NYCE meet up (New York Chicken Enjoyment)

Got home safely, and brought my loot in. The wine basket is much appreciated! It is so clever, and there are roosters on the wine! The towels and cloths will make my other kitchen accessories look their age. Perhaps a bit of Pinot after the drive....and I may give the group in the back some watermelon...great to meet everyone.
Well we are home. Took care of the birds immediately and collected eggs. Lord have mercy I think one of my EE's is broody.
I can't stand it. I may just give her come BR eggs.
I've still got two other hens on eggs and the other maran still has one and I took her chicks and gave them to another hen with four in a broody pool.

Tab, Betsy said you have an impressive place. For a non animal lover she had a good time too. Thanks everyone. I too had a good time and it was nice to meet everyone.

Well take care everyone,

I just wanted to thank everyone for making the trip out. It was a nice visit with everyone. I appreciate all the help through the hostess chaos and everything turned out great!
My girls are out for the count, but it's no surprise because they were busy all day. I am hopefully going to be sleeping soon too.

Thanks again everyone
Got home safely, and brought my loot in. The wine basket is much appreciated! It is so clever, and there are roosters on the wine! The towels and cloths will make my other kitchen accessories look their age. Perhaps a bit of Pinot after the drive....and I may give the group in the back some watermelon...great to meet everyone.

That's Rex Goliath, the 47-pound rooster. I love their labels. Fortunately, they make good wine as well!
There's a wine and spirits store near me that has one of their posters in the front window. I may have to go in there and see if I can con them into selling it to me.

The three peepers are snug and warm in a brooder in the garage (they can listen to Alan work on his project Mustang). They rode home bundled up in a wrap I keep in the car, and slept the entire way. The two pullets are in the playroom half of the coop in their dog kennel so they can listen to the racket put up by the rest of those monsters. Finally, my broody Mrs. Beasley appears to be quite pleased to have a purpose in life. She's a big puffball of an Orpington, so she easily fit all dozen hatching eggs under her. One of her original kids tried to get in the box with her and was rewarded with a broody growl, which probably came as a shock to the spoiled thing.
I just wanted to thank everyone for making the trip out. It was a nice visit with everyone. I appreciate all the help through the hostess chaos and everything turned out great!
My girls are out for the count, but it's no surprise because they were busy all day. I am hopefully going to be sleeping soon too.

Thanks again everyone
Finally got Abby to eat - she ate a whole 6 chicken nuggets and a helping of cottage cheese! Makes up for the small handful of potato chips she had for lunch. She is still going, didn't sleep on the way home, but I took a short snooze. Time to get the little dirt ball in the tub and to bed. Abby too!
I just wanted to thank everyone for making the trip out. It was a nice visit with everyone. I appreciate all the help through the hostess chaos and everything turned out great!
My girls are out for the count, but it's no surprise because they were busy all day. I am hopefully going to be sleeping soon too.

Thanks again everyone

Thanks for having us! Your property is amazing - I'd love to have something like that someday.
I was the last to leave and am now safely home.

Only 4 eggs today. Grrrr...those freeloaders.

Neighbor was already home when I drove past, so I didn't have to walk over there to close her chickens in. My feet appriciated that a great deal.

It was so wonderful to meet everyone. I can't wait til next year to do it again.

Coasters are on the table and a beer is going to go on one of them as soon as it is cool. (Did I think to put one in the cooler on the way home? Noooo....oh well)
Finally got Abby to eat - she ate a whole 6 chicken nuggets and a helping of cottage cheese! Makes up for the small handful of potato chips she had for lunch. She is still going, didn't sleep on the way home, but I took a short snooze. Time to get the little dirt ball in the tub and to bed. Abby too!
I was the last to leave and am now safely home.

Only 4 eggs today. Grrrr...those freeloaders.

Neighbor was already home when I drove past, so I didn't have to walk over there to close her chickens in. My feet appriciated that a great deal.

It was so wonderful to meet everyone. I can't wait til next year to do it again.

Coasters are on the table and a beer is going to go on one of them as soon as it is cool. (Did I think to put one in the cooler on the way home? Noooo....oh well)

Home safe and sound, finally in. Had to deliver the silkies. Ginger and Ted are in love all ready. They were waiting by the chicken coop when I arrived. The birds have a good home! Are their any chicken enabler anonymous meeting around? I think I need to attend....

Clipped the new birds wings and transferred my old rooster along with the cockerels to the to the leghorn and americauna hoop house. The new birds are in a large wire crate to keep them separated. The rooster is making a horrible sound that sounds like crying. He is very upset to be taken away from his girls, but in a few weeks I have another breeder quality buckeye coming and he needs to move. Poor guy though.

Tab and Travis thanks for hosting a wonder get together. I enjoyed meeting new folks and reconnecting with those I have met before. What great day!!!

My stained glass is in the window, the pot holders in the drawer, grocery bags in the trunk and the cookie jar washed and awaiting cookies my husband is baking.

Good night all!!!

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