NY chicken lover!!!!

Congrats on the hatches, Happyhensny and Java Girl 2!!

Sorry for your loss, Tabs. It is always tough.

Stony, I think my total for the month of July was eight raccoons and two opossums.
Congrats on the hatches, Happyhensny and Java Girl 2!!

Sorry for your loss, Tabs. It is always tough.

Stony, I think my total for the month of July was eight raccoons and two opossums.
crazy year. My big month was June. It has slowed but not stopped since then. Since spring 10 coons, 1 possum, 1 red fox and 2 weasels.
crazy year. My big month was June. It has slowed but not stopped since then. Since spring 10 coons, 1 possum, 1 red fox and 2 weasels.
Thankfully I have had no preditor attacks, and the only concern has been circling hawks. Hopfully this continues. 10 Racoons in a month, holy moly batman!
Tabs - Sorry for you loss. Make sure you cover that hole with hardware cloth.

I've moved the broody maran hen to a solitary place and she seems to have taken. I gave her the three eggs she had and added 7 more today. I haven't checked but expect she tucked them under herself.

I don't like to hatch this late but these broodies are giving me fits. I have a Lav orp hen who is insistent. I hate to give her eggs since she is in the coop.

I also have a RIR hen who getting the crap beat out of her. Feathers everywhere. I don't know what the problem is and I don't know what to do with her. I suppose I could try to move her to the Del coop and see what happens.

This BR rooster has GOT TO GO! That blankity blank got me again this morning and I'm afraid I'll take his head off and that will be a waste of good meat. I can still feel the attack. He's another reason for hatching though these hens are not good layers, unless they are laying eggs somewhere other than the coop.

I may have to spend a good deal of time tomorrow looking for hidden nests.
My run is under several mature white oaks, so I'm sure that those little scavengers have eaten acorns and lived to cluck about it. They don't appear to like them particularly well (at least not whole ones), but I have no doubt that at least a few of them have gone down the hatch. All the soaking is too labor-intensive for my tastes - maybe try giving them some crushed ones that haven't been soaked and see how they do?
My run is under several mature white oaks, so I'm sure that those little scavengers have eaten acorns and lived to cluck about it. They don't appear to like them particularly well (at least not whole ones), but I have no doubt that at least a few of them have gone down the hatch. All the soaking is too labor-intensive for my tastes - maybe try giving them some crushed ones that haven't been soaked and see how they do?
that is the extent I would do
I found the missing egg. It was buried in the nest box. It was an early quitter, soooo, nothing lost there. (Or did it quit cuz it wasn't warm enough, being buried and all?)

Stony, when do Sumantras start laying? These girls are16 weeks. I want EGGS!!! Bunch of slackers down there in the coop. I only found 5 eggs today and 3 of them were from the bantams.

Now my chicken sitter didn't give them anything but layer feed and got 10 eggs a day. I wonder if all my "extra lovin' " is the problem? LOL Maybe I should lay off the treats. But they love them sooo much. And they are healthy treats. Fruit, cooked eggs, rice leftovers....not one piece of candy ....I didn't worm this spring and they eat a LOT of earthworms and pill bugs, so that is on my "to do" list for Sunday. Then I 'll see if they start laying again. I mean, really, 5 eggs from 20 potential layers? That's nuts. (No signs of egg eating unless they are cleaning it up really really well).
Hello all,

I just wanted to take a moment to say hello from Dutchess County, NY. I am a total newbie, and was happy to see so many posts on the New York Thread! Hope you all don't mind a newbie in the group, who asks a few silly questions from time to time. I have a small flock of 10 girls who will be 10 days old tomorrow. Loving watching them and learning as I go along, hope you are all well.

Hello all,

I just wanted to take a moment to say hello from Dutchess County, NY. I am a total newbie, and was happy to see so many posts on the New York Thread! Hope you all don't mind a newbie in the group, who asks a few silly questions from time to time. I have a small flock of 10 girls who will be 10 days old tomorrow. Loving watching them and learning as I go along, hope you are all well.

welcome MB!! Ask away!! We have a great bunch of people here offering differing opinions respectfully, so you can choose your own way to raise your chickens. Join us at our NYCE(New York Chicken Entertainment) party! The link is in Cass' signature line a post above your original post, on this thread.

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