Obsessed with cloves...


10 Years
May 11, 2013
I've given up trying to understand this duck. She keeps finding and eating cloves, I don't even know where she keeps getting them from, I can't find a single one and who the heck has cloves interspersed in the carpet? How does she keep FINDING them?!

I've been lucky in that I catch her and remove it before she can get it down, but I'm worried about toxicity. I can't find thing one online about ingesting cloves, just that clove OIL is safe as an air freshener but that's it. We're going in to work soon so I'll ask then, but I feel stupid not knowing. ._.
Yup! She keeps finding them on the mattress and carpet, but I don't even know the last time I kept whole cloves in the house. It's a head-scratcher for sure, but even more confusing is why she finds them so irresistible in the first place!
What about on a craft or flower arrangement type thing....You know, they use cloves and stick them into foam balls for decoration.....How funny!

Oh, what about potpourri? Do you have a bowl or something with potpourri and she's picking out the cloves? Or maybe you've got a bag of potpourri somewhere and she's found it.......

And what do you do about the chicken poo? Does she wear a diaper? :)
Yes, she is most definitely diaper-clad!

I don't have any kind of floral arrangement or potpourri, so beats the heck out of me how it got in my room! I just hope it's not toxic.
Gosh, isn't that something. I hope she doesn't eat any too. But you know, people stick them into hams and stuff on the holidays, so hopefully they're not poison.......

I'd love to see a pic of your diapered duck! LOL
I've given up trying to understand this duck. She keeps finding and eating cloves, I don't even know where she keeps getting them from, I can't find a single one and who the heck has cloves interspersed in the carpet? How does she keep FINDING them?!

I've been lucky in that I catch her and remove it before she can get it down, but I'm worried about toxicity. I can't find thing one online about ingesting cloves, just that clove OIL is safe as an air freshener but that's it. We're going in to work soon so I'll ask then, but I feel stupid not knowing. ._.
I had someone tell me that cloves kill Protozoa and if some ducks chickens have a parasite they will crave cloves
I think maybe ask the vet but possible she has protozoan infection (which is very common and they can get that from bugs etc ) and see if the bet recommends anything - to ensure the oils aren’t too high in dose if she eats the clove ?
But some places feed garlic and cloves to prevent parasites etc as well as pepitas apparently they prevent parasites too ?
I’d love to know what you find out about it all too 🙂

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