NYCE meet up (New York Chicken Enjoyment)

It's getting close. I'm excited.
Any interest at all?

Sorry I got broodies everywhere. My BM just hatched four out of six. I've got a lav hen who has chicks peeping. And I've got three more hens sitting on eggs in the half hoop. Two are just on the floor in a corner, since there is only one nest box.

Plus I've got 8 roosters total.
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I understand...I have cockerels everywhere

Tabs and Travis. If you come up with a last minute need text me. I will bring chairs and easy up just on case. BUt can work on last minute stuff up until we hit the road.

As of right now I am only bringing one bird that is spoken for, so lots of room in the truck.

Can't wait
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I have to ask. I was thinking of bringing a couple of pullets ,one Del and one EE for the auction. These don't have long to go before they lay, Is anyone up for that?

I'd like not to transport birds if there is no interest.

I also have some chicks that I might bring. These will be still needing a brooder. Anyone interested in those for the auction? Del and EE's and it looks like a Lav orp that was just born today. I'll put them in a group of three or four so there will be no loners.

I also would bring hatching eggs. Two doz. Dels , EE's and a couple of Birchen Marans and Barred Rocks from Kathy's birds in MO. There will also be perhaps a BR/SlW cross since there are two slw's in with the BR's. I've also have a Lav orp hen who lays in the corner so I know hers will be splits at best.

I can bring a mix of hatching eggs that will include everything that is laid on Sat. It will include Dels , BM's BR's, Orps. Amer/EE's , BR/SLW cross and perhaps a frizzle.

Also I have some Jellies and Jams I've made.

Is anyone interested in these types of things, or should I refrain?
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Since we are offering up chickens.... I have 2 EE roos that can go if anyone wants them! Free! They are not showing any signs of getting past the jerk phase with the little hens, they don't bother the big girls. And with 7 roos to 10 hens, they have not made the final cut. Hubby said if I get rid of those 2, he would allow a couple Maran pullets to come home with us. I showed him Marquisella's avatar pic with the beautiful dark eggs, think it won him over. :D Otherwise, these 2 are heading the same place as the first EE. Survivor - Amish Paradise!

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