Jun 5, 2020 #1 P Pammarwen Hatching Jun 5, 2020 1 0 1 My white leghorn is approximately 5 months old. She is very relaxed and a bit clumsy. She closes her eyes and looks up and sometimes has an open beak with her tongue out. She is now ‘honking’ . Somebody guessed it was merricks disease?
My white leghorn is approximately 5 months old. She is very relaxed and a bit clumsy. She closes her eyes and looks up and sometimes has an open beak with her tongue out. She is now ‘honking’ . Somebody guessed it was merricks disease?
Jun 6, 2020 #2 casportpony 🦚🦆🦃🐔 BYC Staff Project Manager Premium Feather Member 12 Years Jun 24, 2012 145,924 438,080 2,432 The Golden State Welcome to BYC! Can you post a video and pictures of her?