Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Eclipse inspected a claw casually. It felt good to finally have some control over her own free will for once.
"Rose helped me out with it," she said vaguely, carefully chipping some of the access dried blood off her wretched claw. She glanced between Sol and Bloodmoon.
"Wanna see what I can do with it?"

@_-Captain BRM-_ @Mary Poopins Love

SORRY, Sorry, sorry, sorry.
I had to sort and sell chicks at the town free store and get feed then I had a dentist app before I know, it's almost 4
"No." Tobias whirled around, his expression cold and serious. "No." He repeated sternly.
Sol winced, daring to glance at Eclipse.
"It's a lot of Rainwings for the most part," Eclipse said sarcastically and then laughed at the look on Sol's face. "It's actually bigger than I thought it would be. There were almost more humans than dragons. And there were a lot of different kinds of dragons I've never even seen before, I'm assuming they were hybrids." She folded one talon over the other gracefully and curled her tail against her side. "They have over a hundred transports for tonight to get dragons out. The leader--I don't remember his name--said that it was only half the original plan, but I think it will work anyway. A lot of teams are going to work mostly on getting others out, but a few are going to have to fight in the team rally to keep the majority of the humans in the Den distracted for the breakout."
She glanced around at the others. "I think Kapok, Dred, and Shrike would be best fighting in the team rally. Bloodmoon should probably come with me and a few others to help get dragons out, since we can't have him publically seen." She hesitated before turning to meet Sol's gaze.
"You'll probably have to be on some of the first transports out, since you're not exactly..."
Eclipse trailed off, unsure of how to finish the sentence.

@_-Captain BRM-_ @Blue Raptor @Mary Poopins Love @Crestcrazy2

Dred watched in silent anticipation as eclipse readied to use her warping. He wanted to see it in action soooo badly. But Mr. Tobias insisted she not, which made it anticlimactic. He watched all the others talk and sleep and have a life, wishing theyā€™d just escape already. Maybe his siblings were out there, waiting for him in some distant place.
Eclipse rolled her eyes, long and exaggerated then turned back to Sol.
"He's so paranoid it's embarrassing," she said, giving him another toothy smile.
"I think you are in no position to defy my authority." Tobias answered cooly. "You're in my lot, about to eat my food, with dragons whose safety is my responsibility. Don't use your warping, Eclipse."
"I think you are in no position to defy my authority." Tobias answered cooly. "You're in my lot, about to eat my food, with dragons whose safety is my responsibility. Don't use your warping, Eclipse."
Eclipse's eyes slit dangerously, and she leveled her gaze coldly on the human, the mood shifting dramatically.
"Any "authority" you think you have is entitled to you by whatever twisted feats humankind pretends makes them superior," she growled lowly. "I don't care what about this place belongs to you, my warping belongs to me and the heritage of my tribe." She flicked her tail dismissively and dropped her gaze back to her talons, scraping some loose sand from beneath a claw.
"But whatever," she muttered. "I'll save it. But not because I respond to your "authority"."
Crest continued clawing at his eyes trying to dislodge the sand from them. He almost had his eyes cleared when something slammed into him. The wind flew from his lungs and he hit the ground hard. His head smacked the ground and he felt the warm claws on him pinning him. But, they're not hot... He tried to regain his composure and think of what to do next when his ears were blasted out by an air shattering roar. Crest clenched his teeth in pain. The sound seemed to vibrate the very ground he was pinned against. The searing hot breath coated Crest's face and he felt his mind slowly slipping. No! The heat seemed to be draining him and everything had gone dull. He couldn't hear the crowd anymore. They were just dull noise. Nothing seemed to make sense.
Finally, he managed to blink the sand out of his eyes and light flooded them. Slowly, a blurry image came into view. He could hear his own breathing. In and out. He saw around him, lights. They seemed dull compared to the real sun. Wait, am I? He blinked several times. Blue seemed to tint his sight and he slipped back into black for a moment. In and out of consciousness. Finally, he seemed to catch his consciousness back and hold onto it. It felt like an eternity and he heard dull sounds all around him.
No! His mind screamed. Minami! His eyes bolted wide open and he made out a black silhouette on top of him. NO! He kicked up as hard as he could and sent the dragon flying. He felt the flesh underneath his talons and he grinned in satisfaction as he spun up, new strength in him. I shouldn't have this strength... he thought. Wait, I was.... He couldn't think now. A voice sounded behind him, clear as day. A shrill scream amongst the dulled noise.
He spun around to see a small blue dragon with scales that seemed to blend in with the sea. Behind her was a blood stained wall and his eyes went wide with horror. The look on her face was terrified and she fell to a crumpled heap on the ground. Tears streamed down her innocent face as her eyes stared into his. The sea blue eyes seemed to be calling his name. Screaming for him. Her protector. Her keeper.
Her brother.
Crest let out a gut wrenching roar. Tears began streaming down his face. He looked at her in terror and shock. His heartā€¦everything seemed to stop. He didnā€™t care that he was out of the water. He didnā€™t care that what was happening didnā€™t make any sense. He didnā€™t care that he may have been doing something else before this happenedā€¦something he couldnā€™t remember at this moment. All caring flew away and his eyes filled with a resolve and a lookā€¦and insane look. He spun around and glared at the figure in front of him. Baring his teeth as wide as they could go and letting his anger seep through his veins and every ounce of his body, he stared into the eyes of the dragon that looked like a nightwing trying to get up in front of him. The nightwing seemed rather large for an average one, and the scales seemed to give off a glow, an orange glow. Crest shoved the thoughts out of his mind and focused on the red eyes of this dragon. He glared deeply into them and let out his wings to their full length. Bracing himself, he growled as deeply and hatefully as he possibly could, ā€œIā€™M GONNA RIP YOU APART!!!!!ā€ he roared at him, his voice filled with pain and anger. He tore across the ground towards the glowing nightwing. He leapt, insanity in his eyes. Fierce and deep anger behind the aqua blue. He extended his claws in front and went for the dragon's throat. The speed behind his approach sent him flying towards the dragonā€™s exposed neck. Claws outstretched, he threw open his mouth for the finishing blow, not even caring about defense or being vulnerable to attacks. He was reckless and insaneā€¦
And he didnā€™t care one bit.
Helios felt fangs sink into his throat, he felt them pierce his scales and drive through his flesh with strength that the Seawing didnā€™t seem to have a moment ago, but now was full of.
If he had waited a moment longer to roll over and smash the dragon into the ground, he would have been dead, his throat crushed. But he hadn't waited, and the Seawing hit the ground with a loud thud. Helios immediately scrambled back, clutching his throat with his wing finger and watching Crest in disbelief, but as he looked into his eyes, the king realized it was like looking into nothingness.
Crest was gone. Insanity had taken over.

