Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

.... you're amazing
as soon as these games are over, i will totally come here to write!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH I CANT WAIT TO GET BACK IN THE SWING OF THINGS EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Yay. Yippee. How do you function like this every day oh my word yes whupee yay wow shazam wow yayy.

Nah, nah, I feel that. So hyped, so hyped, I shall avidly stalk the thread 🫡😏 tag me up when you post.
Steel stepped through the spot where a wall had previously been, blinking in the sunlight. Alora kept a hand on her neck, walking through and gently guiding her.
"It's alright, just keep moving forward...." Alora murmured softly, as people began staring at the silvery dragon and blue-haired girl stepping through.
"Where are we?" Steel responded, keeping her head low and avoiding the eyes.
"Pick up your head. Look people in the eyes, and stay expressionless. Don't appear broken. Show you're in control," Alora said, holding her own head high and shoulders back. She appeared relaxed and confident as whispers floated around them.
Steel took a deep breath and lifted her deep blue-purple eyes, gazing at the people around her. Her head rose as well, and she fixed an unconcerned expression on her face.
Alora stopped, and Steel followed her lead, looking up and around her. She was in an arena. They were in an area that looked like it was used for fighting.
A small dragon, staring at her in an arena like this one.
Whispers of a rebellion.

Steel shook her head, and her mind snapped out of cloudy memories. She swayed on her talons, and Alora looked at her, concerned.
"Steel...?" She muttered, a worried edge to her voice.
Steel closed her eyes tightly and focused on breathing. "I remember being somewhere like this and fighting.... I think."
"Ah. So you're that one..." Alora responded quietly. "Yeah, I watched you on the TV in my dad's lab... you put up an insane fight."
Steel looked at her out of the corner of her eyes but stayed silent. She would ask her more about that later.
"Now, we're in the arena. Time for us to practice flying. Fly then!" Alora commanded.
Steel glared at her. "Uh- do not tell me what to do."
Alora laughed. "I know, but I wanted to see what you'd do. You're the first Lunarwing I've interacted with in my 18 years... Gotta see how you'll act, right?"
Steel rolled her eyes but allowed herself a chuckle before spreading her wings and winking at the small girl. "You might not make it past these 18 years if you're not careful." She took off, leaving a small plume of dust in her wake and smirking inwardly as she heard the blue-haired human cough and respond with a loud "Really?!"
Aaaand maybe the last Nemo post??
Steel flew around the arena, ignoring the girl standing in the middle, watching her every move.
Questions swirled around in her head.
Trust her? Don't trust her?
She hissed at herself, and flapped her wings harder. She turned her body, so her stomach was brushing the rounded walls, and began flying hard. She was sideways, almost like a tornado.
This was not like normal flying, but strangely, she loved it. It allowed for her wings to go on autopilot while she thought. Out of the corner of her eyes, she focused through the blur and saw Alora pull out a book and sit down, pencil tucked behind her ear. The girl began sketching something.
Steel slowed down. She reached out her talons, and pushed off of the side of the walls, drifting to the ground behind the small figure and landing lightly.
She quietly approached, and peered over Alora's shoulder.
Her mouth opened in surprise.
It was her.
But- it wasn't.
It was grander.
Alora looked up from her drawing, and when she didn't see Steel, turned her head.
"Gah!" She yelped, jumping and dropping her book.
"Sorry- Sorry!" Steel said hurriedly, her warping quickly appearing and forming a disc that scooped up the precious book before it hit the ground. "I was just curious what was going on- what you were drawing."
Alora avoided the curious eyes as she accepted the book back from the offering disc.
"Don't worry about it." She muttered, her good mood gone.
"Alora- I'm sorry I- I wasn't trying to snoop..." Steel began, then stopped.
What was she doing?? Apologizing when she hadn't done anything wrong?
"Actually I'm not sorry. What were those sketches? They were really good, and I liked them. Why are you keeping them secret?"
Alora's head snapped up, and she stared at Steel. "Wait- you liked them?? My dad always said it was silly!" She blurted, and Steel blinked.
"Well he's dumb." She said bluntly. "They're awesome."
The human smiled slightly. "They're just illustrations for something bigger." She admitted, and as a tiny smile crept onto her face, Steel had the feeling the girl had wanted to say this for a while.
"What is it?" The dragon asked, sitting down in the middle of the arena and shifting so she was comfortable. Alora scooched closer, and leaned close to open her book.
Steel almost fell over. She saw pages and pages of hurried writing, and though it was messy and chaotic, it was filled with a sense of organization.
"See these crazy little spirals and stars in the corners? Yeah, I start to get distracted sometimes-"
"Shut up." Steel breathed. "Turn the pages."
Alora closed her mouth and silently flipped through.
There were incredible sketches of each of the different dragon tribes, and each one had almost more detail than even Steel knew of. Each scale was shaded delicately.
"I guess... maybe I'm writing a story. No, not maybe. I really am. This is just my thought-book." Alora said softly, leaning against Steel's side and staring at the open book in her hands.
Wordlessly, Steel shook her head.
"How is it that you replicated every shade of every color I've ever seen. How did you make them so vibrant, so- so- striking?" She asked quietly.
Alora shrugged.
