Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Angry Judgement Day GIF by Freedomists
It’s post #500 too! Wahahahahhaa! :lau
"Aha!" Sunrise suddenly shouted. She had been working on this for three days now, and had not slept a wink. This, was, in fact, a project the CloudWing had been dreaming on ever since her former queen banished her from the tribe. Sunrise looked at the scroll she had been writing and recited "Dragons shall not murder, Dragons shall not bear false witness against each other, Dragons shall not steal, Dragons shall not covet other's things, Dragons shall honor their agreements, Dragons shall labor for six days and rest on the seventh, Dragons shall love others like they love themselves." She collapsed onto the dirt floor, and slept.
After about five hours , Sunrise woke up, feeling extremely hungry . She quickly grabbed a mango from a pale green wicker basket and ate it, taking two more and eating them too. She needed to gather her strength and some supplies. After all, she was going to the rainforest, to try to persuade the queen to let her borrow some land. Just a little bit of an island off the coast. Big enough for a small group of dragons to live on, and no bigger. Hopefully, the one thing Sunrise’s mother had given her seven years before would be enough.
The Nest was beginning to come alive as the sun rose higher into the sky, Dragons everywhere doing all the daily tasks and chores, as well as dragonets playing in the streets, kicking a ball made of wound up branches and twigs. The Riverwings were fishing near the harbor and a few Cloudwings were coming in from their watchtowers on the mountians and switching with a pair of fresh eyes. King decided to walk around town and look for Corvus and Phoenix, he was still intrigued by her fire feathers and also wanted to make sure she wasn’t burning anything down. He’d made sure she and Corvus had slept in the mountain camp to avoid an unwanted fire in the Nest but had told them to come back after the sun was up. “I wonder where they are…and how they survived out there alone. Definitely not the greatest with their stealth for sure.” He thought, remembering how easy it was for him to sneak up to them near the compound.
Maybe just have Phoenix break away from Corvus, that’ll help at least, King could question her about where they were from and how they survived all that time alone
I just noticed this 😅 Anything I can do?
I don't have any ideas right now, Kiwi might though. You could jump in with your own character if you want, but I'm not sure where exactly (although if it gets the story back on a roll I am totally down). Have you read the rest of the story yet? It's kinda long lol, but it might help you find a place to rp
I don't have any ideas right now, Kiwi might though. You could jump in with your own character if you want, but I'm not sure where exactly (although if it gets the story back on a roll I am totally down). Have you read the rest of the story yet? It's kinda long lol, but it might help you find a place to rp
I've read 1/2 of it

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