Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Phoenix had been exploring a little farther from her usual territory, exploring a compound that seemed to contain dragons. She was mostly just curious, and she knew it was much too risky to try to get in, or cause a jailbreak, or anything ridiculous like that.

But apparently, these psychos didn’t know that. Dragons descended from the mountains, attacking the compound, opening cages. Soon the air was filled with a cacophony of roars, hisses, and wingbeats. But the most intriguing part was, the rescuers were CloudWings.

The dragons seemed to be working in coordinated groups, diving in and attacking simultaneously. Soon the air was filled with escaping dragons.

Phoenix hung back, away from the chaos. Should I go get Corvus? She wondered. No way am I going down there alone.

Besides, humans were swarming out in droves, waving their fire-sticks.

Curiosity and anxiety warred in Phoenix’s head. If she went down there, she could be killed.

I can have King go back to search for that riverwing he freed after he takes Robin to the village, he’ll want to take it to The Grebes Nest. And maybe he’ll meet phoenix and Corvus?!
I can have King go back to search for that riverwing he freed after he takes Robin to the village, he’ll want to take it to The Grebes Nest. And maybe he’ll meet phoenix and Corvus?!
Sounds good to me. Let me fly Corvus over to where Phoenix is because she will definitely have a panic attack and die if strange dragons just- come up to her, and that's not good for the story haha
Where is she? Corvus wondered, winging his way over a tall mountaintop and drifting like a leaf on the way down, his wide black wings barely needing to flap. He scanned the landscape for Phoenix's distinctive golden-copper feathers. He knew she had been checking out a compound a few peaks away. He would look for her there.

Corvus had to admit he was curious too. Maybe there really was something interesting there.

Sure enough, as he neared the compound, he spotted Phoenix's copper feathers..... as well as what seemed to be a million other dragons.
He swooped down, his crest flattening to his neck with apprehension. "Phoenix!" he called.
The brightly colored dragon jumped at the sound of his voice, surprised flames shooting off her wings.
"What's going on??" Corvus inquired, looping up over Phoenix's head, riding the heat from her feathers. He looked out at the scene with narrowed eyes. Dozens of dragons were fleeing the compund, dragons of all kinds. Someone had freed them.
Phoenix twisted her head to look up at Corvus with wide blue eyes. "A group of CloudWings came and freed the dragons trapped here," she said, her talons twitching.

Corvus couldn't help the thrill of excitement that shivered along his wings. Dragons that were fighting back! His own kind, nonetheless. He hadn't seen other CloudWings in years. It had just been him and Phoenix, living in isolation.

"Phoenix, this is good!" he cried, flaring his wings to hover in place. "Finally, someone is willing to fight back! We should join them."

Phoenix fiddled with her claws. "What if they're dangerous? Or what if they don't accept us?" What if they don't accept me, is what she really meant.

Corvus flicked one wing. "It's worth the risk, isn't it?" he said, an edge of bitterness creeping into his voice.

"Is it?" Phoenix responded, her eyes narrowing slightly.

Corvus sighed. Phoenix was too cautious. She had to take risks sometimes...

Where is she? Corvus wondered, winging his way over a tall mountaintop and drifting like a leaf on the way down, his wide black wings barely needing to flap. He scanned the landscape for Phoenix's distinctive golden-copper feathers. He knew she had been checking out a compound a few peaks away. He would look for her there.

Corvus had to admit he was curious too. Maybe there really was something interesting there.

Sure enough, as he neared the compound, he spotted Phoenix's copper feathers..... as well as what seemed to be a million other dragons.
He swooped down, his crest flattening to his neck with apprehension. "Phoenix!" he called.
The brightly colored dragon jumped at the sound of his voice, surprised flames shooting off her wings.
"What's going on??" Corvus inquired, looping up over Phoenix's head, riding the heat from her feathers. He looked out at the scene with narrowed eyes. Dozens of dragons were fleeing the compund, dragons of all kinds. Someone had freed them.
Phoenix twisted her head to look up at Corvus with wide blue eyes. "A group of CloudWings came and freed the dragons trapped here," she said, her talons twitching.

Corvus couldn't help the thrill of excitement that shivered along his wings. Dragons that were fighting back! His own kind, nonetheless. He hadn't seen other CloudWings in years. It had just been him and Phoenix, living in isolation.

