Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

FOrty-eight LoVely HouRs lAterr, mate-


They were in the desert, beneath a low, crimson sun, and Vel was dying. Possibility graced the heat-warped horizon ahead. It was all she could do to keep her dry eyes ahead, open, and alive.
The hybrid hung loose in her weak talons, a small, sun shriveled thing, scales cracked, rigid, and loose.
Vel took the brunt of the heat, shielding Alicanto beneath boiling scales. The orange blur below soared in her shadow.
The sun dropped below breezy dunes, and an emaciated trio soared into the shadow of Possibility.

Lueria sat up, squinting into the graying sky. Wind played with her dark hair, catching at the braids as she reached back and gripped the rotating generator, sliding a heeled boot against the welded metal base.
She swung the rifle around, grimicing when the fraid strap ran into her exposed neck.
The scope offered little assistance in identifying the approaching beasts, but she could tell easily they were of no threat.
The woman coughed on dust, then reached into the ragged coat tied round her waist, retrieving a thin com-link.
"Something's coming." She said into the device, leaning back to clear her throat and toss away the frizzing braids.
She sat in expectant silence, listening the generator's jerking pulse below.
"Identity," came Monzy's gruff voice.
"Yha," she murmered, running a palm cross her wet forehead. "There's two more coming in. Looks like a Sky or Rain," she kicked the rifle up on her knee again, viewing through the scope. The crosshairs centered on a gray, gaunty figure. "Nevermind. There's three. RainWing. Carrying someone, just a shadow from here." She tilted her knee. "And a Hive mutt. They're starving, hardly anything but bones."
"'At's clear, than, lass. Run it, I'll send someone your way."
Lueria dropped her hand, and jerked the rifle back. "Cool." She murmed, standing. The women strode across a dank row of stuttering generators with a quick foot, stopping at the building's edge to wait a moment in the dry breeze. A rusted, rebar ladder waited below, and she bent, hooking her calloused fingers over the thin, riveted steel.

(Dude I'm so tired. I've got to stop DOING THISS. It's not mountain tiiiimme aaahhhh 😭😭 the letters are blurbing togetherrrr fr tho. I'll work on it more later 🫡✌️)
Archer frowned, stepping around her huge talons and to the other side of Tobias. “I’m not annoying, I’m just talkative. Besides, she can’t take his arm off by herself without it getting…messy.” He said, nodding towards Harper and slowing down for a moment, emphasizing his last word.
"Take off his-- hang on a second!"
Eclipse reached out again and snatched the human in her talon, lifting him off the ground.

@_-Captain BRM-_
Lueria turned, raising her hands in question. "If you are loud and wake him up I'm going to kill something."
Sol steadied the little man as he swung in Eclipse's talon. "You say he's cold? Oh, I'm such a fool-" he growled in annoyance, channeling energy into his already warming scales. "Are you a doctor?" He looked up to Helios in question.

Eclipse growled quietly, dropping her gaze to stare coldly at the other human.
"You're not seriously taking his arm off are you," she said a little quieter, trying not to show the horror and worry that suddenly swirled into her mind.

@_-Captain BRM-_
Eclipse gave Sol and small, sideways smile, feeling a little awkward. She turned back to Helios and roughly dropped his human back onto the ground, pointing a sharp claw inches from the scavenger's face.
"You stay away from Tobias," she said rigidly, fixing the man with a cold look.
The Lunarwing straightened again, pressing against Sol's warm side comfortingly, her gaze fixing on Tobias.

@_-Captain BRM-_
I think my mind is shot for the day because YOU STAY AWAY FROM TOBE has me dying.
*Someone in the living room*: What are you giggling at?
Me *still giggling*: I don't knnnoowww- 😭😭🤣

I'm so tired, HOLY cow.

