October/Halloween Gift Swap - Names sent out

yeah suzy is an amazing swapper and she is a regular swapper. She is a great lady! I am with bockbock I think it sounds like something must be going on. I hope all is okay with her but it is very unlike her not to even be on the board so I am sorry that you havent heard anything but something important must be happening.
Still nothing here, so I don't guess I'll do anymore swaps. Takes all the fun out when people do not carry through and some do not receive anything.
I am so sorry this happened to you. It has happened to me twice in the past, not in any of Bock Bocks swaps though. Please don't let one person ruin it for you.
Me too. I never received this swap but I am hopeing that my partner is allright. Things happen. I understand. I am trying to take the high rd.
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Me too. I never received this swap but I am hopeing that my partner is allright. Things happen. I understand. I am trying to take the high rd.

I'm sorry you were left without too
I hope both of your partners are ok but a quick PM to you would have saved some hard feelings. I hope you give the swap another chance too.
Me too. I never received this swap but I am hopeing that my partner is allright. Things happen. I understand. I am trying to take the high rd.

I'm sorry you were left without too
I hope both of your partners are ok but a quick PM to you would have saved some hard feelings. I hope you give the swap another chance too.

This was my second swap and I will definatly do it again. I loved it the first time. But others have posted that my partner on this swap does a great job so as of now I am more concerned that nothing bad has happend. I am sure she will check in when she can. Thanks for the positive vibes. It is just hard to explain to a 6 and 8 yr old cause they picked and packed everthing we sent. But luckiy I have great kids who understand.
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I was sent a pm late last night and just got it, but it said your gift will go out today

Did this PM inclued me too because STILL NOTHING!!!!
I was sent a pm late last night and just got it, but it said your gift will go out today

Did this PM inclued me too because STILL NOTHING!!!!

A very loyal swapper and I have something in the works to make this up to you and elieugene, both of whom didn't get their gifts this month. So, give us a few days to get everything together and you should be receiving something. Still not totally sure what is going on with suzy but she has always had great gifts and been on time with them too. We will just give her the time she needs to get everything straightened out and hope she is able to join us again when the time is right.
That is very sweet of you guys. My children and I greatly appreciate it. I really hope that everything is ok with her. I did notice that her last post said something about sending out her swap gifts and then she didn't post again anywhere. Which makes me concerned that something not very good happened. I know that it wasn't just being dishonest because the people that do that have no issues with posting elsewhere. She has just dropped off the sight.

I still plan on doing some more swaps just can't afford it until after the holidays. I have sons birthday near Halloween, daughters near thanksgiving and then Christmas all in a row. To top it off my fiance got laid off for the winter 1 month early. I am still following the swaps now that I found them and can't wait to try again maybe in January or February.

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