Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Sunspot noted how stricken Eclipse looked.
“Personally, I don’t think I did anything. Not my fault he has a short fuse.” she said nonchalantly. “He’s the one that got all crazy and called me pathetic.”

To herself, Sunspot noted a few things.

Sol was a broken dragon. Very insecure, and very, very lost. Sunspot could tell what she had said cut the Prince like a knife. It was satisfying to see his arrogant facade crumble.

Sunspot had a good idea of what buttons to push if she needed to.

Eclipse ran a talon down her snout with a long breath, trying to bite back her irritation.
"Sunspot," she said slowly, pinching the spot on her snout between her eyes, which were pressed shut.
"If a dragon has a short fuse, perhaps it's not the greatest idea to light it."

@_-Captain BRM-_ (idk if Sol if still a part of this anymore so... yeah :\ )
Sol snapped his head around to send Tobias a pointed look, but the man just have a calm shake of his head, wincing as he repositioned himself against the wall, a tight arm wrapped around his chest.
"Let her mouth run." The human said in a low tone as Sol helped nudge Tobias' back to the wall. "Do you care what she thinks?"
Sol scoffed.
"Nono, I don't care."
"Then quit stooping to her level, and quit letting her win. She wants a reaction and you're handing it over on a silver platter, buddy."
Sol hesitated, then nodded, calming himself just because he could see how much pain Tobias was in.
The human's expression flickered, but his voice was both steady and even, his mind set on guiding Sol through this. The Prince had rarely interacted with other dragons in this way, especially on friendly terms. He would need practice, patience, and guidance. Tobias would help him.

🫡 Same.
(Wait houwld up-- is Tobe like injured or sick or somethin?)
Eclipse ran a talon down her snout with a long breath, trying to bite back her irritation.
"Sunspot," she said slowly, pinching the spot on her snout between her eyes, which were pressed shut.
"If a dragon has a short fuse, perhaps it's not the greatest idea to light it."

@_-Captain BRM-_ (idk if Sol if still a part of this anymore so... yeah :\ )
Sunspot shrugged. “How was I supposed to know?” she said innocently.

(She’s so horrible and manipulative and tortured :>)
The high mountain peaks of central Pyyrhia soared loftily in the crystal-blue, cloudless sky, their snowy caps glistening with a shimmer in the brilliant rays of the sun.

Down near the bottom of one of the most prominent snowcaps, a little trickle ran from underneath a huge glacier.


Beautiful, pristine, and the purest in the land.
The water started to collect in a little depression in the ground, then soon overflowed it and began to run down the side of the mountain, aided by gravity and the continual snowmelt.

Many more little trickles soon joined it from different directions, contributing their life-giving fluid to what soon became a small stream.
Picking up speed as it continued its journey, the little stream flowed down the mountain at a brisk pace, burbling over rocks and sticks as it went, more streams joining it all the while that increased its size and strength.

Still it grew and traveled, becoming a large creek and reaching lower elevations, where it joined a similar-sized flow of water at a fork, becoming a first-rate river.
The further it flowed, the wider and deeper it became until it was nearly to the bottom of a valley between the mountains.
Crashing over one last set of rapids and heading down quite a drop in the form of a waterfall, it fell to a much slower-paced, quiet, and nearly glasslike state.

This, in one rather inconspicuous dragon's opinion, was the best place on Earth.
A dark silhouette made a brief appearance under the glistening water, drifting into the sunlight for a brief second before vanishing again into the shadows, faster than the blink of an eye.

Anyone who might've witnessed this mysterious apparition would probably have passed it off as a figment of their imagination, or maybe as some kind of water spirit or river monster.
As it would turn out, nobody had been watching;
and none of the above were true.

For in fact, this incognito creature was a Riverwing dragon, and contrary to appearances, was not creepily lurking in the shadows, but rather just hungry and out looking for a midday snack.

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