NY chicken lover!!!!

Hi Angie and welcome! What kinds of chickens do you have and how many?

Okay...so I look outside this morning before I leave and what do I see? 8 escapees. Really??? So I go stomping outside and chase them around the run/coop, trying to catch them and find out where they got out. Turns out they escaped throught the little space that dh left himself to get into and out of the run. The netting had gotten moved along with the boards. So I fix it all up (sweating bullets by now and I have to go get pre-op tests done) and then manage to grab 6 and shove them back into the run, squawking their heads off. I couldnt catch the roo or the pullet that was left so I said the heck with it. If you arent eaten by the time I get back, I guess its all good. Well, I got back and they were still here. I let out the laying hens cause they are good girls and can take care of themselves. The two terrorists are not thrilled that they are out and the first thing the girls did was go over and make sure those two knew what the deal was. Its hotter than hades outside. My silkies are confined as the heat is bad for them and they are in shade. At least there is a breeze blowing.

I hope everyones cheeps are making out alright in this weather. I will say the terrorists (aka rir;s) certainly are taking it all in stride. Doesnt seem to be bothering them at all.
Everyone keeps talking about this heat, I guess I have enough shade in my yard that the chickens are doing alright. they go into the woods along the yard and hide out in there and under the bushes where the dirt/ground are cool. I can take the heat, its this wind! Anyone else getting it?!? It's like a dry hurricane out there!

Night number two with the bricks and new locks last night - again, just a small hole on the side of the brick. this raccoon is definitely giving up. (For now) No more scratches on the coop either. My husband made a good point the other night. We didn't have any raccoon problems until I started making him turn off the side porch lights at night. I never understood why he left them on all night. It's not like he was coming home late, or we were expecting anyone late at night, so I figured it's 10pm, we're going to bed, turn off the lights! Well thats when our trash would get knocked over, I'd wake up to garbage all over the porch and in my lawn, and then the digging around the coop. We've gone back to leaving the porch light on at night - I'm not saying it's working or not working, just want to give my husband the benefit of the doubt. We'll see what happens.
Hi Angie,

This is a great group; they even let Pennsylvanians in!

Lynzi777...After reading your comments about the side porch lights, I might change from an as yet uninstalled motion-triggered light to an always-on light like yours. Keep us posted on how that works out for you.

Here at my cabin in Penna, it's 82 outside, 82 inside, and 60% humidity. The cabin is completely shaded by about 2 PM, so that helps keep the temp down, as well as being at 1450 feet elevation.

Hope everyone and their chickens/ducks/critters are doing well...relief is coming.

My chickens are ok but I have a few panters. It's 92 here, so the big fatties suffer. Had to work today, naturally, but they all have new cold water and frozen fruit (once I got home). They did MUCH better when I was able to free range them, but now I have to keep them cooped. More fencing is on the way!

Hey, if anyone would be interested in buying some electric netting, I MAY have bought one piece in error. We'll see after this weekend. Hubby wanted one more long piece and one short - I think we will end up needing two long pieces. Costs too much to return it, so if anyone needs an 82 foot electric fence with double spikes let me know just in case. Would be around $125 (less than what they charge).

I had a premonition - was supposed to get eggs today from rebel and somehow I just KNEW that even though I called something would get mixed up and they'd drop them off right in the sun. So I left my garage open, and sure enough, there they were. Out of the sun, thankfully. They NEVER forget to call me on an egg delivery, but I guess these didn't look 'eggy' enough. Ah well, hope they hatch. :)

ETA: Awww, I'm bummed. Most of the eggs were broken. Never gotten broken eggs before and these were expensive for me. Ah well. I patched up some of them and hopefully I can salvage a few. Was so hoping for a white egg layer or two to replace my old girls.
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I'm not worried about the chickens. They will survive. I am worried about me. I think I am 10 pounds lighter and a couple inches shorter, cuz I am melting.

My broody that got attacked by the coon is still alive, swelling is down and she is moving around once in a while. But get this. She is SITTING AGAIN, on golf balls. What am I doing to do with her? I can't break her brood and she is sooooo thin, you can see her ribs through her feathers.

Edited to say: Ray has the solution to her broodiness. Give her a couple of eggs that the big broody is sitting on that are scheduled to hatch our first day back from vacation. Sometimes I rememeber why I love that man.
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I'm not worried about the chickens. They will survive. I am worried about me. I think I am 10 pounds lighter and a couple inches shorter, cuz I am melting.

My broody that got attacked by the coon is still alive, swelling is down and she is moving around once in a while. But get this. She is SITTING AGAIN, on golf balls. What am I doing to do with her? I can't break her brood and she is sooooo thin, you can see her ribs through her feathers.
Aww, I wish she woulda taken the chicks I gave you! I thought I'd be hatching again in a few weeks, but now with my broken eggs it seems unlikely. You think maybe a different kind of surrogate chick would work? Little orange bantam chicks? :)

How is her eye?

I usually let the chickens out each evening to sit with them while they fuss around but it's still over 90 out there. I don't wanna sit outside with them! I'm a bad chicken mommy but I don't wanna /pout.
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Edited to say: Ray has the solution to her broodiness. Give her a couple of eggs that the big broody is sitting on that are scheduled to hatch our first day back from vacation. Sometimes I rememeber why I love that man.
Good idea. I did something like that - I incubated the eggs until day 18, then gave them to the hens. Might work!

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