NY chicken lover!!!!

Stoney your are lucky to have easy shavings.

Henni - I've got broodies comming out my ears. I tossed the RIR hen off the nest again and I found a Lav orp in there today. It got so hot in the hoop coop over 100 today I wonder if any of her eggs will hatch. I've tossed all but six. I have another BM on six eggs. The others didn't make good mothers but may have done better if they had a separate place to raise chicks.

Sorry Tab - but I hate snow and will take 90's any day of the year. With food prices they way they are I need my garden more than ever. Though the chickens don't like the heat.
you have broody's coming out your ears? I currently have 8 broody's on eggs.

I'm with you on hot weather. Winter sucks. Winter is a lot of work. It is easier to cool off than stay warm. One thing I never complain about is it being hot out.
So at 630 this morning it was 77 with a heat index of 80. I know that Stoney and Rancher like this weather better than winter but I dont. My inside furnace runs hot and I have the fans going all winter long at my job (to the dismay of my coworkers). They usually come and stand close to me to get some of the heat that comes off me. I always feel like my blood is literally boiling in this kind of heat. I like winter as I stay much more comfortable. I;m weird, I know.

The roo whose pic I put up is one of the more respectful ones. Dh was grabbed by one of the other ones and he almost ended it right then and there. I have two who are grabby and aggressive and they will be going to freezer camp as soon as they put on more weight. The others are behaving themselves at this point and a couple of them allow me to pick them up. Neither Dh or I will tolerate an aggressive, disrespective roo who may be mean to the girls. We will be culling around september (unless one is really bad then it will be sooner) and are taking our time to make sure we keep the right ones. We are keeping 2 so if one gets killed or dies, we have a backup. I think thats a good ratio as we have 19 pullets. The goal is to have a self-sustaining flock now. All my egg waiting customers are counting the days till they get fresh eggs!

Stay cool everyone. I reserve the right to put a disclaimer on anything I post after tomorrow due to the influence of pain meds I will be on!!!
and another dead coon. That's 8 coons, 1 fox, 1 possum and 2 weasels killed this year so far. Never before have I killed so many predators in 1 year. And the year is young still.
Yah, I'm bummed about those white eggs but I salvaged a few. Even just two white pullets would be enough so we'll see. If that many were broken I don't have hopes for the few that made it, but you never know!

I have the weirdest broody ever! BOB (bigOrangeBroody) has chicks that are less than a week old and is being a proper broody, giving them food, walking them around, etc.. but she's STILL collecting up eggs to sit on! I have to reach under her every day to get the eggs she's managed to pilfer. She'll move nests even to one that has fresh eggs. Yikes!

And now I have another broody and one that is thinking about it. I don't need any more chickens in that coop! LOL. I am giving each one ONE chick and they had better be happy with that.

Everyone remind me when the big New Year's Day hatch comes along that I will regret participating since I'll be flooded with broodies in the spring and summer. :)
Lynzii - the BR's go into the woods and it makes me a nervous wreck. I know it's dry in some parts of my yard but where they are it's green and I need to mow it, so I know there's water under there somewhere.
We have the creek that runs down from the mountain so I'm thinking thats why they go in there. Funny, they're really moving stuff around in there and making it their own little paths in the forest. All the brush/tall plants/weeds are folded over into my yard. So you can clearly see them now when they're walking around in there.

Night #3 and I must say, I think the raccoon has officially given up! No traces of digging, scratching, etc. I'm a happy camper!
Whoo boy! Just found out I have bats in my belfry.. no, really!! :) Anyone have any know how on removing them from the attic? Pest guy says it's not a bad infestation and just to block off the holes in November. Pros and cons to this method? Plus, anyone know a handyman type who'd go up on the roof? =) (pest guy advises not to hire one of the 'pros' or I'll be severely overcharged).

Oh, and even though I am one of those types who is always freezing, I prefer cold. No bugs, no mold, no sweat. It's cooler so far today and I am loving it. :)

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