NY chicken lover!!!!

Rancher hicks, haha oh yes, that will change! I already have plans on breeding and adding more breeds next year. May possibly add a few more this year, ended up with more roosters than I had anticipated.

Love the new coop LuvMyChick1491! Looks fantastic.

Welcome Shawn14858! Barred rocks are beautiful.
Any praying folks out there, we'd appreciate a few for one of my best friends, family....
His little sister posted this on facebook, prayers are super appreciated.
He's in really rough, bad bad shape, but stable. I didn't want to bring it up here, just praying for miracles.
I am sorry for your trouble. Miracles can and do happen. Be encouraged.

Hello eveyone, I'm in Lindley, NY and just got my first flock. 12 Barred Rock female chicks. Anyone close to this area raise chickens as well would be nice to hear where you are and what you raise.
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They are screwed on the overlap, the inside is these plywood i found at the home depot for 17$ a sheet with a realtree camo vinal on it should be great for cleaning. thank for for your input.

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