"Phoenix, this is good!" he cried, flaring his wings to hover in place. "Finally, someone is willing to fight back! We should join them."

Phoenix fiddled with her claws. "What if they're dangerous? Or what if they don't accept us?" What if they don't accept me, is what she really meant.

Corvus flicked one wing. "It's worth the risk, isn't it?" he said, an edge of bitterness creeping into his voice.

"Is it?" Phoenix responded, her eyes narrowing slightly.

Corvus sighed. Phoenix was too cautious. She had to take risks sometimes...
King cleared the mountains peak and soared into a beautiful valley of dark green trees and shimmering icey blue waters. Down in the middle of the lake sat an entire village filled with feathered dragons, the whole thing seemed to float on an island of branches and trees, like a huge floating nest. He flew down gracefully and set Robin near the hospital-like care center. “I’ll be back soon. There was a Riverwing trapped there I gotta go back for, send Heron after me if I’m not back by nightfall. You can find help around town, most anyone will be willing to show you the place.” He said kindly, nodding his head to the cloudwing and taking off.
He flew fairly hard, making good time to try and find the Riverwing as fast as possible.
King cleared the mountains peak and soared into a beautiful valley of dark green trees and shimmering icey blue waters. Down in the middle of the lake sat an entire village filled with feathered dragons, the whole thing seemed to float on an island of branches and trees, like a huge floating nest. He flew down gracefully and set Robin near the hospital-like care center. “I’ll be back soon. There was a Riverwing trapped there I gotta go back for, send Heron after me if I’m not back by nightfall. You can find help around town, most anyone will be willing to show you the place.” He said kindly, nodding his head to the cloudwing and taking off.
He flew fairly hard, making good time to try and find the Riverwing as fast as possible.
"Um, okay" Robin said, crawling into the care center, being met my nurses.
Where is she? Corvus wondered, winging his way over a tall mountaintop and drifting like a leaf on the way down, his wide black wings barely needing to flap. He scanned the landscape for Phoenix's distinctive golden-copper feathers. He knew she had been checking out a compound a few peaks away. He would look for her there.

Corvus had to admit he was curious too. Maybe there really was something interesting there.

Sure enough, as he neared the compound, he spotted Phoenix's copper feathers..... as well as what seemed to be a million other dragons.
He swooped down, his crest flattening to his neck with apprehension. "Phoenix!" he called.
The brightly colored dragon jumped at the sound of his voice, surprised flames shooting off her wings.
"What's going on??" Corvus inquired, looping up over Phoenix's head, riding the heat from her feathers. He looked out at the scene with narrowed eyes. Dozens of dragons were fleeing the compund, dragons of all kinds. Someone had freed them.
Phoenix twisted her head to look up at Corvus with wide blue eyes. "A group of CloudWings came and freed the dragons trapped here," she said, her talons twitching.

Corvus couldn't help the thrill of excitement that shivered along his wings. Dragons that were fighting back! His own kind, nonetheless. He hadn't seen other CloudWings in years. It had just been him and Phoenix, living in isolation.

"Phoenix, this is good!" he cried, flaring his wings to hover in place. "Finally, someone is willing to fight back! We should join them."

Phoenix fiddled with her claws. "What if they're dangerous? Or what if they don't accept us?" What if they don't accept me, is what she really meant.

Corvus flicked one wing. "It's worth the risk, isn't it?" he said, an edge of bitterness creeping into his voice.

"Is it?" Phoenix responded, her eyes narrowing slightly.

Corvus sighed. Phoenix was too cautious. She had to take risks sometimes...
King cleared the mountains peak and soared into a beautiful valley of dark green trees and shimmering icey blue waters. Down in the middle of the lake sat an entire village filled with feathered dragons, the whole thing seemed to float on an island of branches and trees, like a huge floating nest. He flew down gracefully and set Robin near the hospital-like care center. “I’ll be back soon. There was a Riverwing trapped there I gotta go back for, send Heron after me if I’m not back by nightfall. You can find help around town, most anyone will be willing to show you the place.” He said kindly, nodding his head to the cloudwing and taking off.
He flew fairly hard, making good time to try and find the Riverwing as fast as possible.
Robin is probably done until King comes back, so it's all you two now.
Sunspot’s eyes opened groggily, her eyelids seeming to weigh a hundred pounds. She was dimly aware of the sun on her back, and wind in her ears. Her wings felt like they were being ripped out, telling her she was being carried.

