Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 08-12-22 Pic by jabou29

"The chickens got praised last Sunday for eating 3 green worms off of the tomato plants...that's Praise Accompanied By Mealworms & Treats.

Well, I've been eating every green thing I can find all week now!
I'm even dreaming about eating green!

So Dear Human,
Where's MY Praise & Mealworms?"
Yes, my plan is working.
Acting like I found a great, green treat is luring the chickens over here.

Then I can sneak back over there & grab all their good stuff!

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2 Ducklings were playing charades.
Duckling in back still couldn't guess right.

Uh...Who are you...hmmmm, Elvis Parsley?

No! Guess Again!

Oh come on, can't ya gimme a hint?

Ok, 1 hint...
So...What would you get if you crossed a dinosaur with green tea?

A Tea-Rex!
Tea Rex dude!
You're not very good at this game are ya?
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