Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

"Suck it up." Vel snapped.
But her heart pounded.
They were in the middle OF THE FREAKING DESERT.
Where the HECK was she supposed to go, how the HECK was she supposed to save this dragon without medical supplies.
They needed to get back to the cavern. But the transports would have left by then, and the cave would have been emptied.
Stifling her anxious thoughts, Vel bit her tounge, replacing the CloudWing's talons with her own.
Veins could have been severed in the dragon's neck. He could be dying- he WAS dying -but Vel could be doing all of this in vain. Perhaps death was inevitable for the CloudWing. But she wouldn't give up.
Vel bore her full wait down on the wound, careful to be sure the dragon could breath. He was numb to the pain, his body now only twitching instinctively.
They needed fire.
Venom could cauterize, too. But it also ate away at the flesh, it bubbled and boiled and sought to kill. But so did fire.
Vel leaned down, nuding the CloudWing's jaw. "Hey. Hey."
He didn't respond.
What an idiot. A dying idiot she badly wanted to save, but an idiot all the same.
"Stay awake, CloudWing." She huffed in a quick breath, taking note of the unwelcome hysteria in her tone. "Hey. Look at me. Look at me."

(Did Vel spit the venom on his wound? Also, @Little Baby Bean, does Ajax have fire?)

Alicanto felt his eyes slide back, blinking weakly to try and refocus his gaze. He was numbly aware of what felt like something nudging his jawbone, his feathers shifting in the sand slightly as his head barely moved.
"Stay awake Cloudwing."
He could barely hear the voice. He blinked fiercely, the little bit of sound that penetrated the bubble of numb fogginess making him slide back toward consciousness slightly.
"Look at me."
He was looking at her. Sort of. It felt more like he was looking through her, his gaze unfocused. His head throbbed harder whenever he strained to keep his eyes from closing. His head felt light and he could swear the sand beneath him was tilting and shifting.
The weirdest thing was he felt like he was standing on the other side of the ever-present wall in his mind. He no longer felt like he was searching for something within the hidden space, only standing pointlessly and purposelessly inside.
He blinked harder again, the light from the sun behind the Rainwing slicing his vision like the lights in the Den. The black shade closing around the edges of his eyes felt like bars, pressing in around him, suffocating, restricting.
The voice of the Nightwing standing on the other side almost sounded scared, but she was trying to hide it.
He opened his eyes again, realizing they'd started to close.
Where was he?
He shifted his head away from the black dragon with another groan, trying to move his wing to hide his face. Something dragged at the feathers, forcing him to face the hunter, staring through pained, clouded eyes at the nightmare around him.
He forced his eyes open again, still blinking.
This isn't the Scorpion Den.
Why was there a Rainwing standing above him?
He shifted his head again, the pain pulling him back slightly.
Rainwing. Vel.
Why was she helping him? Or was she killing him? He couldn't tell.

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Little Baby Bean
(Same old, same old, Ali just dying. Gotta put some development in here though. Hopefully, Ajax has fire, otherwise idk how to save my boy)
“I don’t need your help,” Sunspot said, tipping her nose up. “But i suppose Shard can go with you if she wants.”

Stupid nosy SeaWing.
"I don't need your help," the solarwing shot back at him. "But I suppose Shard can go with you if she wants." The words stung Crest, but he wouldn't let it get to him. They don't need my help? No, they will eventually. Just be patient, Crest. His training as a soldier had taught him to respect dragonesses and so he bowed his head slightly and started to walk away. Always respect a dragoness or a human woman. Their chivalry code bounced through his head. Maybe it was a little old fashioned for this time, but if dragons wonder why the Sea Kingdom had stayed prosperous for this long, this was one of the reasons. The soldiers were expertly trained, not only in combat, but in logic and chivalry. Thus, creating soldiers who could think on their feet and who knew discipline and respect. Only those soldiers who embraced these traits would climb the ranks in the Sea Kingdom's army.
He turned towards the transport, ready to enter and await departure. He looked over his shoulder to see if the young ice wing the solarwing called Shard was going to follow him into the transport.


(By the way, if this doesn't work with your lore for the Sea Kingdom, let me know and I'll edit.)
Corvus kicked his rear legs free from the chain and stood up, head low, hissing dangerously. The mutant was prone on the ground gritting his teeth in pain. Weird.

Corvus hesitated, making a half circle, sniffing the stranger.

You stupid idiot, you’re missing your chance!

Corvus leapt again, his front talons striking Sages upper shoulders and shoving him into the dirt.
The pain began to subside as Sage took a deep breath, controlling the pain.
Sage heard beating steps and looked up, a second too late. Claws slammed into his shoulders and shoved him into the ground. He roared with pain, some sort of sound between the yell of a human and the roar of a dragon. The pain from before completely left his mind and he stared at the dragon now pinning him. He could feel the claws digging into his shoulders and he gritted his teeth again in pain. Bringing his legs up underneath the cloudwing and shoving upwards, digging his claws slightly in the underside of the dragon. He threw all of his strength into the shove, but yet only got him up enough toss him to the side a little. That's all the time he needed. He rolled out of the ground position and onto his feet, looking up to see meet eyes with the cloudwing.
Sol shot Cas an annoyed glare.
But Hibiscus was letting it get to her. That was almost more irritating than the SkyWing.
"We survived. And that's more than I can say for thousands. Rebels don't last in the Scorpion Den."
Sol turned away from the dragons, a weak attempt at ending the conversation.
Kal began to say something, but Sol interrupted, moving directly in front of Tobias from where the man sat, propped against the wall.
"You should lay down."
Tobias didn't move.
Sol reached for the man's shoulder, but he flinched away, wincing.
"Just leave it."
Sol swallowed, feeling the RainWings' gaze.
"You need to rest. I'll help you."
"Leave it." Tobias spoke quickly, his voice barely audible, eyes closed.
Sol's scales crawled. Tobias needed help. Where was Monzy? He shivered, whipping his head back toward the RainWings.
"Get Monzy."
Kassa cocked his head, as if daring Sol to go on.
Sol stared the RainWing down, his tail twiching with annoyance.

