acre farm might be similar to a mortgage on a 5 acre home where u can build equity and a big chicken house. Improvements made with sweat equity are yours and u will have so much more flexibility. Just my two cents.
@HISIRISHGEM When I have to put bluekote on or near a chickens face, I spray it onto a couple q-tips and paint it on. I agree w rancher that best time to treat is at night w a headlamp. They're much calmer & easier to work with. Also, with blue kote, I recommend wearing gloves bc that stuff gets everywhere and stains ur skin like crazy. Did u end up finding the culprit?
If the chickens are wimpy cause they don't want to go out, I'm with them! I went to get gas, chicken feed and return books to the library...forgot that was closed. And I was grumpy and vowed not to go out again. Yesterday was much better than today with this wind and blowing snow, it's cruel. Had to bring Earl in again because they have his comb oozing again, even after the pick no more. Now he is chilling with Mama and Gabby in sick bay. I swear I saw them high 5 each other. Tomorrow he can go back and put his house in order. He is wearing Bluecote, so am I cause I was in a hurry.
@myfivegirls I'm so sorry about ur chicks. That must have been devastating to wake up to. There are so many things that books & blogs just can not teach us about how the birds will respond to different situations. My birds are always teaching me (or at least trying). And when something happens and I lose a bird, I blame myself because they are dependent on me. But really we are doing the best we can for them with what we have available. Thank you for sharing your experience so that we can all learn from it.

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