I'm gunna go ahead a wait for Josh to come back and reply. 👌

Alllsoo, look at Ssol and Ecliiiipse 💀💀
I'm dead:lau
This. This was priceless. But not nearly as invaluable as Cap's reaction fr
This is the wayyy ✨✨

Sol pitched his tail aside, sending the dragonet scittered across the floor, warmed by Tobias's short smile. "Right. And we'd hope to rally support-"
"And go back," Tobias finished quietly as he turned slightly on his heel. "You want to go back? With the SolarWing army?"
Breath caught in Sol's throat, and he winced as the dragonet took advantage of his hesitation. "We have a shot, Tobe."
"We do." Tobias nodded, falling back a step. "But how do you lead an army,"
Sol frowned and met Eclipse's eye, leaning closer to the shining LunarWing as he cast Shard beneath a glistening arched wing. "Helios will direct us. He's gone ahead, and he'll make preparations."
Eclipse nodded, giving Sol a reassuring smile.
"I have a small connection to the Icewings as well. It is a very risky connection, and there is a high chance it won't work, but it's worth a shot."
Shard pounced nearly her full height off the ground, coming down hard on Sol's tail in his lapse of focus on the dragonet. Her large claws remained drawn back for the most part, only the needle-like tips pricking the sensitive scales and the impact of their collision causing any actual discomfort.
Her eyes shot up toward the Prince, the pupils concerningly wide, the Icewing looking more like a hyper cat as she jumped up again. Racing in a wide circle behind the older dragons before lunging for Sol's tail again, a wide smile spread across her face. A faint squeak of excitement sounded.
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FOrty-eight LoVely HouRs lAterr, mate-


They were in the desert, beneath a low, crimson sun, and Vel was dying. Possibility graced the heat-warped horizon ahead. It was all she could do to keep her dry eyes ahead, open, and alive.
The hybrid hung loose in her weak talons, a small, sun shriveled thing, scales cracked, rigid, and loose.
Vel took the brunt of the heat, shielding Alicanto beneath boiling scales. The orange blur below soared in her shadow.
The sun dropped below breezy dunes, and an emaciated trio soared into the shadow of Possibility.

Lueria sat up, squinting into the graying sky. Wind played with her dark hair, catching at the braids as she reached back and gripped the rotating generator, sliding a heeled boot against the welded metal base.
She swung the rifle around, grimicing when the fraid strap ran into her exposed neck.
The scope offered little assistance in identifying the approaching beasts, but she could tell easily they were of no threat.
The woman coughed on dust, then reached into the ragged coat tied round her waist, retrieving a thin com-link.
"Something's coming." She said into the device, leaning back to clear her throat and toss away the frizzing braids.
She sat in expectant silence, listening the generator's jerking pulse below.
"Identity," came Monzy's gruff voice.
"Yha," she murmered, running a palm cross her wet forehead. "There's two more coming in. Looks like a Sky or Rain," she kicked the rifle up on her knee again, viewing through the scope. The crosshairs centered on a gray, gaunty figure. "Nevermind. There's three. RainWing. Carrying someone, just a shadow from here." She tilted her knee. "And a Hive mutt. They're starving, hardly anything but bones."
"'At's clear, than, lass. Run it, I'll send someone your way."
Lueria dropped her hand, and jerked the rifle back. "Cool." She murmed, standing. The women strode across a dank row of stuttering generators with a quick foot, stopping at the building's edge to wait a moment in the dry breeze. A rusted, rebar ladder waited below, and she bent, hooking her calloused fingers over the thin, riveted steel.

