Obama Vegetable Garden


Waiting for Spring...
11 Years
Aug 22, 2008
I found this really interesting, apparently the Obama family will be growing a vegetable garden at the White House:


I am seriously thinking about writing them to tell them to get a couple of laying hens

Let's keep this clean.
Ohhhhhhhh man I have something to say but I would get banned so I'm walking away..........

Thanks for exercising your self-control. ~Lisa~​
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I think it's a great idea. Many people look to them as examples, and imo they are doing a good job. Some chickens would be ideal!
I'm glad to see that the first family is leading by example. Eating locally grown produce is a great step. Of course, I wish I had the White House staff available to do my weeding for me, too, but I think this is cool in any case. And the carpenter/beekeeper? Rock on! I'd like that, too!
I think this is wonderful, the Obama children can learn alot and the local school children are probably so excited. We started turning over our garden today, can't wait to get started. My husband divided it up into 3 gardens this year, my 2 youngest wanted thier own gardens to plant what they wanted this year.

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