@Blue Raptor
The RainWing shook his head, turning quickly and exiting the trailer.
Sol took a deep breath, glancing at Hibiscus. He didn't want to comfort her. But he knew he should.
Kal moved to one of the varies coolers lining the wall, pulling out a bag of dripping ice. He gave Sol an questioning look.
Sol nodded, and the RainWing moved to assist Tobias.
Sol leaned beside Hibiscus with a gentle air. "Are you okay, Hi?"


Slim Shady... What's the plan for Eclipse?
The RainWing shook his head, turning quickly and exiting the trailer.
Sol took a deep breath, glancing at Hibiscus. He didn't want to comfort her. But he knew he should.
Kal moved to one of the varies coolers lining the wall, pulling out a bag of dripping ice. He gave Sol an questioning look.
Sol nodded, and the RainWing moved to assist Tobias.
Sol leaned beside Hibiscus with a gentle air. "Are you okay, Hi?"


Slim Shady... What's the plan for Eclipse?
Hibiscus looked up, embarrassed. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just processing." She glanced down for a moment. "It's weird, y'know? We all live in our little bubbles and forget that other dragons have other experiences. I guess I just didn't realize that some dragons had absolutely no idea what was actually going on in the arenas." Her expression became hard and she looked back at where Kassa and Cas were sitting. She sighed before offering Sol a gentle smile. "Anyway. How's Tobias?"
Hibiscus looked up, embarrassed. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just processing." She glanced down for a moment. "It's weird, y'know? We all live in our little bubbles and forget that other dragons have other experiences. I guess I just didn't realize that some dragons had absolutely no idea what was actually going on in the arenas." Her expression became hard and she looked back at where Kassa and Cas were sitting. She sighed before offering Sol a gentle smile. "Anyway. How's Tobias?"
Sol glanced back, frowning as Tobias shook his head, not excepting Kal's help.
The RainWing reached for Tobias' arm, and Sol could see the pained frustration in the man's eyes as Kal pushed the ice against Tobias' chest.
Tobias looked away, fighting to keep an even expression.
Kal moved Tobias against the ground in one, swift motion, and the man shuddered, breathing heavily as Kal repositioned the ice.
The RainWing moved back quickly, meeting Sol's eyes for a moment before finding his place beside Cas.
Sol gave a defeated sigh, his eyes on Tobias as he answered Hibiscus' question. "I don't know, Hi. But he's different." Sol swallowed. "He's always helped me. I just wish now... I could help him."

Sol glanced back, frowning as Tobias shook his head, not excepting Kal's help.
The RainWing reached for Tobias' arm, and Sol could see the pained frustration in the man's eyes as Kal pushed the ice against Tobias' chest.
Tobias looked away, fighting to keep an even expression.
Kal moved Tobias against the ground in one, swift motion, and the man shuddered, breathing heavily as Kal repositioned the ice.
The RainWing moved back quickly, meeting Sol's eyes for a moment before finding his place beside Cas.
Sol gave a defeated sigh, his eyes on Tobias as he answered Hibiscus' question. "I don't know, Hi. But he's different." Sol swallowed. "He's always helped me. I just wish now... I could help him."

Hibiscus nodded, watching Tobias. It was so rare to hear about kind humans, ones that didn't immediately want to enslave you for the arena. Part of her was still wary. She could hardly even believe nice humans were possible.
She hoped for Sol's sake he would be alright.
Hibiscus looked up, embarrassed. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just processing." She glanced down for a moment. "It's weird, y'know? We all live in our little bubbles and forget that other dragons have other experiences. I guess I just didn't realize that some dragons had absolutely no idea what was actually going on in the arenas." Her expression became hard and she looked back at where Kassa and Cas were sitting. She sighed before offering Sol a gentle smile. "Anyway. How's Tobias?"
Sol glanced back, frowning as Tobias shook his head, not excepting Kal's help.
The RainWing reached for Tobias' arm, and Sol could see the pained frustration in the man's eyes as Kal pushed the ice against Tobias' chest.
Tobias looked away, fighting to keep an even expression.
Kal moved Tobias against the ground in one, swift motion, and the man shuddered, breathing heavily as Kal repositioned the ice.
The RainWing moved back quickly, meeting Sol's eyes for a moment before finding his place beside Cas.
Sol gave a defeated sigh, his eyes on Tobias as he answered Hibiscus' question. "I don't know, Hi. But he's different." Sol swallowed. "He's always helped me. I just wish now... I could help him."

Kal elbowed Cas. "Dude. What's it like in sKy KinGdOm? Is that where you're headed after this?"

@Blue Raptor

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