NY chicken lover!!!!

My neighbor called me this morning to inform me a 500 pound black bear was walking through his backyard right then towards my house and that he hoped my chickens were locked up. I ran out to the kitchen porch and then to the front porch but saw nothing. I put my wonder dog out on his run on the front porch and he started barking shortly afterwards. So did the other dogs in the neighborhood. Fortunately for me the bear crossed from my woods to my neighbor across the streets woods, and continued on his way. The cheeps never alerted. The dogs did their jobs. Hence the reason I keep clean coops/runs and a clean yard. Less incentive for the local bears to come by looking for food. He did get my neighbors garbage last week when he forgot to bring it in so I suspect he was just checking to see if that opportunity was there. He has the garbage days figured out and usually comes by on or around those days. Better garbage than my chickens. I do have the means to dispatch him if I have to (as nys law says I can) but I prefer not to unless necessary. We live in the woods and so have learned to live with what lives there in relative peace unless forced to take action. It works.
The people across the road from us have their TV's surround-sound volume up so high that I can hear every word clearly right now through my closed living room windows. It's actually sort of impressive, all the more so because the house is several hundred yards away from us and way up on top of a hill, and is separated from us by woods. I never want to hear word one from them about my roo!

My property abuts a trailer park. Our house is slightly elevated and when the people in the trailer next to our house, sit out on their deck I hear every word they say. It is almost amplified, I swear!

Fortunately they are not noisy(besides I have rotated my pasture with 6 noisy cockerels right up to their property and they never said a word. I have rotated them( the birds) into a back pasture where they can make all the noise they want!!

Sound can travel curiously!
I live up in Seneca County and have a local farmer who processes chickens for me. Are you on this side of Ithaca?

Thanks! Are they near Seneca Falls? We go to Sauders quite often, if we couldn't find someone closer I would bring them to Seneca area.
Java - for heavens sake please use sun screen. Skin cancer is #1. I am sorry about your doe and completely understand. Glad you had a good time just the same. How do you manage with all the assortment? I love the ducks but I know better than to even go there. People ask how many chickens I have and I just make up an number. I just don't know how many and I'm to afraid to count them. I know I'd be the same with ducks. I wish you good luck.

Stony - What is your secret. I have a broody that hatched two and left one to hatch alone. I brought it in the house and DD warmed her till she dried. I stuck her under the mom last night but this AM she was left behind in the coop. So DD brings her back in the house this AM. When I took the little thing out and tried to give her back to the mom they all attacked her so now she is alone in a bin. Any ideas. I want to go south for a while and don't want to leave DW with chicks to take care of. How do you manage to keep other birds from laying another egg in there? Plus successfully hatch so many. Out of four this last one got two and abandoned the third. I tossed the fourth.

FYI to everyone here. I posted two chicks on CL for $1 each but if anyone on here wants them they can have them free. They need to go. One is a birchen marans/del and the other is an orp I believe.

Something else now. I have a hen laying in the crook of a tree. How do I get her to stop. What's more I've got BR's and the eggs are down. Where outside to they usually lay eggs. These girls are too young to not be laying.

Now Pharm - I hope all goes well with your gall bladder. Doc wanted to take mine out years ago but I didn't have it done. Things seem ok though. Except if I over do the fatty foods. I'm just a big chicken when it comes to surgery. I'm sure you'll be fine. These days it's a piece of cake.
Stony - What is your secret. I have a broody that hatched two and left one to hatch alone. I brought it in the house and DD warmed her till she dried. I stuck her under the mom last night but this AM she was left behind in the coop. So DD brings her back in the house this AM. When I took the little thing out and tried to give her back to the mom they all attacked her so now she is alone in a bin. Any ideas. I want to go south for a while and don't want to leave DW with chicks to take care of. How do you manage to keep other birds from laying another egg in there? Plus successfully hatch so many. Out of four this last one got two and abandoned the third. I tossed the fourth.
My secret............... ................wait for it........................................................, Sumatra's

Mama left one behind as well that was pipped. I stuck it in the bator and hatched it, gave it to her. It couldn't keep up with her and the others, so I put it in a box with a light. Bottom line, Mama knew best, it died. She knew it wouldn't make it and let it be. Seen it before many many times.

If the nest is in the main coop you don't keep others from laying in it. Or the broody's from stealing eggs. You just mark them and pull out the new eggs daily.

This is my largest broody hatch ever. one of Mama's broods last year was 9, so this is her new record. Most of my girls hatch out 5 or 6 at most. I wouldn't trust any of my other hens to care for this many chicks. But Mama knows what she is doing, so I don't worry about her.
Java - for heavens sake please use sun screen. Skin cancer is #1. I am sorry about your doe and completely understand. Glad you had a good time just the same. How do you manage with all the assortment? I love the ducks but I know better than to even go there. People ask how many chickens I have and I just make up an number. I just don't know how many and I'm to afraid to count them. I know I'd be the same with ducks. I wish you good luck.

Stony - What is your secret. I have a broody that hatched two and left one to hatch alone. I brought it in the house and DD warmed her till she dried. I stuck her under the mom last night but this AM she was left behind in the coop. So DD brings her back in the house this AM. When I took the little thing out and tried to give her back to the mom they all attacked her so now she is alone in a bin. Any ideas. I want to go south for a while and don't want to leave DW with chicks to take care of. How do you manage to keep other birds from laying another egg in there? Plus successfully hatch so many. Out of four this last one got two and abandoned the third. I tossed the fourth.

FYI to everyone here. I posted two chicks on CL for $1 each but if anyone on here wants them they can have them free. They need to go. One is a birchen marans/del and the other is an orp I believe.

Something else now. I have a hen laying in the crook of a tree. How do I get her to stop. What's more I've got BR's and the eggs are down. Where outside to they usually lay eggs. These girls are too young to not be laying.

Now Pharm - I hope all goes well with your gall bladder. Doc wanted to take mine out years ago but I didn't have it done. Things seem ok though. Except if I over do the fatty foods. I'm just a big chicken when it comes to surgery. I'm sure you'll be fine. These days it's a piece of cake.
Can you put something in the crook of the tree? Big enough that she can't get in there?

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