Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Feeling rather nauseous due to the jostling of the trailer, Sol yawned.
"Uh.." he puffed his cheeks out and exhaled, shaking his head. "I don't- I don't really know... Yes?" He looked away. "Yes. Yeh, probably." The dragon gave a weak attempt at laughter. "Yeah, I don't think anyone really wants me here either. I probably... dunno, killed their sibling or their- cousin or something. Half of them I've fought, the other half recognize me."
Tobias was sleeping, and Sol was glad, because this way the human couldn't tell him to shut up. But Sol was bitter, his thoughts self centered, and Eclipse was a listening ear. So he griped.
Eclipse shifted so that her chin was resting on the ground and she could see Sol more easily.
"How long were you fighting? In the Den?"

@_-Captain BRM-_
Eclipse shifted so that her chin was resting on the ground and she could see Sol more easily.
"How long were you fighting? In the Den?"

@_-Captain BRM-_
"Like, five or six years. So they all know me, they all hate me. It's just a matter of time before I'm cornered and killed. But maybe they're right. My sole purpose for existence has been to literally kill and maim other dragons. So I'm a frickin hideous monster, and that's the truth."

Oh gosh, he hoped Eclipse would say something encouraging. Something remotely uplifting.
He couldn't believe the words coming from his own mouth. Eclipse was the only being other than Tobias he would speak like this to. And he hoped- he really, really hoped -that she had some sort of sage advice for him, and that this show of emotion would not be wasted.
"Like, five or six years. So they all know me, they all hate me. It's just a matter of time before I'm cornered and killed. But maybe they're right. My sole purpose for existence has been to literally kill and maim other dragons. So I'm a frickin hideous monster, and that's the truth."

Oh gosh, he hoped Eclipse would say something encouraging. Something remotely uplifting.
He couldn't believe the words coming from his own mouth. Eclipse was the only being other than Tobias he would speak like this to. And he hoped- he really, really hoped -that she had some sort of sage advice for him, and that this show of emotion would not be wasted.
Eclipse lifted her head, her jaw gaping slightly in shock.
"Sol..." she trailed off, still grappling for words, her thoughts churning violently.
"Sol, you can't actually believe that. You were... well, you were forced to fight. They all were. You were just there longer and you had to fight them more. I mean, it's not like you enjoyed it.

@_-Captain BRM-_
Her eyes burst open right as she awoke. Calla had just woken up from a nightmare. She regularly had bad dreams but this one was horrible.
Panting, her eyes darted around the filled transport. She saw the few dragons she recognized. This calmed her slightly. The LunarWing dragoness was speaking with Sol.
Calla watched the two dragons talk while her heart rate slowed.
Eclipse lifted her head, her jaw gaping slightly in shock.
"Sol..." she trailed off, still grappling for words, her thoughts churning violently.
"Sol, you can't actually believe that. You were... well, you were forced to fight. They all were. You were just there longer and you had to fight them more. I mean, it's not like you enjoyed it.

@_-Captain BRM-_
Sol felt his expression faltered. He wanted to agree with her. So badly wanted to agree with her.
"But I killed them all the same. Resisting would have made me a hero. I am not innocent. I was not made to fight, not in Tobias' care. He convinced me, yes, and I believe we both see the error in our ways now... But I have blood in my talons, and I did kill those dragons for the sake of the sport, on behalf of the crowd. Because I needed it. And he needed it." Sol nodded towards Tobias. "Tobias needed the money. I-...I, uh.." Sol sighed. "Disgustingly enough, the arena is addicting, and that's why people come back. Because they are addicted to watching it, and every single time they want is to be worse, more gruesome, more gut wrenching. And... God knows, I. Was. Good at it. He knows... that I fell for the addiction, too. And that I killed-" Sol muttered his words, taking a shuddering breath, "because I craved it."
The Cloudwing rolled his eyes, his lips curling in irritation.
"Very funny," he snorted, leveling Vel with a cold stare, his ears lying flat. He glanced back at Ajax.
"Any of that fruit mushy enough to splat at high velocity?" he murmured, only half joking.

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Little Baby Bean
The night travel was uneventful, but bleak. Vel was exhausted and malnourished, but she would not date show a sign of weakness. They landed near a rocky oasis. It was quite a large oasis, maybe a lake. There were many plants branching out from the water, thier leaves and stems faltering the farther they stretched out from the lake, the life giving source.
Vel lapped up clear water, submerging her face, shaking water from her ears.
The CloudWing was tired, but awake, a fevered glow to his eyes.
"Drink, Alicanto." Vel murmered, feeling disoriented as she turned and fell against the sandy plantage.
A morning sun painted pastel skies. Today would be a hot day.

