Ended Official BYC 12th Annual 2021 New Year's Day Hatch-Along! - Meet My Fur Baby Contest!

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This is our beautiful girl Emi!
We bought her from an Akita breeder, before Emi we had an old girl that, for many years was our house/guard dog, she looked like a sister to Emi, but she became so old and eventually passed, and we like having a guard dog in the house, and it also made the loss easier by bringing a new puppy into the family.

She knows a couple of tricks like sit up, but what she is best at, is being a guard dog, she has a fenced-in area on our property, anytime someone drives up the gravel driveway, she barks so loud you can hear her from inside the house, and she loves her family!

Her breed is the majestic American Akita!
Fun fact! The Akita is a large and powerful dog breed with a noble and intimidating presence. They were originally used for guarding royalty and nobility in feudal Japan. These dogs also tracked and hunted wild boar, black bear, and sometimes deer. The Akita does not back down from challenges and does not frighten easily.

I am sorry for the long entry, but I couldn't resist!:p
@CluckNDoodle, could I change emi's picture ?
Not an entry!
Here is a picture of JJ that I got the other evening, he wears double blankets now!
IMG_6185 (1).jpg
Aww, we always had to put jackets and blankets on our Doberman. Even in the summertime if she was inside. She was always cold in the AC. lol
She sounds like a sweetie!
I really love this dog, after his sister passed in 19... I decided to take charge of his care! He just keeps going, it is amazing!
We currently have 2 cats, zoey and Oliver. This is Zoey. We got them at about 7 weeks old at a local humane society, in may 2019. The typical story: we went in, planning to get one cat, but they were siblings so we just HAD to get both :lau, aaand we walked out with 2. They are currently about a year and a half old, maybe slightly more than a year and a half old. We thankfully at least still have them. She’s the one that is usually playful and crazy but she also takes long naps. They both are our resident mice catchers (with the help of mousetraps sometimes:gig). She’s the sneaky one definitely as well. Zoey is sneaky and mischievous, while Oliver is always looking innocent, with deep, deep eyes.
here she is:

she’s the one to the right, more towards the bottom of the picture. The gray one.
I had to put in a picture of Elsa, our 4 year old Doberman girl. Elsa is mostly a house dog who has a large dog run for a little exercise. She mostly consents to the excessive cuddling that’s asked of her, but she does have ambition! Her life goal is to catch and consume one of our guinea fowl. She has the stalking technique down pat. The guineas know of her ambition because she has caught three of them. Fortunately, she also lost each of them in an explosion of dropped feathers, and because mom (me) heard the fuss and put an end to the fun. The guineas will sit on top of her fence and “alarm call”, so they are onto her, but true to their nature are always pushing their luck...

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