Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Hey y’all. So I’m gonna be honest for a sec. There’s been some stuff happening these last couple of months, involving myself and a friend who has been kinda manipulative and hurtful. Just been taking a lot of space up in my brain, and I didn’t even realize how bad it was til it started getting worse lately. I finally talked to my parents recently, and they helped me realize that my fear of this friend and the way I felt abt him was because of how he has treated me. That’s been a whole lot more crazy than I expected or thought it would be. I’ve known him since I was literally a year old, and he’s been one of my longest friends. But now, he’s changed into someone I never knew. Eliza and Josh know abt this, and have been really insane in helping me thru it. If you need any proof, they could probably back me up on it bc I’ve been leaning on them the last little bit, when I realized how bad it really was. They’ve both been a miracle. (@Yukiko & @Crestcrazy2 y’all are amazing, I couldn’t be more grateful. God looked at me and said “she needs them” and he couldn’t have been more right.)
Next, I’ve been lacking motivation. I get home from work, and I just wanna sit on the couch and do literally nothing. (Even tho I always end up doing stuff lol 😆)
And also, my laptops charger is broken. I keep using it as an excuse. I’m sure I could use the laptop til it dies for now, but the issue is my phone sometimes glitches with byc; but I can use my phone so now I’m going to have to use my phone on here instead of the laptop…. Oh joy. 😆
And finally, I keep lying to myself. I keep saying, “I’m gonna do the rp. I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna get caught up.” Then, the TINIEST thing happens, and I totally just say “Oh nvm I’m busy.” Even if I know I could go do it. Idek why.
I’m really sorry I haven’t been on, and for now behind I’ve gotten.
I love y’all’s patience and it really does mean a lot that people I’ve never had the honor to meet want to give me these chances.
So thank you guys all so freaking much, I very much am grateful, and hope to do my part extremely soon. Hopefully tonight, I just have to keep myself motivated after I get home tonight (easier said than done haha!)
"Aye.. troublemakers. Yeah, I'll own that title, thanks." Vel glanced at the SkyWing. "Alright, pal. Time to pick up the pace."

(We can skip ahead to the mountains!)

@Little Baby Bean
His wings tilting to the perfect angle, Ajax sped up.
The sore muscles in his wings ached, his blistering mouth burned, and his throat had the texture of sandpaper.
He needed water, fast.

(Okay! You can be the one to RP the part where they get there then. I’m not very good at describing landscape type things.)
"Future King..." Sol echoed, a nervous smile creeping into his hesitant expression. "That's, uh..."
"Terrifying." Both he and Tobias said it at once.
Sol laughed, shaking his head.
"Why are you surprised, bud?" Tobias' eyes were closed, his head and back leaned against the wall.
Sol glanced up at the ceiling, then shook his head. "It's all so strange. So foreign. It's a topic I never wished to dwell on ever again."
"Yeah." Tobias gave a slow nod, pushing a tight smile. "Yeah. I know. It's okay."
"Yes. Yes." Sol agreed, turning his attention back to the SeaWing. "So- Crest, you met my Father here- in, I mean in The Scorpion Den?"

The Prince's reaction confused Crest. It's almost like he didn't want to be royalty... Sol's question snapped Crest back to the present. "Yes, I met your father in the Scorpion Den. We were caged near each other. From what I could see, your father and his group were brought in a day or so after I was."

@_-Captain BRM-_
Hey y’all. So I’m gonna be honest for a sec. There’s been some stuff happening these last couple of months, involving myself and a friend who has been kinda manipulative and hurtful. Just been taking a lot of space up in my brain, and I didn’t even realize how bad it was til it started getting worse lately. I finally talked to my parents recently, and they helped me realize that my fear of this friend and the way I felt abt him was because of how he has treated me. That’s been a whole lot more crazy than I expected or thought it would be. I’ve known him since I was literally a year old, and he’s been one of my longest friends. But now, he’s changed into someone I never knew. Eliza and Josh know abt this, and have been really insane in helping me thru it. If you need any proof, they could probably back me up on it bc I’ve been leaning on them the last little bit, when I realized how bad it really was. They’ve both been a miracle. (@Yukiko & @Crestcrazy2 y’all are amazing, I couldn’t be more grateful. God looked at me and said “she needs them” and he couldn’t have been more right.)
Next, I’ve been lacking motivation. I get home from work, and I just wanna sit on the couch and do literally nothing. (Even tho I always end up doing stuff lol 😆)
And also, my laptops charger is broken. I keep using it as an excuse. I’m sure I could use the laptop til it dies for now, but the issue is my phone sometimes glitches with byc; but I can use my phone so now I’m going to have to use my phone on here instead of the laptop…. Oh joy. 😆
And finally, I keep lying to myself. I keep saying, “I’m gonna do the rp. I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna get caught up.” Then, the TINIEST thing happens, and I totally just say “Oh nvm I’m busy.” Even if I know I could go do it. Idek why.
I’m really sorry I haven’t been on, and for now behind I’ve gotten.
I love y’all’s patience and it really does mean a lot that people I’ve never had the honor to meet want to give me these chances.
So thank you guys all so freaking much, I very much am grateful, and hope to do my part extremely soon. Hopefully tonight, I just have to keep myself motivated after I get home tonight (easier said than done haha!)
I completely understand, I’ve had issues with a friend similar to that before and I know how hard it is to be motivated and it just mentally drains you right?
I’ve just been keeping myself busy and trying not to stress about being behind with characters in the RP, I just hope that you are doing better and have everything figured out. Honestly, I kinda figure there was something else going on, that’s why I was trying not to be pushy about it, but I’m really glad you are being strong and working through it, for your sake, not that of the role play
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Citrus eyed the dragon, who seemed irritated with the human.
"Maybe this is the right time to slip away from them... I'll be free, and I won't be beaten anymore..." Citrus edged away slowly..