(Dude I'm so tired. I've got to stop DOING THISS. It's not mountain tiiiimme aaahhhh 😭😭 the letters are blurbing togetherrrr fr tho. I'll work on it more later 🫡✌️)
(Wow this is so good. These human characters are so interesting, I can feel their gritty jadedness)
Day 1: Eclipse encounters Sunspot, Neoma leaves Pantala. Alyssia and Crest are brought to the Den.
Night 1: Neoma attacks Eclipse.
Day 2: Neoma, Eclipse, and Sunspot meet Helios. The battle in the desert takes place. Sol fights Shrike and Kapok and Tobias buys Shrike, Kapok, and Dred.
Night 2: Whitestar leaves the island to find Eclipse
Day 3: Tobias meets Roe in the Den after she fights with someone she owes, and Tobias heads back to his lot. Tobias buys Eclipse and Sol fights in the arena. Alyssia meets Whitestar, Blackout, Apple, and Bamboo. The Oasis Group attacks the caravan and Whitestar heals Alyssia with his power and gives Apple her sight.
Night 3: Sol is in recovery. Most of the RP characters are asleep this night (for once XD )
Day 4: Tobias starts trying to earn Eclipse's trust. Whitestar and the others head to the Den. Nic comes to Tobias's lot, Bloodmoon follows later.
Night 4: Tobias talks with Roe out in the Den. Whitestar and the others spend the night in the Den.
Day 5: Nic returns. Neoma fights in the arena and is afterward taken to the labs. The meeting with the rebellion takes place. Eclipse removes her warping band. Helios fights Crest in the arena. The breakout occurs at the end of the day. Roe dies.
Night 5: SDP patrols chase the final transport and lose it. Neoma wakes up and meets Alora. Tobias and Gables escape the Den. Alicanto is posted guard in the truckyard. Whitestar and Austin break into the Den archives and the group leaves the Den, with the exception of Blackout and Bamboo, (to be RPed)
Day 6: Gen is sent to find Gables and is later brought back to the labs where his memory is erased again. Alicanto is given his assignment. Neoma talks to Alora more. The transports arrive at the first checkpoint. Alicanto, Ajax, and Gen start their chase of Tobias.
Night 6: Sol goes to find Tobias. The battle with the hybrids takes place. Vel leaves with Alicanto and Ajax.
Day 7: Alicanto, Vel, and Ajax are attacked by a Nightwing patrol. The three of them flee toward the mountains. Sol and Eclipse arrive at the checkpoint again and the transport leaves.
Night 7: Vel stops with Ajax and Ali at the river. The transports arrive at Possibility. Whitestar leaves Alyssia, Austin, and Apple at the first Rebellion checkpoint.
Day 8: Vel and the hybrids continue towards the checkpoint. Arya and Cochineal are chased out of the Den.
Night 8: Ali, Vel, and Ajax stop at an oasis before sunrise and are too weak to continue.
Day 9: Cochineal and Arya meet Vel, Ali, and Ajax.
Night 9: Vel leaves for Possibility with Ajax, Alicanto, Ayra, and Cochineal.
Day 10: At Sunset, Eclipse and Sol discuss their plans with Tobias, and Ali, Vel, and Ajax arrive in Possibility.
Day 1: Eclipse encounters Sunspot, Neoma leaves Pantala. Alyssia and Crest are brought to the Den.
Night 1: Neoma attacks Eclipse.
Day 2: Neoma, Eclipse, and Sunspot meet Helios. The battle in the desert takes place. Sol fights Shrike and Kapok and Tobias buys Shrike, Kapok, and Dred.
Night 2: Whitestar leaves the island to find Eclipse
Day 3: Tobias meets Roe in the Den after she fights with someone she owes, and Tobias heads back to his lot. Tobias buys Eclipse and Sol fights in the arena. Alyssia meets Whitestar, Blackout, Apple, and Bamboo. The Oasis Group attacks the caravan and Whitestar heals Alyssia with his power and gives Apple her sight.
Night 3: Sol is in recovery. Most of the RP characters are asleep this night (for once XD )
Day 4: Tobias starts trying to earn Eclipse's trust. Whitestar and the others head to the Den. Nic comes to Tobias's lot, Bloodmoon follows later.
Night 4: Tobias talks with Roe out in the Den. Whitestar and the others spend the night in the Den.
Day 5: Nic returns. Neoma fights in the arena and is afterward taken to the labs. The meeting with the rebellion takes place. Eclipse removes her warping band. Helios fights Crest in the arena. The breakout occurs at the end of the day. Roe dies.
