October/Halloween Gift Swap - Names sent out

Hmmm .. I wonder which procrastinator YOU drew???
Hmmm .. I wonder which procrastinator YOU drew???


I apoligize it took me so long to post these pics. I am just thrilled with ALL of these lovely gifts. The candy is as wonderful as it looks! Hubby and I are on a diet so I froze it and we allow ourselves one piece on sundays! Thanks again Celtic!



2 pairs of spooky socks, 2 cute pot holders, 4 beautiful place mats, Painted rooster sign, Gorgeous coffee cup, metal Halloween sign and a cute candy corn statue.
Hmmm .. I wonder which procrastinator YOU drew???


I apoligize it took me so long to post these pics. I am just thrilled with ALL of these lovely gifts. The candy is as wonderful as it looks! Hubby and I are on a diet so I froze it and we allow ourselves one piece on sundays! Thanks again Celtic!



2 pairs of spooky socks, 2 cute pot holders, 4 beautiful place mats, Painted rooster sign, Gorgeous coffee cup, metal Halloween sign and a cute candy corn statue.

Great gifts, but if I may ask where did you find the coffee mug????
Tanya Proud of your WILL POWER! Sundays are a great day to indulge. You go girl.

I just love the socks, what a great gift! The mug is great too. Heck it all is great -- good shopping to your partner.
Nothing has arrived here yet, but maybe it will be there when I get home today. Something to look forward to! Have you received yours, suzyq?

I apoligize it took me so long to post these pics. I am just thrilled with ALL of these lovely gifts. The candy is as wonderful as it looks! Hubby and I are on a diet so I froze it and we allow ourselves one piece on sundays! Thanks again Celtic!



2 pairs of spooky socks, 2 cute pot holders, 4 beautiful place mats, Painted rooster sign, Gorgeous coffee cup, metal Halloween sign and a cute candy corn statue.

Great gifts, but if I may ask where did you find the coffee mug????

I am not for sure, but I think it may have had part of a Ross,s tag left on it. I like it too

Good morning Robin
My Mom had holiday socks for every possible holiday oh and sweatshirts too. When she passed away I thought I would never wear them and just packed them away. Now, almost 10 year later I wish I knew were they were! However it appears I may be starting my own collection
I got my stuff last night! Yay! I took pics .. it was very Halloweeny .. I'll post later .. deb

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