Ended Official BYC Contest - Guess when we'll reach 19 Million posts and you can win!

I narrowed down the closest guesses yesterday and more so this morning. Just waiting for Rob to let me know the exact time we hit the target, so I can be 100% sure I got them right. We had 4 members very close to the exact hour and one nearly spot on, if I got the time right :)
I narrowed down the closest guesses yesterday and more so this morning. Just waiting for Rob to let me know the exact time we hit the target, so I can be 100% sure I got them right. We had 4 members very close to the exact hour and one nearly spot on, if I got the time right :)
The suspense is KILLING ME!!!!
The suspense is KILLING ME!!!!
Don't die on us Sean!! runcirclsmiley2.gif
  • The closest guess will receive a $50 Gift certificate to the BYC Store
  • The next two closest guesses will each receive a $20 Gift certificate to the BYC store

I wonder if there is going to be 4 winners instead of just three?!?!
I might have been window shopping already.
No, if I got the time right there are only 3. The 4th one came very close though. And goodness, I saw a member that changed their guess from almost exactly on the right time to a few days earlier :th They probably would've been in the top 3 if they hadn't… Sorry I can't say who it was, I just checked the times, not who posted what.
No, if I got the time right there are only 3. The 4th one came very close though. And goodness, I saw a member that changed their guess from almost exactly on the right time to a few days earlier :th They probably would've been in the top 3 if they hadn't… Sorry I can't say who it was, I just checked the times, not who posted what.

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