Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

@-Kiwi- did you respond to my last one with king? Sorry!

@_-Captain BRM-_ can Helios be flying above the trucks Sol & frens are in? Also Is pretty much everyone from the SD making their way to Raptors house?

Kapok sild between the two dragons nervously, hoping the fight didn't continue to escalate. He hesitated a moment, watching Dred, before he gave him a small shrug.

@Blue Raptor


“He doesn’t know.” Shrike said without turning around.

Dred slowly nodded, “fair enough. I don’t know where I’ll go either.” He said in an even tone. They didn’t respond and didn’t seem to be interested in conversation, but Dred was bored of the-…silence? Not silence really, the truck was clanking and bumping and revving constantly under the weight of the dragons, so it was loud the whole time, but everyone seemed so intent on brooding and grumping when there was no reason to.
“So, where are you two from?”
A dark silhouette made a brief appearance under the glistening water, drifting into the sunlight for a brief second before vanishing again into the shadows, faster than the blink of an eye.

Anyone who might've witnessed this mysterious apparition would probably have passed it off as a figment of their imagination, or maybe as some kind of water spirit or river monster.
As it would turn out, nobody had been watching;
and none of the above were true.

For in fact, this incognito creature was a Riverwing dragon, and contrary to appearances, was not creepily lurking in the shadows, but rather just hungry and out looking for a midday snack.
Marcus stretched his talons and thrashed his tail a couple of times. Somewhere in this little stretch of mountain river was a pike with his name written all over it, and he was gonna find it.

Swimming along close to the bank, he started sending out clicks and listening for what the returning echoes would tell him.

*Hmm, nothing, nothing, nothiiiinnnggg.......


Aw wait, nevermind. Just a small brook trout.

The dragon stopped for a moment to consider chasing after it, but decided against it. He wasn't that hungry yet, and the bigger the better, right?

More echolocation. This time, he started to scan the opposite bank, not even realizing just how fast he was heading upstream.

After a while of mostly unsuccessful search (Well, other than that one duck that flew away and a little school of minnows that hardly looked worth bothering) he noticed the water shallowing ever so slightly. Apparently he'd gone a ways without quite realizing it.

Marcus started the clicking again, doing a quick scan of the opposite bank. To his surprise, one of the echoes returned quite a bit later than the rest and with a completely different sound that he was not expecting.

*What the heck??* The dragon wondered, cocking his head and swimming over to his left as he tried to find the spot with the weird echo again.
Yes. 🙃
The bright, desert sun beat down on the crimson dragons back, his scales giving off heat of their own.
He trucks below him left trails of sandy dust billowing behind them in huge clouds.
His brain was still processing the last few days. His son had finally been freed of the death trap called the Scorpion Den, but had gone BACK to save a human???? A human!
“Guuuugh. Why Sol. Why?”
Helios groaned, dragging a talon down his tired face. He’d found that Sol had gone missing from the checkpoint hours after they had talked. Then went back to the den and almost died trying to free Tobias. How selfish was he?!
After all those years of hurt, he had him back for one day and Sol decided to leave to get his human.
But-..wait. “Am I being selfish? He’s lost his whole life to this. That stupid, little human was the only thing Sol had for years.”
The bright, desert sun beat down on the crimson dragons back, his scales giving off heat of their own.
He trucks below him left trails of sandy dust billowing behind them in huge clouds.
His brain was still processing the last few days. His son had finally been freed of the death trap called the Scorpion Den, but had gone BACK to save a human???? A human!
“Guuuugh. Why Sol. Why?”
Helios groaned, dragging a talon down his tired face. He’d found that Sol had gone missing from the checkpoint hours after they had talked. Then went back to the den and almost died trying to free Tobias. How selfish was he?!
After all those years of hurt, he had him back for one day and Sol decided to leave to get his human.
But-..wait. “Am I being selfish? He’s lost his whole life to this. That stupid, little human was the only thing Sol had for years.”
We are waiting for Matty to return from a camping trip before we reach the last Checkpoint.
(But also Riverwings don't really seem to get much interaction with other dragons haha so it'd basically just be like:

Marcus swam in the river.
Marcus saw a fish.
Marcus chased the fish.
Marcus caught the fish.
Marcus ate the fish.
Marcus went home to his underwater cave and went to bed, since that's all he did for the entire day.

eheh. Anyone haunted by this post every moment you are trying to read a part with Marcus? 'cause I am XD

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