NYCE meet up (New York Chicken Enjoyment)

Is anyone interested in coming in on Sat and camping. I will make sure I have an area clear. We can do a campfire, drinks, ect. Any and all are welcome to join us.

HA!!! i took Monday off. marilyn and I are sharing a hotel room Sunday;( I hope...cross your fingers nothing big pops up!!

hey Travis are you guys still looking for BLRWs...
I can't come, but if anyone wants to get some birds from me, I can bring them over since I'm only 10 minutes away.
I have started birds in Marans, Coronations, Blrws & Silver laced Wyandottes (a hen & pullet). Maybe a few Silkies.

Contact me at: [email protected]
Well I just talked with DW and she says she's not into chickens. So I may come alone. I'll let you know later.

I do have to say I wish it were a Saturday and not a Sunday but perhaps next time it will be. DW does have to work on Monday. Rome is not to far though.

I have some things for the auction and would consider hatching eggs if anyone is interested in something like that. By then I might have some chicks too. I have four broodies on eggs and a Sussex who just will not let up. All pure chicks of course.
HA!!! i took Monday off. marilyn and I are sharing a hotel room Sunday;( I hope...cross your fingers nothing big pops up!!
hey Travis are you guys still looking for BLRWs...
We were looking for a roo over winter, but now we have a few growing out to pick the best to keep for breeding. It seems like I hatched mostly roos this year. Right now we're not really looking. I can't wait we're going to have fun!
Rancher-- You could tell DW that it won't just be talk on chickens. We'll probably chit chat about whatever comes to mind. Gardens, books, home improvement........think of the possibilities! And then there will be food.
We did not have a porta potty last year.... Did anyone have a problem with bathroom facilities last gathering?

However, Tab, I don't know your water situation or where your bathroom is located. Annie's was on the first floor near back door....and she had city water (septic tank tho) Annie priced porta potty for weekend and it was going to be $110....which is exactly the amount the auction raised. So really, it's your call, knowing what you know about your situation.

CHINESE AUCTION PEOPLE!!! Start checking the sales, rounding up Christmas presents that just "weren't you", and thinking about hatching eggs, etc. Last year we had such a variety of things, it was wonderful. We had craft books, chicken books, food, chickens, hatching eggs, a rabbit and cage for it, hmm...what else? There was soooo much stuff, it was wonderful. Oh and a WINE basket...omg, that was gorgeous. And a Coffee basket. So, it's not just chicken's anything that people would be interested in winning....the goal is to raise some money to offset the costs the host family incur.

I'll keep a list on the gatherings thread of what people think that they are contributing so y'all know how much money to bring. Does anyone remember what I priced the tickets at last year? It seemed to be the right dollar amount and I am not sure what I sold them for.

I am sooo excited.


Where does the money for the tickets go?
DW says yes.

So where is the update on who's bringing what? We of course will bring something. Who's doing the cooking? I assume there will be a grill going? I'd be glad to grill. How many are set to come?

If I do bring chicks, I don't expect to bring them home again just so you know.

Unless something changes count us in.

Oh and where will those four dogs be?


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