Odd behaviour


10 Years
Jun 5, 2014
I have three young 16 week old Pullets that I hatched and raised And they have now moved in with the main flock last week. When they come in the morning they have a look around they go straight down to a fallen down tree in there very large run and kinda just sit on the brNches sometime grooming sometimes just sitting there ?? Are they ok they are eating drinking and pooing fine.

Sounds like they are just adjusting. As long as they are eating, drinking, & pooing ok, then they are fine. Watch for any injuries, feather pecking. Otherwise, they are just establishing their pecking order.
You're welcome. Please keep us posted and let us know if you need any further help.
It may just be a place where they feel safe, it can be a bit stressful to integrate into the flock.

However, since they have just recently moved out with the flock something to keep in mind and be watchful for is coccidiosis. Keep Corid on hand and if anybody starts looking sleepy and fluffed up all the time start treatment asap.
Thanks they were outside in a neighbouring pen so and went outside fr very short periods of time when they were in they're brooder so cocci should not be a problem. :fl:fl
Thanks they were outside in a neighbouring pen so and went outside fr very short periods of time when they were in they're brooder so cocci should not be a problem. :fl:fl

Cocci is a problem and is in the soil. Chickens pick at everything including other chickens poop . General ill thrift , wings down and in some strains , blood traces in the poop are all signs to be watching for.

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