Night 5: SDP patrols chase the final transport and lose it. Neoma wakes up and meets Alora. Tobias and Gables escape the Den. Alicanto is posted guard in the truckyard. Whitestar and Austin break into the Den archives and the group leaves the Den, with the exception of Blackout and Bamboo, (to be RPed)
Day 6: Gen is sent to find Gables and is later brought back to the labs where his memory is erased again. Alicanto is given his assignment. Neoma talks to Alora more. The transports arrive at the first checkpoint. Alicanto, Ajax, and Gen start their chase of Tobias.
Night 6: Sol goes to find Tobias. The battle with the hybrids takes place. Vel leaves with Alicanto and Ajax.
Day 7: Alicanto, Vel, and Ajax are attacked by a Nightwing patrol. The three of them flee toward the mountains. Sol and Eclipse arrive at the checkpoint again and the transport leaves.
Night 7: Vel stops with Ajax and Ali at the river. The transports arrive at Possibility. Whitestar leaves Alyssia, Austin, and Apple at the first Rebellion checkpoint.
Day 8: Vel and the hybrids continue towards the checkpoint. Arya and Cochineal are chased out of the Den.
Night 8: Ali, Vel, and Ajax stop at an oasis before sunrise and are too weak to continue.
Day 9: Cochineal and Arya meet Vel, Ali, and Ajax.
Night 9: Vel leaves for Possibility with Ajax, Alicanto, Ayra, and Cochineal.
Day 10: At Sunset, Eclipse and Sol discuss their plans with Tobias, and Ali, Vel, and Ajax arrive in Possibility.
Gosh, please tell me this is correct
Eclipse nodded, giving Sol a reassuring smile.
"I have a small connection to the Icewings as well. It is a very risky connection, and there is a high chance it won't work, but it's worth a shot."
Shard pounced nearly her full height off the ground, coming down hard on Sol's tail in his lapse of focus on the dragonet. Her large claws remained drawn back for the most part, only the needle-like tips pricking the sensitive scales and the impact of their collision causing any actual discomfort.
Her eyes shot up toward the Prince, the pupils concerningly wide, the Icewing looking more like a hyper cat as she jumped up again. Racing in a wide circle behind the older dragons before lunging for Sol's tail again, a wide smile spread across her face. A faint squeak of excitement sounded.
Sol tripped, catching himself with a deep wince. "Well. Your connection may be of more assistance than you think."
"How soon would we leave?" Tobias asked, his breathy words laced with the sound of a smile as he moved into the hall, holding his bad arm tight to his stomach.
"I don't know," the SolarWing grunted, heaving Shard across the chalky floor. "We can take our time."
Tobias took a heavy breath, feeling the morphine as it slowly wore away. "Are you waiting on me, then?"
Sol's talons popped across the stained concrete, and he ducked into the hall with silence.
"I can't go there, Sol."
"We could figure it out."
"There's not a point."
Sol glanced up at the short, shadowed ceiling, "Why."
"Because I'm human," Tobias turned back on his heel again, and Sol stiffened at the man's strained expression. "I can't benefit you there. You won't need me." He spoke in a jarring, rushed way, and only Sol could hear the faint trepidation. Tobias turned away.
Sol tilted his head, feeling a scowl creep into his tight jaw. "I don't need you to turn arena bets, Tobe, I need you to exist, and prove again that impossible isn't impossible. They need to see a dragon walk with a man. And a LunarWing," he glanced towards Eclipse, "to see a LunarWing walk with their King, and their Prince,"
"Oh, gosh," Tobias whispered, glancing at Eclipse, "I forgot about that. We'll be disrupting every single SolarWing rivaly."
Sol's eyes lingered on the silver dragon, and he grimaced at the truth of Tobias's words. Maybe he wasn't ready for this. To be making decisions on behalf of himself and a sickly man who could only state the obvious. Shame worked its course through his swift mind.
Sol's wings tensed and he released a growling cough, Shard's tiny, grading talons slipping their way beneath his scales. He slid Shard to the right and pinned her against the wall, mindful of the warmth his prodded scales released. "Rivalries that should have been distrupted years ago," he said, shaking his wings out as the dragonet clambered with excitement. "It's the same cause we've pursued in these last weeks, only in a different format. Everyone here is absolutely vital."

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