Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Dred had watched quietly as Shrike had been let out of his cage, only to betray the humans trust and wreck his cars, which he thought was a dumb idea. If you were given a chance at trust why not take it? Of course, he wouldn’t trust anyone. Not after his only chance at a normal life with his siblings, who he barely remembered, was stolen away by the humans. He could still remember their faces, three others. It was hard picturing them as adults since his only memories of them were from when they were hatchlings. But it didn’t matter, this was his life and it wasn’t changing too soon for all he knew. A ruckus started up outside with a horde of nightwings and humans yelling but it quieted down after a while, that is until they all got back with a group of tranqed dragons. They were weird colors, one looking similar to the Champion Solarwing Sol. The other was kinda like them both, but lighter.
And then….then there were two silver dragoness’s. Lunarwings.
He could only barely see them all thru his cage and past the horde of Nightwings. Dred noticed the leader and a couple more Nightwings were gone, which was odd. And then Tobias came back, their new master. Dred was laying down with his head up looking at the scene outside. He turned as he heard the door open and his bright blue eyes locked into the human as he clutched his head and ground his teeth. “Shrike, you are an imbecile.”
(I can HEAR Drax saying this exact thing in my mind. Impressive, Josh, most impressive.)

Tobias plunked the code in, quickly peeking around the corner, his hand on his gun. "No. NO. DUDE. REALLY?" He half ran into the lot, then spun a full circle, biting his lip and puffing out his cheeks as he turned back to the cart and pushed it through the doorway.
The door closed behind him.
"Git off, Shrike." He demanded, sighing as he placed his soaking black gambler hat on one of the freezers, opening a second freezer and beginning to fill it with meat.
"Brought food." He announced, a bit bitterly. "And I have stuff for your scales, Kapok."
The freezer slammed shut.
He turned back to the three dragons a moment later, lugging a five gallon bucket and a few bags over to the MudWing and LeafWing.

