Octagon 20 A EX w/Pump vs. Suro 20 Pump included

I changed it to that just so that I could test how well the pump would hold up and the incubator would maintain the higher setting.

It's now back to the defaults and slowly coming down to 45% (factory)
I forgot to ask...

Does your "Egg Van" (The turner for others) click constantly. It's not horrible, but I want to make sure it's normal. If it is I guess I won't be keeping the incubator in my den where I had planned.
Yes, my turner clicked too. We loosened the screw on the side without the power cord and sprayed just a little WD40 on that joint. It is smooth as can be now. Also, glad to hear you set it to run at 65%! Mine was preset to 45 also so I wondered what was going on!
So.... what are you going to hatch???
I'll open it up before I use it and try to quiet it down a little too.

I played with the settings and tested it last night and all different temp and humidity levels. It seemed to respond quickly to any changes I made. Obviously I started at lower humidity and worked my way up since all the extra moisture would have made it difficult to lower the humidity quickly.

I'm not sure what's going in it first. I think we want some EEs, so I may be on the lookout for them. Since I'll be traveling home from CT on Labor Day (or the day after) I may put out a call to see if anyone has anything I can pick up along the way.

If that doesn't work I'm headed to Northern VT near the end of the month. So I can always try for local pickups then.

I need to start figuring out where all the new chicks will go. I have enough coop room for about 20 more full sized birds, but I'm hoping next spring there will be lots of demand for young chicks again.

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