Odd looking feathers on chick (could it be a frizzle?)


In the Brooder
Jan 18, 2016
Brisbane, Australia
I have a very broody pekin hen and this time, instead of fighting it, I went with it and bought her 4 one day old Belgian D’Uccles. She pecked them once, I stick them under her and she turned into an excellent mama straight away.

Anyway, one of the chicks was slower to grow and slept a lot more, enough to make me think that it could be one or two days younger. The little one is on the far right, so you can see how much smaller it is. They are a week old here.

The chicks are 2 weeks old today and the little one has odd looking feathers on the wings and is a good 3-4 days behind with the tail feather growth.

This is a photo of it today


The way the feathers are splayed out bothers me. It doesn’t look right. None of the other chicks looked like that at any stage.

I have been feeding them chick starter and water.

Is there something wrong with it?

I googled and searched the forums but I don’t know how to refer to such a condition so I’m not finding anything.

Thanks in advance for your help.
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I'm not familiar with this breed, but watch as it develops to make sure that its wings can support the feathers. Search the forum for angel wing, so you know what to look for. Angel wing is not common in chicks, so don't worry too much about it. My only concern is it looks like its feathers are developing bigger and faster than its body.

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