October/Halloween Gift Swap - Names sent out

Yay! I'm glad you liked it! Umm we knew you had no corn holders b/c we love and even grow our own corn and don't have corn holders LOL Still don't even after buying some for the gift swap, it is something that always falls through the cracks
and I dont get it!!! I double wrapper the chocolates in case they melted, it's hot here so you never know!
I got my gift last week from Whispering Winds but have had camera issues with my phone. I got a pot holder/oven mit/kitchen towel set, with a rooster of course
, a key chain ( how did you know my truck key has been falling off the one I've been using for 10+ years???) and a star candle holder with some wonderful smelling ocean breeze tealights. Thank you!!
For me its just waiting to get paid so I can afford the $15-$20 shipping on 2 boxes. Who ever knew that a 15 year old boy could literally eat you out of house and home??
lol...thank goodness I do not have children, but I remember how hungry I would get in high school. I would be famished like I had not eaten in weeks. I remember waking up in the middle of the night starving, sitting down in the floor in front of the fridge with the door open and just eating anything that was in there. I have no idea how my parents afforded the grocery bills! Luckily, all my siblings were older and gone from home by then.
I beat you.

Oh goody!! More incentive to get to the PO ...

Oh and EVERYBODY beats me ...

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