NY chicken lover!!!!

A good active thread on fermenting feed; https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/644300/fermenting-feed-for-meat-birds
I differ from how some on there do it though. Upon much reading up on the subject from many other various sources I do not add ACV, adding ACV makes it go acetic acid ferment, sauerkraut is a lactic acid ferment, letting the feed naturally ferment is lactic acid ferment, which I believe is better.
A pretty good audio podcast on the subject also, warning, long and boring, but a lot of good info, I did a load of dishes, peeled a few dozen eggs and pickled them listening to it;
Yes that would be the coop. We have six pullets, but im pretty sure we will be rehoming at least two. We got a couple extension pens that hook on to the coop. The code enforcer will not allow free rang. The coop is going between a 6' fence and my house that are pretty close to together. There will be another fence same height behind lilac tree that will sit behind the coop.

For that coop in the winter I would add some kind of wind block..either a evergreen bush or plywood panel or you could tarp the fence .
I cant figure out the fencing you mention ...but if your whole back yard is fenced in ...that would not be free range ..so that should satisfy the enforcer
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Oh plantain is a wonderful plant. An Onondaga friend told me to put it mushed up on stings or bites. Since I have read that it is good like that and also can be eaten like in salad it is very nutritious, and has healing properties. And most people want it out of their lawn. But, personally, with such a rusty nail injury I would want lots of modern medicine.

I am back to fermenting feed too. It took a few days for it to ferment to start, just feed an water, until it was bubbly. Then I put out some in the morning. If it is too soupy to ladle out I just add a little more dry to it. I never use it all up, add more feed and water to make it very liquid. Let it rest until the next day, and do it over again.
no modern anything but a tetanus shot. The Dr didn't even clean it or check for damage. My foot hurts like crazy and my 2 toes are a bit off color. The ball of my foot is swollen . However, push on and go work any how. To much to do to be hurt. I'm on @Gramma Chick side on this one. No time for recovery.
If you see streaks of red or white going up your leg, get to a real doctor quick. The bruising is prob normal, the blood has to go somewhere. Warm Epsom salts soaks? White socks, any other favorite cleaning thing. Chicken folk have access to powerful dirt! So we probably have good immunities. Keep us posted.
A good active thread on fermenting feed; https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/644300/fermenting-feed-for-meat-birds
I differ from how some on there do it though. Upon much reading up on the subject from many other various sources I do not add ACV, adding ACV makes it go acetic acid ferment, sauerkraut is a lactic acid ferment, letting the feed naturally ferment is lactic acid ferment, which I believe is better.
A pretty good audio podcast on the subject also, warning, long and boring, but a lot of good info, I did a load of dishes, peeled a few dozen eggs and pickled them listening to it;
Thanks Beer can and all who have commented on this! Appreciate it. Now, If my boyfriend would stay out of my fermenting feed I will be all set. He keeps giving it to the chickens...LOL
If you see streaks of red or white going up your leg, get to a real doctor quick. The bruising is prob normal, the blood has to go somewhere. Warm Epsom salts soaks? White socks, any other favorite cleaning thing. Chicken folk have access to powerful dirt! So we probably have good immunities. Keep us posted.
between partying in the cow pasture ' s in Kansas as a teen, working in 2 separate horse barns for the last 2 years and having chickens (21 of them buggers) I should have an impervious immune system. Well add the 2 dogs and 5 germ infested school age kids and I should never get sick. Mr Doc is a country man so a lot of his cures are medication free. Heck his cure for my alergy to the chicken coop was spend more time in it.
Kids are dirtier than animals any day. Of my 28 critters (including kids) the only ones that need bathed daily are the kids. My dogs aren't even as germ infested. I think my chicken coop is cleaner than my oldest sons room, and more sanitary.

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