NY chicken lover!!!!

Yes year round ..it is the best food for them as it doesnt waste any of the food ..they are able to absorb all the nutrients ..
Poop smells less too .
The flies do like it ..but in the summer you can give them just what they eat ...so it doesnt attract them as much

Herbs & greens they will eat all most everything - beets , kale , mustard greens , broccolli , cabbage .
We are supposed to get a storm here im chautauqua county. Ladies are locked up with a feeder full of food and fresh water. Im hoping it dosent get too bad today while I am at work
My coop was built to be what I thought we needed in the beginning. It is insulated, has Marvin Windows and rectangular vents on each gable end, which are North and South. It is very nicely built because my husband is a trim carpenter and had the idea we might sometime in the future have no chickens but grandchildren. So far we have chickens. The Vent area was left open, but I went in one day and there was such fierce ventilation that the upper area was a wind tunnel. We had been unable to find the proper size pre made slanted slatted vent insert. I bought 4 cheap plastic vent covers, and that cut the gale force wind down to a pleasant freshening air exchange. I still want to have the proper wooden vents custom made, but as many details of our house also need completion, I am biding my time.
I am happy everyone has had such good luck with their flock over the last several days. I am amazed at how well they do & was quite nervous. Last year I only had 3 outside and they had a dog bed pad under their bedding and a heated water pail. This year I have over a hundred outside spread out in nine different coops. Each coop is very different and so far everyone is alive and kicking!

@HISIRISHGEM It is amazing what a little cut on a comb can produce. I had a hona who ripped a little part of his fighting...blood everywhere...I was looking for massive casualties and found one small cut...then watched him shake as the blood ran and spray it all over. Spray them up with that blucoat...love that stuff. I am just like Grandma and wear more than I spray. Don't wear nice clothes- they do not fair well.
When I brought home my EE trio one of them flipped out in the crate and avulsed my hens toe. It healed but the tip fell off. But, when she had healed enough I put her back in the coop. Roo bashed the toe wide open...next time I tried to integrate her I sprayed all her toes with blue coat. Then I sprayed all the rooster and the other hens feet with the blucoat. I did this for about 6 weeks and then let it wear off. No one pecked at that toe and everyone had purple legs...lol I can not say enough about bluecoat!

Drive safe if you are traveling on this ice!
Guys...my chicken coop is flooding! There's a six inch puddle on the silkie/bantam side so I moved those birds in with the big birds. Now the head flock rooster, Tarzan, is chasing the silkie rooster. That side of the coop is not underwater yet...but the entire coop is surrounded by a very deep puddle and its still raining out there. Any suggestions? I can't move the birds to another building...we don't have one. Just a matter of time before the big bird side is underwater, too.

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