Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 2/9/15 - picture by lunchladylova

Gramps: What shall we do with him? He needs to go off into the world! 
Granny:Yes Gramps! He needs to find a mate (sniffling) look at that gramps you got me crying
Gramps: How about we pair him up with Sassy?
Granny: How dare you say that name! I hate her:mad: ! she is as sassy as her name. Charlie deserves a better hen. Much better!:love
Gramps: I suppose Sassy is eliminated… How bout georgia! She is a wonderful hen
Granny: I suppose! How about tonight lets surprise them

7 hours later...
Georgia: Hi, Charlie! How are you doing 
Charlie: Um… uh…. Gran gramps?

Granny: Oh dear she is the perfect match for you
Charlie: Gran!! I haven't even combed my feathers!
Gramps: Uh oh I think wee made a huge mistake
Georgia: Charlie! Where are you
Charlie: Away from you!!

(Charlie run away heated angry)  

I told you thats a rooster hes not going to lay an egg you shouldnt made that bet
duck: "How long do you think we can follow him till he notices?"
Rooster: "Kids, don't think I can't hear you."

Edited: to fix a typo
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Rooster (muttering to himself) -kids today with their beaks and their low slung tail feathers. No respect. It's like they are another species. I remember when I was young..........
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