Odd Eggs from RSL


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 27, 2012
I have 2 red sex links from TSC, and both have been exceptional layers. 1 is still laying fine, but the other has had 2 odd eggs in the last 2 days---I'm assuming it is the same bird. They both are around 30-32 wks old. Today's egg is left, yesterday's egg is middle, and the other egg from today is right. Any reason to be worried? Both birds are still eating, drinking, and acting normal. They are fed Dumour Layer pellets or crumble-I alternate depending on availability. They also get corn for a treat, and free range for part of the day. We have not had any problems with soft egg shells, so I haven't been feeding any oyster/egg shells. Thanks,.

They only got the corn 2-3 times a week, but will start offering the oyster shells. Today's eggs were both normal, so hopefully just a fluke, or some kind of overnight stress(?). Thanks for your input!

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