NYCE meet up (New York Chicken Enjoyment)

I got home in just shy of 4 hrs!!! Woo hoo !!!

It was great to meet everyone!!!! I had a great time:D Tabs and Travis THANK YOU!!!! I LOVE LOVE your jealous!!!!
Finally got Abby to eat - she ate a whole 6 chicken nuggets and a helping of cottage cheese! Makes up for the small handful of potato chips she had for lunch. She is still going, didn't sleep on the way home, but I took a short snooze. Time to get the little dirt ball in the tub and to bed. Abby too!
Did you manage to get her in the bath? I tried with mine and it didn't go over so well, cried at a pin drop. She was over tired, but I managed to wipe her down with a wash clothe. Hannah then settled down for bedtime with some mommy snuggles. Fiona didn't eat so well. I think I saw her eat only fruit and chips. She had woke up just before Hannah did and I got her ready for bed snuggled her up and she was out again.
Thanks, Tab & Travis - just go thome, had a great ime. I now have 4 dozen hatching eggs which my husband has no clue I brought home..........
When do you think he will notice the bator running?
Momma-- I had a piece of your cake last night and it was excellent!

I'm going to try a cupcake for breakfast. Ginny brought those. I did sample the frosting last night.
Well anyone who thought I looked ok without a cane yesterday needs to see me today. I've been up since 4:30. I've got the ice pack strapped to my back and have had it on my shoulder.
Chickens must wonder what happened that I let them out so early.

I have to go to the Fair today with Marty. He's 70 and I owe him. I gave him a gift certificate to NewComers funeral home for his birthday this year. (not a real one) It got a lot of laughs at his party.

Anyhow I'll take the cane like last year. We only go for the food and to people watch. For those who didn't hear the story, last year we both fell asleep for an hour or more in the Home Building. We were sitting watching some of the worst musicians in the state.

It's senior day and the first time I qualify and wouldn't you know it, I don't have my license. I left it at the apple farm as security that I wouldn't run off with blueberries. They're supposed to mail it back and it should have been here by now.
I won't do that again anywhere. They can keep their darn berries or apples or whatever.

DD has asked me to bring her chocolate covered bacon. I love chocolate and bacon but together? Yeah I'll probably like it.

Well thanks again Tabs and Trav.
Did you manage to get her in the bath? I tried with mine and it didn't go over so well, cried at a pin drop. She was over tired, but I managed to wipe her down with a wash clothe. Hannah then settled down for bedtime with some mommy snuggles. Fiona didn't eat so well. I think I saw her eat only fruit and chips. She had woke up just before Hannah did and I got her ready for bed snuggled her up and she was out again.
Oh yes, she got a bath. It is easy when we tell her she is dirty and needs to wash her boo boos. Think she got spider bites on the top of her one foot when running and playing outside barefoot on her little slide the day before. It is only one foot and they itch, several small red bumps, so rubbing benadryl cream on and keeping socks on to keep her from scratching the skin. Abby has gotten to the picky eater stage. She did eat some hot dog before she fell asleep yesterday. I dread mealtimes while she is home from daycare, never know if she will eat or not, so coming up with something besides chicken nuggets or buttered noodles is challenging. Daycare starts back up in 9 days....
Can I just say yesterday was a great time! Good food, cool chickens people what more could you ask for? My daughter is in love with the basket she won with the pink garden gloves and bodywash! She wore the gloves around the house all last night! (she finally colapsed at 8!) Thanks again everyone!
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