NYCE meet up (New York Chicken Enjoyment)

The Marans are Birchens and will not be mutts. I only have two out of four hens laying right now. The other two are sitting on eggs. One thing about this is that I gave them non -maran eggs so I know which are the ones they are hatching and which to take away each day. The other two lay in the same nest.

Now when I hatch marans I'll put their eggs under a brown egg layer and that will let me know which to pull each day. The same will hold true for colored egg layers.

No Tab we haven't moved but we also have not unpacked or used everything we brought with us.
Not everything fits in this house.

I was at TSC and Dumor went up a dollar as did the corn. I may just show up with a car full of chickens. I don't know why I gave these girls eggs to hatch. I tossed my BO hen in with the Dels hoping it will break her.

I'm not surprised the hatcheries are offering free shipping. They can raise their prices but who can afford to keep chickens?. Or at least the number we'd like to keep?

I know there is a drought but don't folks plan for these years? There will always be good years and lean years and yet after all these years no one has figured out how to prepare for the bad years? What am I missing?

How dark are your marans eggs?
I hear you on the grow out part.  You have to keep them for some time to see if they are keepers or not. 

As for bring birds to sell , you could post their pics here and see if anyone is interested.  I drove for more than 3 hours once with 5 Dels in the car and the windows wide open.  They were real smelly but that's another story.   If there is a place to put them in the shade,  during the shindig they should be ok. 

I would but once a bird leaves my stays gone;(

Ill have to get photos I guess...Immight surrender a tolbunt pair for someone who is serious just to rid a roo? Idk its so hard!
Hey!!! Anyone going to Tabs that wants to sell a dehydrator?? One thats fairly new in great shape butntaking space up in your house??? Im looking into the excaliber ones....
OK, I am going to put this out there in case someone is interested - I have a Genesis 1588 Incubator WITH turner I am going to sell for $125 for both - that's a steal - I just put in a new motor for $70 a few months ago, so it's definitely working GREAT. I now am the proud owner of four incubators, so someone has to go.
PM and I will send pics and bring it with me.

I would but once a bird leaves my stays gone;(
Ill have to get photos I guess...Immight surrender a tolbunt pair for someone who is serious just to rid a roo? Idk its so hard!

How dark are your marans eggs?

I expect to put them in the Auction and it only takes one ticket for it to be gone.
That's why I'm only bringing pullets. Lord knows we all have plenty of roosters.

My marans eggs aren't as dark as I know others would like, but if they were darker I wouldn't be giving them away. Truthfully I know the BCM's lay dark eggs but you can never tell how dark a hens eggs will be until she lays it. Somedays they are darker than others.

I would rather have a hen lay more eggs that aren't tens on the darkness scale, than fewer that are. Hens that don't lay are renamed, "Chicken Pot Pie".
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We are not going to be able to come after all. Something came up that is very important for our family. Sorry I really wanted to meet some of you. Maybe next year.

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