Suddenly she remembered. She’d been captured. A surge of involuntary panic rippled over her, but she found she could not move. Not yet.

She eventually gathered all of her strength and motivation and looked up, fully expecting a NightWing to be the one carrying her. But no, the scales flashing above her were silver.

Sunspot was relieved, really. Even if this odd silver dragon had malicious intentions, Sunspot could fight her off if need be. But not whilst drugged. She let her head drop again, and decided to just go with the flow.
Eclipse dunked her chakram into the crystal clear stream, letting the icy water wash over her talons and the wickedly curved blade. Crusted red flakes flowed off the metal as she scrubbed the dried blood away. The flight back to the tunnel wasn't necessarily far, but the heat from the sun and the lack of moister had dried the Nightwing's blood onto the blade faster than she'd excepted. She lifted it from the water and inspected it before plunging it back into the stream.
Her thought's wandered back to the Nightwing who'd escaped. She was pretty sure--no... she knew it was the same one. The horrible winged snake that had haunted her memories and her life for as long as she could remember. The root of all the pain and loss she had ever suffered. True, some of it may have been partially her fault. But at the start and source of it all, was that one Nightwing. That careless killer, manipulated by the puny hands of a human. An excuse to torment and murder innocent dragons.
Without realizing it, Eclipse began scrubbing the chakram more and more fiercely, until finally, her talon slipped against the blade, slicing across the side of her claw. She jerked it back with a loud hiss, before tossing the now clean blade across the mossy ground. She stuck her talon back into the icy water, watching the blood drift and curl through the stream like red smoke. The pain in her talon eased to a prickling sting as the cold water slid around her scales, numbing her claws. She stood there for a moment, one hand in the water, her tail lashing as she recalled the recent battle. Was it really a battle though? Most of the hunters hadn't even known what hit them, and only one remotely struck back--albeit, in vain.
The dragon lying on the mossy bank further upstream groaned faintly and shifted. Eclipse cocked her head toward her before turning and retrieving her chakram from where it lay in the grass and dropping it back into its sheath. She paced up the small rise and stopped beside the Solarwing.
"Hey," she growled, prodding the dragon sharply in the side with a claw. "I can't wait around all day for you to finish your nap. Wake up."
The dragon only groaned again. Eclipse hissed softly and stood back, her tail twitching in annoyance. She glanced down at the stream, and after pausing a moment, scooped a talon into the water and splashed it onto the dragon's face.
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King flew like the wind, Infact he rode the air currents almost the entire way there, before tucking his wings in and diving through the clouds. He slowed down as he came in sight of the compound. “Now where’s that lil Riverwing…” he asked himself, scanning the ground around the compound while staying hidden behind the trees, finally a movement in the brush caught his eye. A human never would’ve spotted it until up close, but from a higher vantage point and with better eyesight, King could make out the head of a dragon near a small mountain stream. “Your mums been lookin all over for you Bluegill.” He thought, half triumphantly and half annoyed. Bluegill had been warned SO many times not to go downstream as far as he had been, but of course he disobeyed. “Axolotl is gonna be overjoyed.” He thought.
He landed near him and ducked down low, hiding his bright feathers in the brush. “Bluegill! Over here!” King shouted with gritted teeth.
The Riverwing turned his head in surprise and his face lit up. “King! Oh thank the waters! You came! I saw you get me out but then I wasn’t sure if you were coming back, and now you are back and the was awful down there and the humans are awful and I wanna go home.” He said all at once, before tearing up and crying softly.
Poor kid…I know what he’s been through, and a heck of a lot more.” He thought.
Lets go, your mums been worried sick, and bluegill?” King said.
Yeah?” He said through sniffles.

Listen to your elders next time, I know it’s hard but it keeps us safe.” And with that king picked him up in his talons and began flying home, when just a ways off from where he was, he spotted two Cloudwings just sitting there in the not so well hidden pines.
What are they doing here? And why didn’t they obey my mission command….wait, they look new. Maybe ones we freed? But why stick around here? Time to investigate..” king started towards them, keeping a safe distance and staying hidden.

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