NY chicken lover!!!!

I have enjoyed this winter. My chickens have had a chance to be out much more this year than the last 2 winters. It’s not all that warm yet today but it’s sunny so it opened up and let them wonder out.
I couldn’t help myself and started hatching already. First group I gave to my trusty broody shadow as she went broody at lockdown, second group hatch date tomorrow I’ll keep them in the brooder. Fertility wasn’t all that great so just small groups.
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They are BEAUTIFUL Aria
They are cute ...Do you have all silkies now ?
We do NOT. We had an ? ??? no silkies. We have 4 RIR and one Easter Egger. We now have EGGS. We were new with Silkies and LOVED them.
But not many eggs and if and when we had eggs...small. I still LOVE them
the best. With the RIRs and the Easter Egger....we Always have EGGS. I
like having eggs in my refrig ...when I have Chickens. The Silkies were and still are my "first love". We do not know what really happened and when..BUT ALL OUR SILKIES destroyed. Aria
Silkie Chickens 2010 052.jpg
Hi guys, we got a couple year old layers yesterday from a farm. Last night one started with a cough a little bit (we have the two quarantined from our flock and will do so for 30 days). Today she has one eye half shut and looks slightly swollen around that area (sinus?) and the eye is runny. The other one coughed a couple times today so I assume she is next. Does this sound like just a cold from transporting them? Any ideas what I can do to help them? Anything over the counter I can use? Don't know a vet right now that does chickens and don't want to transport them any more and have them get even sicker. The one that started coughing today is doing something weird too - she will go up to the food dish (or treats that we throw to her) and after she's done she backs up til she hits the wall then goes forward again. Really weird. The husband wonders if she has something wrong neurologically? She seems fine otherwise, just the cough and is eating and drinking fine. Both of them have normal poop. Any suggestions are welcome!

Edit: in searching I'm getting a little worried. Reading that regardless what it is that she would now be a carrier of it for life and the rest of the flock will now always be at risk? Is this true? If so, our regular flock has NEVER been sick and we will not put this new one with them. Most likely will have to cull if that's the case, and I'm praying it's not.
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