Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

After catching a lot more fish and leaving a large amount of it at the rehabilitation center, where the orphaned but rescued dragonets would be taken care of, King flew to the hatchery. His mind wouldn’t quit replaying the dream over and over again, bright flashes of light and the guilt he felt for cracking it. It had to stop.

The hatchery was filled with so many eggs that Chickadee, the head of hatchery, had to find herself a few helpers. Two younger cloudwings were attending to eggs and checking humidity and heat, all while chickadee oversaw them.
King walked in with a nervous chuckle, smiling at chickadee and quietly walking over. “Hey Dee, how’ve you been? How’s Osprey?” He asked in a whisper, noticing a few eggs wriggling around, a few with hairline cracks that were beginning to hatch.

“Oh I’m doing good, dear. Osprey not so much unfortunately.” The middle aged dragoness said sweetly, noticing kings face after she mentioned Osprey. “Oh he’s just grumpy, the Council won’t let him find an heir to leadership of The Grebes Nest Until he’s “incapable of doing the leading himself”. It’s ridiculous is what it is.” She said in a mock voice of the leader of council while crossing her eyes. It made king chuckle and have to shake his head.
“I hope he’s getting that figured out, do you happen to know where that egg i brought in is? From the compound beyond the mountains.” He asked, looking like he felt stupid for asking, which he kinda did.

Chickadee suddenly got a suspicious look on her face, then smiled and walked over to a room, it had a sort of glass window and King could see the cracked egg inside. It pulsed with light as he neared, then it began to fade.
“It’s yours isn’t it?” Chickadee said out of the blue, and King couldn’t help but bark a loud laugh. The noise made the egg glow brighter and king clamped a talon over his snout to stop himself. “What ever made you get that idea? Of course it isn’t mine! You think I’m a father? Haha!” He said in a loud whisper. He continued laughing quietly and chickadee gave him a questioning look. “Alright, alright. Suuure.” She said as she walked away and king continued laughing. He finally calmed himself down and turned to the egg, smiling at it. “ hello there little one, you doing ok? I hope that cracks not too troublesome.” He said, than shook himself, talking to an egg, he’d been in the sun too long.

King thought the egg might’ve been about to hatch, but as he waited longer and longer, it seemed determined to stay inside its shell. “Fine then little egg, you’ve bested me. I’m bored. I will see you later.” He said humorously, turning his nose up at the egg and walking away with a laugh. Chickadee was nowhere to be found so he let himself out, stretching his wings as soon as he exited the hatchery and allowing his eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight. He found himself wondering where Phoenix and Corvus were, wanting to know more about where they were from and how they’d lived all this time without ever hearing of The Nests.

Lol gahhh right as I finished writing mine you replied 🤦‍♂️😂
lol It's okay. I can still organize it fine, with the timelines. It just takes a little bit of thought. Like, "hmmm, this one is still relevant, but it's too long. But I don't wanna stick on in between that is too far in the future. Grrrrr, have to reorganize that whole part." ya know? lol
Eclipse dragged the other Lunarwing out of the tunnel, the hanging vines brushing against her wings as she stepped out into the rainforest. She dropped the dragon in the clearing, and then turned and limped slowly toward the stream, following it down the slope to the small pool that collected over the small muddy ledge. She stepped heavily into the water and thrust away from the bank pulling her talons up to her chest and spreading her wings, allowing herself to just float over the surface. Imperial had sunk closer to the horizon, and already, if she peered through the canopy hard enough, she could see the faintest light of dawn beginning to appear in the sky.
Sunspot had offered to watch while Eclipse rested, but she wasn't sure she trusted the Solarwing enough for that. But how in Pyrrhia was she going to make it across the continent in less than a day without any sleep?
I guess I don't have a choice, she thought with a long sigh. She stirred her wing to push her sideways so she could turn to see Sunspot.
"Wake me up at noon sharp," she said drifting toward the Solarwing. "Keep watch on the Lunarwing. If she wakes up, keep her calm until I can wake up and talk to her." the commanding note in her voice eased as she went on. "And please try to be quiet?" she said, more of a concern than an order.
Sunspot flicked one wing dismissively, heading back to where the captured LunarWing lay. She took a good long look at the silver dragon. There was a thin trickle of blood running from the fresh head wound she earned from Eclipse. The silver wings shimmered in the light.

The LunarWing's glow was flickering and feeble, but she would live, Sunspot reasoned. She settled down, flicking some sand onto the hostage's scales with her tail, chuckling.
In the half second before consciousness left her, there was almost a sense of gratefulness.
Sleep was sleep, even if it was going to result in a headache later.
Neoma’s mind went dark.
*a bit later after being dragged away and stuff*
Neoma’s eyes opened.
Sunlight softly fell through jade leaves.
It touched her scales and warmth spread through her. She was sitting in a pool of sunshine, and the sweet smells of warm soil and fresh foliage surrounded her.
In the background, she heard laughter, squeals, and rustling in the bushes.
Water burbled and tripped gaily over rocks in a creek, and birds twittered merrily in treetops.
The rustling was getting closer.
So was the laughter.
Neoma looked down.
Her talons were smaller.
She was smaller.
“OOF!” She huffed as she was bowled over. She landed on her back, and looked up to see two chortling faces above her;
One small with light blue eyes, the other with green…
Milza giggled.
“Got you! Told you we’d get her Kyler!” She leapt off of Neoma, and spun around, snapping at falling leaves.
Kyler stayed right next to Neoma, looking up at her with a bright gleam in his eyes.
Neoma stared down at him, knowing what was coming.
She had relived this hundreds- no- thousands of times.
Kyler laughed. He was only 10 years. His voice was still young, his talons small, his wings still not fully experienced.
And not quite enough to get away from anyone who wanted to hunt him down.
Neoma looked away from Kyler, hopelessly looking at Milza, who was still twirling in the trees. She was nearly 16. Strong and fast. Their protector now that their parents had died.
Protecting them, even from Darltrax when he gave angry glances at them.
What had happened to Milza to cause this?
Neoma glanced down at Kyler again.
A tear fell down her face.
She couldn’t do anything, helpless as she turned back to Milza and watched her face contort.
From a happy joyful smile to a dangerous stare.
Milza’s eyes darkened and took on a glint that Neoma had only seen aimed at Darltrax.
Slowly, Milza turned and stared straight through Neoma.
How Neoma wished she could stop what she knew was coming…
Milza was looking straight through her- at Kyler.

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