Lack of water had finally driven him to the end of his rope. Crest watched him with a bloodthirsty look, and Helios knew he wasnā€™t going to be faking it anymore.
Helios heated his left talon up until it was searing hot, then lifted it up and, balancing on one leg, he burned the wound shut. The fireproof scales didnā€™t react, but the blood began to boil and then burn, and the wound was closed together by the fire. It smelled of burning flesh. But he couldnā€™t keep losing blood. It was already smeared across his whole upper body and the amount that had drained from him in that little time had him concerned. ā€œThis isnā€™t your fault, Crest. I know itā€™s not youā€¦.itā€™s the humans.ā€ He said angrily, turning his gaze to the crowd, he spotted a young girl and made brief eye contact, his breathing shallow and ragged. Then his attention went back to the arena, Crest, the fight.
The Seawing lunged forward and so did he, at the last moment sweeping his wings together and creating a shield around himself, heat again wafting off of him. Even an insane dragon knew not to burn themselves.
Spongebob Squarepants Transition GIF by American School of Guatemala

(my brother encouraged this)
Helios felt fangs sink into his throat, he felt them pierce his scales and drive through his flesh with strength that the Seawing didnā€™t seem to have a moment ago, but now was full of.
If he had waited a moment longer to roll over and smash the dragon into the ground, he would have been dead, his throat crushed. But he hadn't waited, and the Seawing hit the ground with a loud thud. Helios immediately scrambled back, clutching his throat with his wing finger and watching Crest in disbelief, but as he looked into his eyes, the king realized it was like looking into nothingness.
Crest was gone. Insanity had taken over.

Lack of water had finally driven him to the end of his rope. Crest watched him with a bloodthirsty look, and Helios knew he wasnā€™t going to be faking it anymore.
Helios heated his left talon up until it was searing hot, then lifted it up and, balancing on one leg, he burned the wound shut. The fireproof scales didnā€™t react, but the blood began to boil and then burn, and the wound was closed together by the fire. It smelled of burning flesh. But he couldnā€™t keep losing blood. It was already smeared across his whole upper body and the amount that had drained from him in that little time had him concerned. ā€œThis isnā€™t your fault, Crest. I know itā€™s not youā€¦.itā€™s the humans.ā€ He said angrily, turning his gaze to the crowd, he spotted a young girl and made brief eye contact, his breathing shallow and ragged. Then his attention went back to the arena, Crest, the fight.
The Seawing lunged forward and so did he, at the last moment sweeping his wings together and creating a shield around himself, heat again wafting off of him. Even an insane dragon knew not to burn themselves.
Lynn was, quite honestly, horrified to by what she saw. She clenched her fists in her pockets and furrowed her brow as the fight intensified. The seawing bit the solarwing's throat, and she wanted to help those dragons so much. Call off the fight already! It was obvious who had won when bright red blood began to spill down the solarwing's neck. How did watching two creatures kill each other amuse people? She halfway wished that she never came to the Scorpion Den so that she wouldn't have to watch this. Lynn winced as the solarwing cauterized his own neck. The pain those dragons must be going through was almost unimaginable to her. She saw the dragon's mouth move then it looked at the crowd and it made eye contact with her. Not anyone else, just her. It was only for a second, but she shuddered from the tortured look in it's eyes. She wanted to do anything she could for those dragons so much. She'd never wanted to do anything in her life as much as she wanted to save those dragons. She just... didn't know anything she could do.

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