@Little Baby Bean
The night travel was uneventful, but bleak. Vel was exhausted and malnourished, but she would not date show a sign of weakness. They landed near a rocky oasis. It was quite a large oasis, maybe a lake. There were many plants branching out from the water, thier leaves and stems faltering the farther they stretched out from the lake, the life giving source.
Vel lapped up clear water, submerging her face, shaking water from her ears.
The CloudWing was tired, but awake, a fevered glow to his eyes.
"Drink, Alicanto." Vel murmered, feeling disoriented as she turned and fell against the sandy plantage.
A morning sun painted pastel skies. Today would be a hot day.

@Little Baby Bean
Ajax’s muscles were killing him. At least, that’s what it felt like.
When they landed near the cool body of water, he fell to the ground clumsily, sticking his face in the liquid. He swallowed as much as he could, the feeling soothing his healing mouth.
He plopped onto the hard dirt, feeling sweat bead onto his forehead’s tight scales.
The night travel was uneventful, but bleak. Vel was exhausted and malnourished, but she would not date show a sign of weakness. They landed near a rocky oasis. It was quite a large oasis, maybe a lake. There were many plants branching out from the water, thier leaves and stems faltering the farther they stretched out from the lake, the life giving source.
Vel lapped up clear water, submerging her face, shaking water from her ears.
The CloudWing was tired, but awake, a fevered glow to his eyes.
"Drink, Alicanto." Vel murmered, feeling disoriented as she turned and fell against the sandy plantage.
A morning sun painted pastel skies. Today would be a hot day.

@Little Baby Bean
Ajax’s muscles were killing him. At least, that’s what it felt like.
When they landed near the cool body of water, he fell to the ground clumsily, sticking his face in the liquid. He swallowed as much as he could, the feeling soothing his healing mouth.
He plopped onto the hard dirt, feeling sweat bead onto his forehead’s tight scales.
Alicanto dragged himself across the half-sandy ground with his front talons, stopping beside the pool. He dropped his beak into the water, swallowing large mouthfuls of the cool liquid, inhaling some, and then breaking out in a fit of spluttered coughing. He dropped his head onto the bank with a groan, glancing over at Vel, his head throbbing with every little movement. Even shifting his eyes sent waves of pain through his skull.
"How much longer do we have to do this?" he mumbled, his body feeling heavy and unmovable with exhaustion.

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Little Baby Bean
Sol felt his expression faltered. He wanted to agree with her. So badly wanted to agree with her.
"But I killed them all the same. Resisting would have made me a hero. I am not innocent. I was not made to fight, not in Tobias' care. He convinced me, yes, and I believe we both see the error in our ways now... But I have blood in my talons, and I did kill those dragons for the sake of the sport, on behalf of the crowd. Because I needed it. And he needed it." Sol nodded towards Tobias. "Tobias needed the money. I-...I, uh.." Sol sighed. "Disgustingly enough, the arena is addicting, and that's why people come back. Because they are addicted to watching it, and every single time they want is to be worse, more gruesome, more gut wrenching. And... God knows, I. Was. Good at it. He knows... that I fell for the addiction, too. And that I killed-" Sol muttered his words, taking a shuddering breath, "because I craved it."
Eclipse stared at Sol, once again in shock, her face expressionless. Horror threatened to bubble into her mind, building as she ran his words through her mind again, trying to understand.
She wanted to understand. So truly wanted to understand.
But... how? How could she understand? Sol hadn't intended to become a killer, but he had. The Den had made him into one, and he clearly regretted that. Eclipse couldn't even find herself shocked that Tobias had become a part of it too- perhaps, part of her still couldn't find a natural innocence in humans. But in a dragon? One who had been raised in his tribe. Raised as a royal to care for his citizens as a superior, as a leader. How could he turn into a killer?
Sure, half a decade in the Scorpion Den could no doubt change you, but Eclipse hadn't realized the extent of a dragon's conscious it could take away.
She recalled the Cloudwing they had encountered that night. How long had he been in the Den? Longer than Sol? Would the Solarwing have become similar or just like him if he'd stayed in the Den longer? If he'd been raised differently before the Den?
"How... exactly did you change so much? Why didn't you hold on to what you knew before the Den?" she said slowly, her gaze locked intensely with his.

@_-Captain BRM-_
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Alicanto dragged himself across the half-sandy ground with his front talons, stopping beside the pool. He dropped his beak into the water, swallowing large mouthfuls of the cool liquid, inhaling some, and then breaking out in a fit of spluttered coughing. He dropped his head onto the bank with a groan, glancing over at Vel, his head throbbing with every little movement. Even shifting his eyes sent waves of pain through his skull.
"How much longer do we have to do this?" he mumbled, his body feeling heavy and unmovable with exhaustion.

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Little Baby Bean
A silent war had commenced, and Vel unwillingly gave in to a groggy sleep. She barely heard the CloudWing's voice before exhaustion stole her mind.

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