NY chicken lover!!!!

Your all a great bunch! I know I say this quite often when I'm in here but I love hearing about your flocks, your gardens and your very sweet hearts!

Well, I can't wait to show pics but we cut a 1ft by 1ft hole in the wall because we put a sofa through it last month (forgot to measure). we've never done this before so I was scared to death. My husband has done quite well. I'm thanking God for Youtube right now! I'm not a social media fan very often, but I sure am glad to have sites like this one, and Youtube to help me figure out how to do these things. We can't do it all and not everything on the internet is true, but I love that I can research and DIY most things on our own.

We received an estimate on the concrete foundation that the basement double door hangs on. The steps are rotting too. We haven't been down them since we bought the place. Haven't needed to really. something persuaded me to do it and also look at the back where the concrete looked damaged. The quote was for 800.00 to replace the foundation area and the stairs. I think it's a fair price. I still cringe at it though. We've needed gutters on the second floor and the bottom half. I gather it is the gutter issue so we'll have to replace those too. Goodness I wish money grew on tree's sometimes. Either that or I wish we both new how to DIY these things. We have a slew of projects that need to be done. It never seems to end but the money sure does. I thought we'd get some kind of a fun summer this year but it looks like my husband will be doing more OT to cover the costs and I'm going to try to sell, sell, sell things. Such is life right?!
It could be worse. We have our health, our home, food on the table and fun with the chickens and furry animals as well as our daughter. What more could we really ask for!

I hope you all have a great weekend!
I am glad they are doing good for you Rancher.

I know someone who's husband was married once before her. His ex was awarded his life insurance policies and at least half his pension in the divorce. Now that he has passed and my friend was younger than him by quite a bit she doesn't plan on leaving anything to his first set of kids being their real mother has plenty to leave them when she passes. There is always more to each story, so I don't form an opinion just lend a supportive ear.
My comment was not for the stepmothers/stepfather to leave something but the fathers/mothers should.

Too everyone else:

If I had children by my ex-wife I would STILL be their father and dad. I divorced my ex-wife, NOT any kids I might have had with her.

As for opinions? You're free to decide but I'm a man of convictions of what is right and what is wrong. They may change but not without deep reflection.

My father abandoned eight of us with no concern. When I wrote to him about help with college he said no. Yet my stepmother would boast of how her daughter went and show us the thesis she wrote. We grew up poor because of my father and stepmothers OPINION that we did not exist.

My wife's mother ran off with another man leaving her and her sister with her father who then remarried but the stepmother did not want his children yet kept her own. They in turned were raised by her aunt and uncle. She too could have gone to college and had a hard life, because her father and stepmother were of the OPINION they did not exist.

My conviction is that ANYONE who has children by a previous relationship is STILL that child's parent. They do not get to just up and walk away as though that child does not exist. They are still responsible for those children both emotionally and financially, regardless of what the law says. They will not let anyone stand in their way of caring for their kids. I get that it is not easy due to others involved but they have to find a way.

"A good man/woman leaveth an inheritance to his/her children's children" Prov. 13:22. This inheritance can be money, material possessions, land or wisdom. (the bible only says fathers but I believe it can be applied to mothers too.)

Examples of inheritances I've received? My grandmother left me the inheritance of love, the talent to crochet and memories of her hugs.

My older brother left me the inheritance of love, words to live by/wisdom and caring in times of trouble. He bought me my first chickens.
Neither could have done so if they had walked off and deserted me. Neither was rich.

I hope you understand.


Yes mine would tooo if they werent covered...thats why I put logs on them like this on the outside of the garden

In this spot they have already got the leaves back on the paper in the garden

I've been moving "road lilies" to around my garden because they will fill in and keep the weeds at bay. Too, I've been planting taller flowers so they will attract bees. I SAW A BUMBLE BEE THIS MORNING. OMG! Isn't that great?

Okay EVERYONE what flowers can I plant to bloom early enough to feed the first bees out of the ground. Bumbles live in Tuffets of grass. Very cool. Also in decomposing log piles.

Gotta run, Murdoch mysteries is on,

Rancher- I apologize if my statement was offending. I only wanted to express my own very limited experience with divorce. I have no personal experience with it at all. I only meant that I was trying to be a supportive friend with out being judgemental on a situation I wasn't involved.
Starting to be able to sex the Easter chicks. Appears 2 pullet and 2 cockerel silver Wyandottes; 4 pullet and 1 cockerel barnyard mix (yay Shodak!); 4 pullet and 1 cockerel spitz. Spitz cockerel is a nice looking blue, so PhoredaBurds may want him back for the breeding project. ;) The spitz are huge compared to the broody raised chicks.
Rancher- I apologize if my statement was offending. I only wanted to express my own very limited experience with divorce. I have no personal experience with it at all. I only meant that I was trying to be a supportive friend with out being judgemental on a situation I wasn't involved.

You have nothing to apologize for. I was not offended. We're friends because we're friends, not because we hold the same viewpoints.

Now to why I came on.

The potato towers. The chickens have worked up the newspapers.

My raspberries. I dug out all the hard soil and replaced it with compost. Can you see the shoot on the outside of the log? The other bed is doing well too. Thanks Tab, how can I be upset with such a good friend who would give me raspberry plants.

Big Delores and her gang. The rooster is a lav split. These are the group I was offering free hatching eggs from. Big Delores is about five and I expect her to go broody any day now. I get upset when folks spread the misinformation that hens quit laying at two years old. Big Delores is still laying. I was going to sell them but since the person hasn't called in a while I'm going to keep them.
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You have nothing to apologize for. I was not offended. We're friends because we're friends, not because we hold the same viewpoints. Now to why I came on. The potato towers. The chickens have worked up the newspapers. My raspberries. I dug out all the hard soil and replaced it with compost. Can you see the shoot on the outside of the log? The other bed is doing well too. Thanks Tab, how can I be upset with such a good friend who would give me raspberry plants. :) Big Delores and her gang. The rooster is a lav split. These are the group I was offering free hatching eggs from. Big Delores is about five and I expect her to go broody any day now. I get upset when folks spread the misinformation that hens quit laying at two years old. Big Delores is still laying. I was going to sell them but since the person hasn't called in a while I'm going to keep them.
I was under the impression that all chickens usually stop laying their 2nd winter . Then start back up again. The feed guy down at the corner has 6 year old girls and is just now getting his replacement set.
I was under the impression that all chickens usually stop laying their 2nd winter . Then start back up again. The feed guy down at the corner has 6 year old girls and is just now getting his replacement set.
Pure breed lines lay over a longer period of time. Hybrids lay many eggs but over a shorter period of time, can be less hardy than the "heritage" lines. Too if you hatch your own replacements you control who you hatch from and can choose the better of your birds.

Hatchery birds can be good as Frenchy came from Ideal, but you don't really know what you'll get. Again if you hatch your own replacements you control how good YOUR line is.

Frenchy is six and has still laid a few eggs.

Have a friend who bought 100 chicks. GC's and RIR's. I think from Country Max. He complained none of them weren't laying and sold them all. However what you feed your birds makes a difference. You will get varying opinions on what's what, so do what best for you. My comments and opinions on how to keep chickens are only what I do. What you do may be different but if we're happy, who's to criticize?

I will say this, don't be quick to give up on your birds. Be patient.

We just have to find our groove.


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14 chicks at a week + 5 per, all 14 for 60. Sorry for the late response. Crazy at work the end of last week, and didn't touch a computer on the weekend. To nice outside, and too much to do.
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