Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

"You're  son! Daaaang, bro, I didn't know he had an old man." Cinta rolled her eyes, catching herself sliding into Kal and Kassa's slang more than she preferred. But they weren't here. She'd just be have to be sure to lose it before she saw them again.
"I believe he's still at the first pitstop, which we should reach, like, prrretty dang soon."
Helios was too happy to care that she called him an old…..man?
It didn’t matter. He’d see Sol soon. They could finally return and to their kingdom and make it great once again!
“Thank you, so much cinta.” He said with a smile, beating his huge wings harder and flying g faster then before. He wanted to roar into the clouds and dive through them while breathing fire in every direction. But his joy would have to be contained if he didn’t want to seriously burn all the dragons around him, some with VERY flammable feathers.
Just a high dose of epinephrine and rhodiola plant. But take too my and you’ll be dead within the hour.” She cautioned, wincing as she made a dramatic gesture and disturbed the injured leg.
Ferrin frowned. He didn't see how epinephrine might have an affect the IceWings detrimental frost breath, and wasn't quite familiar enough with Rose's plant based methods to pin down exactly what might be causing it. He sat there for a good minute, his eyes on Rose's leg before he turned back to the cell, reaching for his bags.
Gables had Tobias propped up on his chest, Tobias' eyes closed, his head leaning against Gables' neck. Gables stared across the room looking quite exhausted.
Ferrin sighed, hesitating to stand as he studied the two young men. They looked as if they could be the same age, landing right around twenty-five, maybe. Gables skin was a deep smooth brown, very similar to Fracture's, Tobias' pale white, his thick brown hair falling in frosted waves around his forehead, cropped short at the sides. Both had a steady amount a facial hair prickling at their cheeks, the business of the last couple days evidently affecting them both. Gables' dreadlocks fell to his shoulders, Ferrin guessed, but they were always tied back, regardless of the occasion. He had never seen Gables wear his hair down, but he also hadn't built much of a relationship or spent much time with any of the rebellion members save Gongll, Monzy, and Rose- and Rose was only because of the serum.
Fracture caught his eye from across the room. "When arre we leaving?"
Ferrin stood quickly, dusting his suit off. "I'll be back once the Rally's started. Security is going to be high tonight."
"Is escape trruly possible?" Fracture half whispered.
Ferrin strode slowly to the cell door. "I have a plan."
He could feel Fracture's curiosity was almost immediate, though it was quickly abandoned by annoyance when he said nothing more, opening the door and exiting into the hallway.

(We can let more time pass or have a conversation, Ronald McDonald, but let's see where Yukiko and Taber take their little group. Maybe we'll run into them.)
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Austin waited patiently for Whitestar to finish. He kept his mouth shut as the stinging words came seething out from the mist-covered mouth. He turned away as Whitestar left towards the corner to calm himself down. Austin waved his hand dismissively in his direction and started towards more bodies.
I don't have a good excuse for hurting Alyssia like I did... His angry thoughts started flying through his head. His anger started to rise and he considered just turning them in and returning to his role as Austin the dragon hunter. Whitestar's words played through his mind again.
"But then again, what would you expect from a dragon hunter?" The line played over and over as he continued checking bodies, pretending like he didn't care what Whitestar had said. Of course that's what you would think of a dragon hunter.... If it wasn't for Alyssia, you all would already be in cages...or worse. She's the only reason I don't turn you over immediately.
He looked at Blackout, knowing that he would agree with what Whitestar had said. "Aw, c'mon Blackout. You know you would've done the exact same thing in my position if you had to." Leaving his comment that way, he continued down the hall towards the main room where the bullets and fighting had sounded, careful not to make too much sound as he got closer. He saw more and more people coming down the hall as Scorpion Den guards showed up to assess the situation.
Bodies were strewn all over the ground and Austin scanned for anyone he knew. He recognized several of the dragons and hunters laying lifeless on the ground now and his anger started to build more. Not that he had been super great friends with them, but the images brought back memories and anger along with it. And, this is why we treat those dragons the way we do...
Hunters were walking by either carrying or dragging wounded to the infirmary. One was being dragged by some hunters and he briefly caught a glimpse of the person being dragged. Blood stained his black shirt and Austin knew he'd seen him before.
I'm gonna wait for Lydia to do her part before I do Whitestar again.
Eclipse opened the first aid box again, pulling out the same materials she used for Shard. She glanced up at the Skywing dragoness as she approached.
"One moment, I just need to take care of this real quick," she paused, reforming the two thin warping blades again. "What specifically do you need attention to?"
This is so strange, Eclipse thought, dipping the blades into the painkiller salve. I'm not a healer, and yet here I am, speaking and acting like I am completely confident with what I am doing.
She stepped toward the Leafwing, carefully sliding the first needle-thin blade into the wound to pull the bullet out.
"What is your name?" She kept her voice quiet and calm, trying to sound as gentle as she was trying to be with the wound as she spoke to the Leafwing.
“Deathnettle. But I don’t see why it’s any of your business,” the LeafWing muttered, tensing as the needles entered his skin.
King immediately thanked the moons his feathers couldn’t physically show him blushing of embarrassment. “Oh well no he’s..- he’s not mine, of course. He’s a rescue from the compound we raided the other day.” He said with an embarrassed chuckle. “And….he’s a Lunarwing.”
“Oh,” Phoenix said again, peering at the silver dragonet with a new curiosity. “LunarWing… I wasn’t aware there was such thing. I guess I’ve just been living under a rock my whole life,” she laughed.
“Deathnettle. But I don’t see why it’s any of your business,” the LeafWing muttered, tensing as the needles entered his skin.
Eclipse rolled her eyes but didn't retaliate, focusing on her task.
"I'm Eclipse," she said casually. "Not because I want you to know, but it's easier to get someone's attention when you know their name."
The misshapen bullet clattered onto the floor and Eclipse let her warping blades dissolve, pressing a talon firmly against the wound to help stop the bleeding as the smeared the antibiotics on the strip of bandage she'd laid out.
She glanced up at the Skywing standing nearby as she wrapped the thick, white cloth around the Leafwings neck, trying to make it tight enough to stop the bleeding, but not so tight that it choked him.
"See? That wasn't completely unbearable was it?" She said sarcastically, stepping back from Deathnettle.
“Oh,” Phoenix said again, peering at the silver dragonet with a new curiosity. “LunarWing… I wasn’t aware there was such thing. I guess I’ve just been living under a rock my whole life,” she laughed.
(And this is the part where King has to say something super sweet and embarrassing to make her feel better)

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