Odd Behavior and Sound from my Ameraucana

My 3 EE's are at the bottom of the pecking order and very afraid of the others now that I have them all in the run together.

Opal is terrified...she spends a lot of time on the roosts and on one of the hutches. I put up a special waterer for her so she does not get too hot and dehydrated.

Ladyhawk pals around with the SLW and BR but still has not grown back the feathers pulled about a month ago before they went into the run. She runs constantly trying to get away from the Alpha hens/Sex Links and the 2nd in Command/BO's.

Sweet Checks was one that does the pecking but she is also one that they pick on so she is also running and hiding from the BO and Sex Links.
I've relocated the heavier birds to the other pen. The 6 EEs, 2 leghorns and the gentler roo are in one pen together and the 3 RIRs, 3 BSL, 2 BR and 2 GSL are all in another pen. She's still making that noise, but I think she'll calm down. The other EEs are easy going. The leghorns are too small and flighty to be a problem.

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