(I don't know if I got the right idea, lol i haven't been that active so I am sort of clueless)
(Yeah, it's all good. I do need to know though if Citrus is running with Austin and Whitestar away from the group of guards coming around the corner.)

@Bella the Chicken Lover
The Prince's reaction confused Crest. It's almost like he didn't want to be royalty... Sol's question snapped Crest back to the present. "Yes, I met your father in the Scorpion Den. We were caged near each other. From what I could see, your father and his group were brought in a day or so after I was."
Sol nodded.
"Well... You heading back to the SeaWings after this?"

Whitestar scowled at Austin as the human once again gave his silent command, frustrated to be taking orders from the self-righteous hunter. But the last thing they needed now was to get caught by a patrol in the middle of the Scorpion Den, and Whitestar didn't know his way through the maze-like corridors, so he followed Austin anyway, despite his irritation.

@Bella the Chicken Lover
(Eliza, Kiwi doesn't have a dragon in this scene XD )
(Lol, I think I was trying to tag you and just automatically did Kiwi XD)

Austin ran to the lot he left the others and threw open the door. "We need to leave now," he stated to the two dragons inside. Wait, two dragons? He looked around the lot but Alyssia was nowhere in sight. Oh no... He looked back at the other two dragons, "Follow me. We need to get out of the maze." He turned, leaving it up to the dragons to decide to follow or not. He looked back down the hall they'd come and watched as several groups of soliers ran into the open lot that seemed to be the source of most of the fighting from the rebellion.
"You, get more troops and some medics!" one of the leaders ordered to his soldier. Several of the young soldiers then bolted back down the hall and down other corridors. Seeing them all in the other room, he decided to try sneaking back down the hallway. He motioned for the dragons to follow and he held his breath as they made their way down the corridor and back towards the entrance to The Maze.
His instincts began to take over, so his mind went back to Alyssia. Where on earth could she have gone! Why did she go! She has no clue what goes on in this place! She's gonna get herself killed.
"Hey! What are you doing down here!?" a voice boomed from behind them. Austin spun towards them and tried his best to keep his cool.
"Yes?" he said, attempting to not let his voice crack. Taking a deep breath, he put on his lying face and readied himself for what was next.
The burly guard walked up to him, warily eyeing the dragons as he passed them. Austin specifically eyed Whitestar and shook his head, his eyes practically pleading with the dragon not to do anything.
"What are you doing down here? You're a noble, you're supposed to be at the party tonight."
Austin felt a little relief that his disguise was still working. He put on his best worried face and looked deep into the guard's eyes. "Yes, we were on our way here when my fiancé, Jasmine went down this hall because she heard screaming and things. I tried to go after her, but we couldn't get passed the fighting and the carnage of whatever happened down here so I waited with my dragons in one of the empty lots and prayed that my sweet Jasmine was also hiding."
The man raised an eyebrow and looked the dragons up and down. "You have some rare dragons." He walked closer to Whitestar and Austin willed himself to stay where he was. "You look interesting. Rare for the Den. What are you?"

@Bella the Chicken Lover

Sol nodded.
"Well... You heading back to the SeaWings after this?"

Crest nodded but then hesitated for a moment. "I'm planning on returning, yes. But, there is someone that I must find before I return to the Sea Kingdom." He looked down at his talons. "There was a young girl who was taken to the Scorpion Den with me...because I couldn't protect her. I have to find her before I return to the Sea Kingdom so that she can be reunited with her family." He looked over at Tobias. "You didn't happen to see a human girl in the Den with blue eyes....eyes like the sea... in the Scorpion Den, did you?"

@_-Captain BRM-_
The dragon is smart...I'll give him that. He glared at the cloudwing for his words about the members of Vulture's rebellion. He saw the dragon glance at his hand and then heard the comment. "No, he doesn't....but, he never said anything about a slightly dented toy," he lied. "As long as the toy still works, he's content." Sage raised his gun out of the holster and pointed it at the cloudwing.


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