Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

@Blue Raptor
Ummmm... somewhere in the hideout at Possibility I assume. You could always fire up a re-intro scene and I can bring Pok in toooooo.
Also probably somewhere at the hideout in Possibilty. She's probably doing something hElPfUl, and right now, the food and water is running low, so I assume she's probably stressing abut that, I dunno.
Either at the hideout or he just ditched. I'm pretty sure he can fly and could have gone someplace way nicer by now.
Probably wherever Raptor's at. It's up to you to start these characters back up pretty much.
@Little Baby Bean
She was still on the transport, which has now been in Possibility for over two days. I dunno if she can fly on her own, but if she can, here's a chance she left to go find her own place or whatnot. You can probably do a re-intro scene for her.
FOrty-eight LoVely HouRs lAterr, mate-


They were in the desert, beneath a low, crimson sun, and Vel was dying. Possibility graced the heat-warped horizon ahead. It was all she could do to keep her dry eyes ahead, open, and alive.
The hybrid hung loose in her weak talons, a small, sun shriveled thing, scales cracked, rigid, and loose.
Vel took the brunt of the heat, shielding Alicanto beneath boiling scales. The orange blur below soared in her shadow.
The sun dropped below breezy dunes, and an emaciated trio soared into the shadow of Possibility.

Lueria sat up, squinting into the graying sky. Wind played with her dark hair, catching at the braids as she reached back and gripped the rotating generator, sliding a heeled boot against the welded metal base.
She swung the rifle around, grimicing when the fraid strap ran into her exposed neck.
The scope offered little assistance in identifying the approaching beasts, but she could tell easily they were of no threat.
The woman coughed on dust, then reached into the ragged coat tied round her waist, retrieving a thin com-link.
"Something's coming." She said into the device, leaning back to clear her throat and toss away the frizzing braids.
She sat in expectant silence, listening the generator's jerking pulse below.
"Identity," came Monzy's gruff voice.
"Yha," she murmered, running a palm cross her wet forehead. "There's two more coming in. Looks like a Sky or Rain," she kicked the rifle up on her knee again, viewing through the scope. The crosshairs centered on a gray, gaunty figure. "Nevermind. There's three. RainWing. Carrying someone, just a shadow from here." She tilted her knee. "And a Hive mutt. They're starving, hardly anything but bones."
"'At's clear, than, lass. Run it, I'll send someone your way."
Lueria dropped her hand, and jerked the rifle back. "Cool." She murmed, standing. The women strode across a dank row of stuttering generators with a quick foot, stopping at the building's edge to wait a moment in the dry breeze. A rusted, rebar ladder waited below, and she bent, hooking her calloused fingers over the thin, riveted steel.

(Dude I'm so tired. I've got to stop DOING THISS. It's not mountain tiiiimme aaahhhh 😭😭 the letters are blurbing togetherrrr fr tho. I'll work on it more later 🫡✌️)
Last scene involving Ajax right here, I'm not sure if you can find a way to connect this one.
We talked a little with @Amer and she said she is willing to take over someone else's characters in this RP if needed. If you don't think you'll have time to RP, she might be able to take over for you. I'll leave it between you guys. Amer, if you need some scenes to get to know your characters, let me know and I can get those to you, also a link to the archives.
@Blue Raptor
Ummmm... somewhere in the hideout at Possibility I assume. You could always fire up a re-intro scene and I can bring Pok in toooooo.
Also probably somewhere at the hideout in Possibilty. She's probably doing something hElPfUl, and right now, the food and water is running low, so I assume she's probably stressing abut that, I dunno.
Either at the hideout or he just ditched. I'm pretty sure he can fly and could have gone someplace way nicer by now.
Probably wherever Raptor's at. It's up to you to start these characters back up pretty much.
I don’t know what to dooooo… 😭 It’s either all-in on these things for me, or I just lag around and be unsure.
@Bella the Chicken Lover
Bruh, is he even still a thing? I don't even remember where he's at- I assume at the hideout but idek if Bella remembers he exists XD
O my gosh you're so right 😭 Yeah I don't know where he is... he might be dead 😭 It would be so cool if I can start RPing again though
Still panicking over Sage, same old.
Last scene was when he was talking with Sol and Eclipse, I'm pretty sure he agreed but can't remember. Over two days later, he has taken all the Solarwings who are able back to the Sun Kingdom. You can probably start an arrival scene there and Kiwi can hook up Aelia to it.
Sounds like you already got that figured bro. He'll just be chilling' at the hanger in Possibility, and we can maybe hook up some Shrike and Kapok scenes with him if you start a part.
Last I heard, Ferrin sent her on a transport to Possibility, two or three days ago. You can probably do a scene for her arriving there now.
Ahhh you’re the best! Thanks! Idk if I could ever find stuff like you do. Lol
It gets buried under so much chatting 😂
Ahhh you’re the best! Thanks! Idk if I could ever find stuff like you do. Lol
It gets buried under so much chatting 😂
I've always had a gift for finding things
Hey, uh... you could tell Lydia we are getting the RP back up? Idk if she'll even be able to do it, since she's so busy. Also, I kinda... left Apple and a couple of Eliza's characters in the middle of the desert...

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