(Josh, it's just Dred, Kapok, and Shrike in the lot at the moment. No other dragons or owners- maybe you knew that, your post sorta sounded like we are Invisioning two different areas. I think I explained it well when the dragons were first brought to the lot, but basically it's this giant space Tobias bought and never really uses, since her doesn't breed or collect dragons, he has few things in there as storage, but otherwise, it's basically empty.)
King looked from the shape that was Corvus, flying away, to Robin who had recovered from the tranq quite well and had just found his way to them. “Robin, no it’s fine!” He said kindly. “iiiii hope….” He added in his head. “I’m just teaching Phoenix here how to fish, it’s going…pretty well.” He said, Corvus still in the forefront of his mind. He turned to Phoenix, “You might wanna follow him, make sure he’s ok…tell him I’m sorry for making him worried about you. He obviously cares a lot.”
"I'm... Just gonna catch a fish" Robin said, hastily running farther down the lake.
The world came back slowly.
A soft buzzing sounded from somewhere nearby, almost too quiet to hear. While it wasn't exactly silent, the only noises were far off or faint. Sometimes, it was a soft clatter. Other times, a steady humming noise that came and went quickly. All of it faded in and out of existence in waves of half sleep.
Eclipse was aware first only of the white light trying to pierce her eyelids. It was followed shortly by a ringing in her ears, gradually growing louder. This eventually brought with it a throbbing headache, which worsened as the ringing increased. The combination of things began pulling her closer and closer to full consciousness and soon, she could feel the horribly uncomfortable vibrating reverberating slightly through her skull. All of it tugged at her still groggy mind and at the same time, left a terrible brain fog in its wake.
What really brought her back to the present though, was the resurfacing of the awful pain that engulfed nearly her entire body. She wondered, only half awake, what had happened that had resulted so unpleasantly, and as she forced her dragging mind closer to full consciousness, she tried unsuccessfully to remember. She remembered the Rainforest and the cave. The buzzing seemed more to her like the countless insects that dwelled there, and the hard floor beneath her could have been the stone ground of the rock cleft. As her brain slowly recollected itself, a somewhat conscious replay of the days before flowed through her mind.
Sunspot and the Nightwings came first, followed by her mostly uneventful trip through the strange tunnel. Going back to the desert and keeping watch while the Solarwing slept. She remembered flying through the stars and her mission to attack the Scorpion Den, only to be attacked by Neoma.
The more of the recount came, the faster it progressed, and Eclipse heaved a deep breath and shifted with a groan. The movement brought with it another wave of pain, and the buzzing in her head became more apparent. She lay there for a long moment before she opened her eyes.
Part of her still expected to see the pitch dark walls of the rainforest cave. Another part thought she would be on the cliff face, on the island in the middle of an indigo sea. But instead, sharp unnatural white light sliced her vision, making the pain in her head increase more. She groaned again and then opened her eyes more slowly this time. Her vision blurred as she fought to keep it focused. In front of her, iron bars ran parallel to each other, welded at the bottom to an iron floor and then to the metal roof above her. Beyond that, bland symmetrical buildings encircled the area. accompanied by large posts which held the blinding lights.
Three moons... what-
And then it all came back to her.
The human. The Nightwings. The battle.
She scrambled upright, panic bursting through her veins, bringing a surge of adrenaline with it. The movement made her head hurt even more and she fell sideways, landing against more iron bars. She looked up, her head swaying as she tried to find her bearings. Across the stone clearing, several other cages were set, most of them with dragons in them. In the one closest to her, she could make out the light reflecting off silver scales. She let her gaze travel across all the enclosures, still leaning against the bars of her own somewhat awkwardly. Further away, she could see the little shimmering golden shape of Sunspot, and on the complete other side of the area, a mass of blood red scales that she assumed was Helios. She didn't recognize any of the other dragons there. Most of them were shades of red, orange, and gold. There was one Seawing that she could see and another dragon that had solid white feathers, as well as two or more Nightwings and maybe even one Icewing. Although the last one could very well be a Rainwing, Cloudwing, or Seawing. It was hard to tell.
Eclipse slowly pushed herself off of the side of the cage, swaying slightly on her talons before sliding toward the edge of the small space. She was much more aware now of the buzzing in her skull and she reached up to feel her head. Her talon brushed against something hard and cold over her snout, and she immediately tried to grab ahold of it and tug it off. She felt the buzzing penetrate through her claws and down into her arm, taking some of the vibration off her head for a moment. She felt around the obnoxious clasp, trying to get her talons beneath it to pry it off, but it stayed put. Trying desperately to ignore the painful vibrating emanating from the band, she focused intently on the scales beneath her eyes and around her horns, urging her warping to appear, and soon, she could see the light reflecting off the silver liquid. But... was it just her, or was the buzzing getting worse? She closed her eyes and focused harder, imagining the liquid silver turning into two needle-thin blades. Maybe to pick the lock on the band, or break it all together. Then maybe the door.
Three moons that HURTS
Eclipse let out a muffled yelp of pain as the vibrating intensified to an almost electrical buzzing, making her headache throb harder. It was definitely getting worse. She clutched her head, ignoring the pain the best she could, and opened her eyes again, intently staring at the warping. Two needles, she thought fiercely. Two needles... two needles... come ON. The pain was unbearable now. The warping fizzed and trembled almost in sync with the vibrating. Eclipse watched dejectedly as the two globs of metal slowly sunk to the ground and dissolved into a fizzing mess.
She stood like that unmoving for a long moment. The vibrating slowly eased, but her headache remained--a stark reminder of what apparently happened when she tried to use her warping here. Eclipse felt for her weapons, unsurprised to find all of the pouches and sheaths missing. She let out a long discouraged breath and settled down onto the floor of the cage, staring up at the sky.
Sickly orange and white light spewed into the sky from the civilization beyond the ring of buildings. Most of the stars were gone, suffocated beneath the greedy, unnatural light that blurred the sky. Only a few brave lights showed timidly from behind the haze. But above it all, undaunted and immovable as ever, Imperial hung low in the sky. The moon's silver light was drowned by the humming white posts that circled the courtyard, and it seemed somewhat smaller now, further away.
And it was completely full.
Eclipse reached up out of habit to touch her silver neckband and froze. Her claws landed against empty scales.
Of course. She should have guessed. The band was priceless--pure silver embedded with perfectly shaped diamonds, and an onyx nearly the size of a small human's head. The greedy little creatures would have to be blind or flat-out stupid not to take and steal such a valuable piece.
And they call dragons treasure hoarders, she thought with a small growl. But despite her rage and hatred, she couldn't suppress a tear from running down the side of her face. She rested her chin on her talons with a long shuddery breath, staring at the starless sky, and the lonely moon that watched above it all. The sounds of the Scorpion Den echoed in the small courtyard and Eclipse lay there for a long moment before closing her eyes. Maybe, if she pretended hard enough, the sounds of the vehicles roaring by could be the crashing of waves. And the loud bright lights could be the sounds of mid-spring buds waking up to such a warm night. The iron floor beneath her could be the cool surface of a cliff stone, and her aches and pains were just a reminiscence of a battle she fought and won.
She folded her wings over her head, her mind curling inward into this safe little world. She wished it was real. She wished she had never turned back for Sunspot when the Nightwings came. Never confronted Helios. Never been attacked by Neoma. Never saved Sunspot. Never found the tunnel. As if somehow by wishing hard enough, it would all go away. But no wishing or pretending could let her ignore the absence of the cold soft scales that she could be feeling. The strong wings folding over her, protecting her, even when she didn't need it. A feeling she might never feel again.
And in the silent courtyard, certain no one else could hear, Eclipse tucked her head beneath her wings and cried.
Oohh, this is good. I typically enjoy dialogue, that usually how I pair actions, show feelings- but this is really, really good. Like, she has so many natural, relatable emotions. I literally write so much dialogue, I am rarely writing what my mc is thinking, which might actually be a bad thing, gosh, I think it's just a ✨style✨ though. But that's because in previous books, just paragraphs and paragraphs of stupid THINKING has driven me insane. But this- this does not drive me in sane. Kudos to writing readable brrrrain thoughts 🫡👏

