October/Halloween Gift Swap - Names sent out

I did! I did! It came Wednesday or Thursday and I had already left to go out of town for a long weekend. I got some spooky eyes that suction cup to a window and light up, some Indian corn and some pumpkin peeps.
I actualy had to hide these from my stepson or he would have eaten them all at once. Thank you EHaus and I'm so sorry for the delay in posting.

ETA: I see where you posted it came on the 25th. Hmmm. I'm going to have to ask my household members who picked it up and forgot to tell me about it until I had left

YAY! I'm glad you got it!
I'm not a gift-hoarder...even though my mom is. Wonder why that didn't get passed on to me...
i have been swapping since I joined the BYC and I have only had one time that I didnt get a gift back (last month). It was a first time swapper and I don't know what to think about that. However, sometimes some of us have a lot going on and are late. There are many of us that do this every month though and we LOVE to do it. It is more fun to shop for others than to recieve but it always SUCKS if you don't get one back. Dont let one swap leave a nasty taste in your mouth. I am sure your gifts will make it to you soon.

PS Still waiting for one of mine.
I noticed as well that Suzyq has not posted. She was my partner and should have gotten her gift several days ago. Maybe we will hear from her soon. Then again, maybe the mail is screwed up because it is NOV and still no gift received here.
Ok, I am being very, very patient really I am. Could I at least get a hint on where my package will be coming from just so I know that I will eventually get it. I don't mind waiting as long as I know it will eventually come. I am trying to decide whether or not to join the november swap. Knowing that I will eventually get my package will help with the decision. The post office hates me, lol. Between this and all the hatching eggs that I keep getting I am driving them nuts.
Your partner ( and also chicknducks) is suzyq53511. She is currently MIA. I will try getting ahold of her again. This is really not like her. I'm thinking something has happened. Will keep you posted.
I heard from suzyq on 10/15. I mailed her package on 10/19, but I have not heard from her that she received it. Nothing since 10/15. Hope everything is ok!

My package has not arrived yet, either, but let's be positive and assume they are all on the way!

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