"Humans are stupid. We ruin lands, we take over, we rampage, we destroy. But like every other creature, we create."
Steel moved her tail, wrapping it gently around the human and pulling her a little bit closer. She laid down a bit, and rested her chin on the arena floor. Her eyes closed slightly, as she listened to Alora speak in her delightfully smooth Dragon tongue.
"We create. We love. We inspire. Humans write to create worlds that can't be imagined, so that someone can imagine. I mean, think about the word 'imagine'."
Steel opened her eyes, and turned her head to look at the blue haired girl leaning against her silver scales.
"Imagine if a child read my story someday and was inspired." Alora said softly, looking into the distance.
Steel smiled almost imperceptibly.
She could think of an 'imagine' too.
Imagine a dragon and human understanding each other's hearts.
Steel flew around the arena, ignoring the girl standing in the middle, watching her every move.
Questions swirled around in her head.
Trust her? Don't trust her?
She hissed at herself, and flapped her wings harder. She turned her body, so her stomach was brushing the rounded walls, and began flying hard. She was sideways, almost like a tornado.
This was not like normal flying, but strangely, she loved it. It allowed for her wings to go on autopilot while she thought. Out of the corner of her eyes, she focused through the blur and saw Alora pull out a book and sit down, pencil tucked behind her ear. The girl began sketching something.
Steel slowed down. She reached out her talons, and pushed off of the side of the walls, drifting to the ground behind the small figure and landing lightly.
She quietly approached, and peered over Alora's shoulder.
Her mouth opened in surprise.
It was her.
But- it wasn't.
It was grander.
Alora looked up from her drawing, and when she didn't see Steel, turned her head.
"Gah!" She yelped, jumping and dropping her book.
"Sorry- Sorry!" Steel said hurriedly, her warping quickly appearing and forming a disc that scooped up the precious book before it hit the ground. "I was just curious what was going on- what you were drawing."
Alora avoided the curious eyes as she accepted the book back from the offering disc.
"Don't worry about it." She muttered, her good mood gone.
"Alora- I'm sorry I- I wasn't trying to snoop..." Steel began, then stopped.
What was she doing?? Apologizing when she hadn't done anything wrong?
"Actually I'm not sorry. What were those sketches? They were really good, and I liked them. Why are you keeping them secret?"
Alora's head snapped up, and she stared at Steel. "Wait- you liked them?? My dad always said it was silly!" She blurted, and Steel blinked.
"Well he's dumb." She said bluntly. "They're awesome."
The human smiled slightly. "They're just illustrations for something bigger." She admitted, and as a tiny smile crept onto her face, Steel had the feeling the girl had wanted to say this for a while.
"What is it?" The dragon asked, sitting down in the middle of the arena and shifting so she was comfortable. Alora scooched closer, and leaned close to open her book.
Steel almost fell over. She saw pages and pages of hurried writing, and though it was messy and chaotic, it was filled with a sense of organization.
"See these crazy little spirals and stars in the corners? Yeah, I start to get distracted sometimes-"
"Shut up." Steel breathed. "Turn the pages."
Alora closed her mouth and silently flipped through.
There were incredible sketches of each of the different dragon tribes, and each one had almost more detail than even Steel knew of. Each scale was shaded delicately.
"I guess... maybe I'm writing a story. No, not maybe. I really am. This is just my thought-book." Alora said softly, leaning against Steel's side and staring at the open book in her hands.
Wordlessly, Steel shook her head.
"How is it that you replicated every shade of every color I've ever seen. How did you make them so vibrant, so- so- striking?" She asked quietly.
Alora shrugged.
"Humans are stupid. We ruin lands, we take over, we rampage, we destroy. But like every other creature, we create."
Steel moved her tail, wrapping it gently around the human and pulling her a little bit closer. She laid down a bit, and rested her chin on the arena floor. Her eyes closed slightly, as she listened to Alora speak in her delightfully smooth Dragon tongue.
"We create. We love. We inspire. Humans write to create worlds that can't be imagined, so that someone can imagine. I mean, think about the word 'imagine'."
Steel opened her eyes, and turned her head to look at the blue haired girl leaning against her silver scales.
"Imagine if a child read my story someday and was inspired." Alora said softly, looking into the distance.
Steel smiled almost imperceptibly.
She could think of an 'imagine' too.
Imagine a dragon and human understanding each other's hearts.
AHHHHHHHH I LOVE IT. *flings a table through a window I LOVE THIS RP SO MYCH*
I literally had such a long freaking day, even though I loved the convention felt kinda burned out and then I was just gonna check the thing and saw Lydia posted and ngl, reading her piece kinda took a load of stress off my back.
I can’t write tonight, so freaking dead, I might not write till Monday but we’ll see
Is anyone else worried about @Mary Poopins Love or is that just my paranoia again?
Also, I am dying to write Whitestar’s part, so I’m super happy you are getting back into the swing of things Lydia
I kinda realized we all kinda go through a slow period and we don’t feel motivated to write, but then something about then RP pulls us back in and we realize how much of a relief it is. I’ll write a long speech about it later when I am back on my computer cause I can’t type on a phone to save my life
"I-I don't know," she replied, looking over her shoulder at the two. "But I'm going to make an executive decision and say that we aren't going to interfere. We don't want to cause more trouble."