Also- we'll sync up times later, right now for Tobias and the others, it's prolly 2pm. For y'all it's, like, the middle of the night or something. We'll sync up times later.

Since there's a big rally tonight in The Den, they'll probably want to show off the LunarWings... 😏😏 And I think they regularly auction off any new dragons before the games- that way we can keep it moving, no one's just sitting around.
Dred had watched quietly as Shrike had been let out of his cage, only to betray the humans trust and wreck his cars, which he thought was a dumb idea. If you were given a chance at trust why not take it? Of course, he wouldn’t trust anyone. Not after his only chance at a normal life with his siblings, who he barely remembered, was stolen away by the humans. He could still remember their faces, three others. It was hard picturing them as adults since his only memories of them were from when they were hatchlings. But it didn’t matter, this was his life and it wasn’t changing too soon for all he knew. A ruckus started up outside with a horde of nightwings and humans yelling but it quieted down after a while, that is until they all got back with a group of tranqed dragons. They were weird colors, one looking similar to the Champion Solarwing Sol. The other was kinda like them both, but lighter.
And then….then there were two silver dragoness’s. Lunarwings.
He could only barely see them all thru his cage and past the horde of Nightwings. Dred noticed the leader and a couple more Nightwings were gone, which was odd. And then Tobias came back, their new master. Dred was laying down with his head up looking at the scene outside. He turned as he heard the door open and his bright blue eyes locked into the human as he clutched his head and ground his teeth. “Shrike, you are an imbecile.”
(I can HEAR Drax saying this exact thing in my mind. Impressive, Josh, most impressive.)

Tobias plunked the code in, quickly peeking around the corner, his hand on his gun. "No. NO. DUDE. REALLY?" He half ran into the lot, then spun a full circle, biting his lip and puffing out his cheeks as he turned back to the cart and pushed it through the doorway.
The door closed behind him.
"Git off, Shrike." He demanded, sighing as he placed his soaking black gambler hat on one of the freezers, opening a second freezer and beginning to fill it with meat.
"Brought food." He announced, a bit bitterly. "And I have stuff for your scales, Kapok."
The freezer slammed shut.
He turned back to the three dragons a moment later, lugging a five gallon bucket and a few bags over to the MudWing and LeafWing.

(Josh, it's just Dred, Kapok, and Shrike in the lot at the moment. No other dragons or owners- maybe you knew that, your post sorta sounded like we are Invisioning two different areas. I think I explained it well when the dragons were first brought to the lot, but basically it's this giant space Tobias bought and never really uses, since her doesn't breed or collect dragons, he has few things in there as storage, but otherwise, it's basically empty.)
Shrike startled awake when the door thumped, then opened. He jumped casually off the car, which shuddered almost as if in relief.
“I’m sorry, who’s the one out of his cage again?” Shrike snapped at Dred as he stopped a few feet away from Tobias. His feathered tail swished tensely. “Took ya long enough.” He muttered at the man, then switched to Human. “How expensive is that?” He questioned, inspecting the meat from where he stood.
Shrike startled awake when the door thumped, then opened. He jumped casually off the car, which shuddered almost as if in relief.
“I’m sorry, who’s the one out of his cage again?” Shrike snapped at Dred as he stopped a few feet away from Tobias. His feathered tail swished tensely. “Took ya long enough.” He muttered at the man, then switched to Human. “How expensive is that?” He questioned, inspecting the meat from where he stood.
Tobias dropped the bucket beside Kapok, tearing through the netting around the meat. "Expensive? I dunno. Couple thousand. But this stuff is  nice. Got it from a pal of mine." He offered a piece of half thawed, cooked beef, reaching into the bag and tossing two other hunks of meat to the MudWing and Kapok.
Tobias dropped the bucket beside Kapok, tearing through the netting around the meat. "Expensive? I dunno. Couple thousand. But this stuff is  nice. Got it from a pal of mine." He offered a piece of half thawed, cooked beef, reaching into the bag and tossing two other hunks of meat to the MudWing and Kapok.
Shrike bit into the meat, eyeing Tobias. “What dragons do you..” he stopped, hating to say ‘own’ as he switched back to Dragon. “Have.” He said in English.
Shrike bit into the meat, eyeing Tobias. “What dragons do you..” he stopped, hating to say ‘own’ as he switched back to Dragon. “Have.” He said in English.
Tobias arched his brow. "Uhm.. you guys and.. and, uh, a SolarWing."
Tobias lugged the bucket beside him as he opened Kapok's cage, gently holding out his hand and offering more meat to the LeafWing.

