Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

“What do you think?” Ajax snarled. “Don’t know that we’ll be able to in this desert anyways.”
"Yes." Vel snarled, beginning to stand. She flared her wings, giving the SkyWing a bored glare. "Do you have a name? If not, I can make somethin up real fast. Something fitting like Trash Bag or Imbecile-"

@Little Baby Bean
"Yes." Vel snarled, beginning to stand. She flared her wings, giving the SkyWing a bored glare. "Do you have a name? If not, I can make somethin up real fast. Something fitting like Trash Bag or Imbecile-"

@Little Baby Bean
Ajax resisted the urge to blow more fire, this time in Vel’s face. “No, I think those would be more fitting for you. Perhaps your nickname?” He bit back, not saying his name.
Ajax resisted the urge to blow more fire, this time in Vel’s face. “No, I think those would be more fitting for you. Perhaps your nickname?” He bit back, not saying his name.
"If you insist." She rolled her eyes. "Stop mooching off my retorts, dope." She reached for Alicanto, lifting him into her arm. "K, what's your name, man? If we need to be dragonets about this whole thing, I can tell you my name first." She widened her eyes in sarcasm, cocking her head to the side. "Vellery. Vell. Ta da. That's my naaame." She gave an obviously forced smile, lifting her lips to show venomous fangs. "And your's is...?"
"If you insist." She rolled her eyes. "Stop mooching off my retorts, dope." She reached for Alicanto, lifting him into her arm. "K, what's your name, man? If we need to be dragonets about this whole thing, I can tell you my name first." She widened her eyes in sarcasm, cocking her head to the side. "Vellery. Vell. Ta da. That's my naaame." She gave an obviously forced smile, lifting her lips to show venomous fangs. "And your's is...?"
Ajax squinted his eyes at the dragoness. “I don’t see why you really need to know. But the name’s Ajax,” he said with no emotion.
“Now enough with the bogus. We both hate each other. There is no reason to act otherwise.” Ajax said, stretching his muscles.
Ajax squinted his eyes at the dragoness. “I don’t see why you really need to know. But the name’s Ajax,” he said with no emotion.
“Now enough with the bogus. We both hate each other. There is no reason to act otherwise.” Ajax said, stretching his muscles.
"Then we're agreed."
Vel jumped into the air, beating sore wings, awakening exhausted muscles.
For a moment she regretted lifting off so soon. But then the sharp pain retracted, morphing into a steady, predictable ache. She could control this pain- that made it bearable.
"Why do you stay? Like, why the heck are you following me? For him?" Vel jostled the limp CloudWing, glancing down as sharp feathers bore against her side. "Because, dude, you come with me, you're not getting back to The Scorpion Den. At the least, not with us. Where I go- the CloudWing goes."
She cleared her throat, interrupting the beginning of his reply.
"If you make one move to steal back my guy Alicanto here, I will gut. you. like. a. fish, Ajax.'

@Little Baby Bean

(Someone better get that reference... #sooriginal)
"Then we're agreed."
Vel jumped into the air, beating sore wings, awakening exhausted muscles.
For a moment she regretted lifting off so soon. But then the sharp pain retracted, morphing into a steady, predictable ache. She could control this pain- that made it bearable.
"Why do you stay? Like, why the heck are you following me? For him?" Vel jostled the limp CloudWing, glancing down as sharp feathers bore against her side. "Because, dude, you come with me, you're not getting back to The Scorpion Den. At the least, not with us. Where I go- the CloudWing goes."
She cleared her throat, interrupting the beginning of his reply.
"If you make one move to steal back my guy Alicanto here, I will gut. you. like. a. fish, Ajax.'

@Little Baby Bean

(Someone better get that reference... #sooriginal)
Alicanto gasped, feeling sharp movement yank the nerves in his body again and his head jerked. He could hear voices, but the sounds came to his mind slurred and muddled together, tugging at his dragging mind.
The Cloudwing coughed, his throat scratching like sand, the pain trying to shock him awake. He forced his eyes open. Or tried at least. He couldn't see anything, just a blur of movement and painful light and he immediately regretted his choice as a concussive headache slammed into the front of his brain. He pressed his eyes shut again with a groan, once again feeling the already blurring world start to fade in and out again.

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Little Baby Bean
(Sorry guys, busy day today)
"Then we're agreed."
Vel jumped into the air, beating sore wings, awakening exhausted muscles.
For a moment she regretted lifting off so soon. But then the sharp pain retracted, morphing into a steady, predictable ache. She could control this pain- that made it bearable.
"Why do you stay? Like, why the heck are you following me? For him?" Vel jostled the limp CloudWing, glancing down as sharp feathers bore against her side. "Because, dude, you come with me, you're not getting back to The Scorpion Den. At the least, not with us. Where I go- the CloudWing goes."
She cleared her throat, interrupting the beginning of his reply.
"If you make one move to steal back my guy Alicanto here, I will gut. you. like. a. fish, Ajax.'

@Little Baby Bean

(Someone better get that reference... #sooriginal)
Alicanto gasped, feeling sharp movement yank the nerves in his body again and his head jerked. He could hear voices, but the sounds came to his mind slurred and muddled together, tugging at his dragging mind.
The Cloudwing coughed, his throat scratching like sand, the pain trying to shock him awake. He forced his eyes open. Or tried at least. He couldn't see anything, just a blur of movement and painful light and he immediately regretted his choice as a concussive headache slammed into the front of his brain. He pressed his eyes shut again with a groan, once again feeling the already blurring world start to fade in and out again.

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Little Baby Bean
(Sorry guys, busy day today)
When Vel asked why Ajax continued to follow, it really got him thinking. Why do I stay? Is it for Alicanto or… is it for myself? If I went back, what would happen? Would they kill me, or worse? Would they erase my mind like that hybrid? Will I be happier here?
As the questions ran through his mind, Ajax began to reply. He didn’t know what he would even say.
Vel interrupted him with a threat, making Ajax angry. “I don’t see why-” he began to remark, getting interrupted once again, this time by Alicanto.
He watched as Alicanto miserably groaned, slight sorrow showing on Ajax’s face.
Whitestar scowled at Austin as the human once again gave his silent command, frustrated to be taking orders from the self-righteous hunter. But the last thing they needed now was to get caught by a patrol in the middle of the Scorpion Den, and Whitestar didn't know his way through the maze-like corridors, so he followed Austin anyway, despite his irritation.

@Bella the Chicken Lover
(Eliza, Kiwi doesn't have a dragon in this scene XD )
Citrus eyed the dragon, who seemed irritated with the human.
"Maybe this is the right time to slip away from them... I'll be free, and I won't be beaten anymore..." Citrus edged away slowly..

(I don't know if I got the right idea, lol i haven't been that active so I am sort of clueless)

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