@Blue Raptor
@Little Baby Bean
Calla glared at the SkyWing, opening her mouth to make a sassy remark. But when the LeafWing said that they should stay where they were, Calla looked at her without a glare. The LeafWing was right, she admitted to herself.
“I agree. You would have to be an idiot to willingly run into a fight.” She said with a slight grumble in her tone.

@Blue Raptor @SarcasticDrag0n (maybe Calla can eventually end up being friends with Hibiscus? Just in a long while.)
Here, guys? Guys- they could start moving towards the cavern. I think we'll have to leave for the next Checkpoint soon anyway. But anything to keep their part of the story going, I'm loving these interactions!
Here, guys? Guys- they could start moving towards the cavern. I think we'll have to leave for the next Checkpoint soon anyway. But anything to keep their part of the story going, I'm loving these interactions!
Hibiscus turned to the other dragons.
"I think we should go back," she said. "We aren't exactly useful. And besides, the humans were preparing to move to the next Checkpoint."

@Blue Raptor
@Little Baby Bean
I hate dragonets.

Was Sunspots primary thought as she watched Shard frolic, the tiny IceWing becoming tangled up in her own delicate wings and tripping onto her snout. The dragonet giggled, looking at Sunspot with clear blue eyes.

Sunspot tilted her head, looking at the gunshot wound that marred the dragonets scales. Dragonets were annoying, sure, but she couldn’t imagine someone being so heartless as to shoot one.

I wonder where Eclipse went.

It had been awhile. But Sunspot didn’t know anyone here she could dump the responsibility of Shard onto.

It seemed like the stay at the First Checkpoint was nearly over too. Would Eclipse and Sol make it back in time?
Kal led the group into the cavern, quickly moving to one of the small alcoves in the large, circular cave, where he gently lowered Tobias to the ground.
Jun was able to collect herself enough to assist the human, but tears still rolled down her nose as she worked, unable to shake the feeling of an overwhelming loss.
Tobias was grateful, but stubborn, continually denying whether something was painful or not, or completely ignoring her questions.
Jun suspected he was in shock.
Kassa stayed with Juniper and Tobias, assisting the violet RainWing where he could, but mostly there to support her. He knew nothing of medicine, and was glad to leave the job to Juniper.
He studied Tobias as Jun worked. The human was in immense pain, but awake enough to reject Jun's help and to insist in slurred words that he was really, truly fine, half-begging to be left alone.
Kassa held Tobias against the wall when Jun discovered the man's mutilated arm. Seeing the wound made Kassa anxious, and he couldn't shake his growing concern for Roe. What had happened to her? Why wasn't she with Tobias? He didn't doubt Juniper had the same thoughts in mind, but the determined look in her eye told Kassa that Tobias was the main focus at the moment.
Twenty minutes later, dragons slowly began to load into the transport trucks, and a few vehicles had already left by the time Jun had finished with Tobias. Kassa let the man sleep, staying loyally at his side as Jun left to help organize transport routes.

Maybe, @-Kiwi-, Sunspot could interact with Kass or something? Idk, up to yuh.

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