(@Nicole Taber, when you're ready. We can continue Shrike and Tobias is you are available, Matty.)
(I can HEAR Drax saying this exact thing in my mind. Impressive, Josh, most impressive.)

Tobias plunked the code in, quickly peeking around the corner, his hand on his gun. "No. NO. DUDE. REALLY?" He half ran into the lot, then spun a full circle, biting his lip and puffing out his cheeks as he turned back to the cart and pushed it through the doorway.
The door closed behind him.
"Git off, Shrike." He demanded, sighing as he placed his soaking black gambler hat on one of the freezers, opening a second freezer and beginning to fill it with meat.
"Brought food." He announced, a bit bitterly. "And I have stuff for your scales, Kapok."
The freezer slammed shut.
He turned back to the three dragons a moment later, lugging a five gallon bucket and a few bags over to the MudWing and LeafWing.

(Josh, it's just Dred, Kapok, and Shrike in the lot at the moment. No other dragons or owners- maybe you knew that, your post sorta sounded like we are Invisioning two different areas. I think I explained it well when the dragons were first brought to the lot, but basically it's this giant space Tobias bought and never really uses, since her doesn't breed or collect dragons, he has few things in there as storage, but otherwise, it's basically empty.)
Oooooh whoops! lol ignore that part of my last rp section then!
Tobias dropped the bucket beside Kapok, tearing through the netting around the meat. "Expensive? I dunno. Couple thousand. But this stuff is  nice. Got it from a pal of mine." He offered a piece of half thawed, cooked beef, reaching into the bag and tossing two other hunks of meat to the MudWing and Kapok.
Dred took the piece of meat in his maw and tore it apart, gulping down large portions at once. It was much better then the all the way frozen, freezer burned or moldy food he was used to. After he was finished, he looked around his cage and realized he didn’t have even a drop of mud. That was the only kind thing his old owner had ever done for him, a small patch of mud now and then to help him heal after a ring fight or just to keep the dragonfleas away. “Hey, you.” He said loudly, Hoping to catch Tobias’s attention. “You have mud?”
Tobias arched his brow. "Uhm.. you guys and.. and, uh, a SolarWing."
Tobias lugged the bucket beside him as he opened Kapok's cage, gently holding out his hand and offering more meat to the LeafWing.

(@Nicole Taber, when you're ready. We can continue Shrike and Tobias is you are available, Matty.)
“Huh. What’s ‘is name?” Shrike asked absently.
Oooooh whoops! lol ignore that part of my last rp section then!

Dred took the piece of meat in his maw and tore it apart, gulping down large portions at once. It was much better then the all the way frozen, freezer burned or moldy food he was used to. After he was finished, he looked around his cage and realized he didn’t have even a drop of mud. That was the only kind thing his old owner had ever done for him, a small patch of mud now and then to help him heal after a ring fight or just to keep the dragonfleas away. “Hey, you.” He said loudly, Hoping to catch Tobias’s attention. “You have mud?”
“Does it.. looks like he has mud?” Shrike scoffed.
Tobias arched his brow. "Uhm.. you guys and.. and, uh, a SolarWing."
Tobias lugged the bucket beside him as he opened Kapok's cage, gently holding out his hand and offering more meat to the LeafWing.

(@Nicole Taber, when you're ready. We can continue Shrike and Tobias is you are available, Matty.)
Kapok snapped his jaws over the meat like a striking snake, then paused, staring up at the human. He slowly and gently took it from his hands despite his urgency before and quickly tore into it. He watched Shrike and the human converse for a moment, then stuck his head out of the cage, trying to nudge the scavenger gently out of the way.

@_-Captain BRM-_ I love your new pfp lol, that's like one of my favorite all-time Marvel scenes.

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