Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Can you write a re-intro piece for Sunspot so I can connect Eclipse's part to it?
She'll be somewhere in the bunker I assume, unless she left Possibility.

@Blue Raptor
Can you write a re-intro scene for Shrike? I can connect Kapok to it

Me and Cap aren't completely in charge y'all, this is a multi-brain story, you guys just do whatever, don't be afraid to adddddd yoouuurrrr OOOWWWWWNNNNN stuff into this, that's the whole pooiinnntttt
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Can you write a re-intro piece for Sunspot so I can connect Eclipse's part to it?
She'll be somewhere in the bunker I assume, unless he left Possibility.

@Blue Raptor
Can you write a re-intro scene for Shrike? I can connect Kapok to it

Me and Cap aren't completely in charge y'all, this is a multi-brain story, you guys just do whatever, don't be afraid to adddddd yoouuurrrr OOOWWWWWNNNNN stuff into this, that's the whole pooiinnntttt
Exactly. Or else it will get even more CHAOTIC.
Yea, that's a threat *sips tea.* That is a threat.
(Quite frankly, I don’t know what I’m doing with this 😅👍)

A click of the bullet-proof glass door.
A scraping of talons along smooth white tile.
High-pitched voices, orders barked from humans.

Sundog awoke, scrabbling upright, wing blades throwing sparks against the floor. They were taking his neighbor. The old dragoness—they were taking her away.
Movement flickered at the corner of his vision— humans, at his own door.
Before he knew it, they were inside his room. He moved before he thought, soon his teeth met a fragile skull and blood swam across his tongue. The others expected him to attack, they had a cold metal chain across his neck and some drug injected into his side with a stinging needle in a heartbeat.
Flinging out a sharp-edged wing, he felt the impact and heard a loud cry. But not before his senses dulled, the haze of tranquilizers clouding his every thought and leaving his movements sluggish, the heat from his scales wouldn’t flare up either, no matter how hard he tried.
The humans looped a chain around his muzzle, he thrashed against their grip, biting down on the chain until the metal was slicked with saliva and blood from his gums. His eyes rolled wildly, the images in his mind that had not yet been numbed were the tearing of flesh from weak human frames. Kill them. Kill them all—
A flash of bright, white-hot pain across his head, then his consciousness faded into black.

He awoke in the back of a truck.
(Quite frankly, I don’t know what I’m doing with this 😅👍)

A click of the bullet-proof glass door.
A scraping of talons along smooth white tile.
High-pitched voices, orders barked from humans.

Sundog awoke, scrabbling upright, wing blades throwing sparks against the floor. They were taking his neighbor. The old dragoness—they were taking her away.
Movement flickered at the corner of his vision— humans, at his own door.
Before he knew it, they were inside his room. He moved before he thought, soon his teeth met a fragile skull and blood swam across his tongue. The others expected him to attack, they had a cold metal chain across his neck and some drug injected into his side with a stinging needle in a heartbeat.
Flinging out a sharp-edged wing, he felt the impact and heard a loud cry. But not before his senses dulled, the haze of tranquilizers clouding his every thought and leaving his movements sluggish, the heat from his scales wouldn’t flare up either, no matter how hard he tried.
The humans looped a chain around his muzzle, he thrashed against their grip, biting down on the chain until the metal was slicked with saliva and blood from his gums. His eyes rolled wildly, the images in his mind that had not yet been numbed were the tearing of flesh from weak human frames. Kill them. Kill them all—
A flash of bright, white-hot pain across his head, then his consciousness faded into black.

He awoke in the back of a truck.
Can't wait to see where this goes
(Could I put an arena fightin’ dragon in to be liberated or something?)
That can float, but no one is in the SD atm, save Ferrin and some other supposed NPCs.
(Also I am still open to take over a character or two.)
This could definitely work. Maybe you could take Bean's SkyWing. That would be helpful and really easy to slip in.
That can float, but no one is in the SD atm, save Ferrin and some other supposed NPCs.

This could definitely work. Maybe you could take Bean's SkyWing. That would be helpful and really easy to slip in.
(Nvm then
Ok 👌 I’ll take the sky wing
Could somebody catch me up on the charrie sheet and what’s happened to that one?)

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