Ended Official BYC Contest: Worst Chicken Molt Pictures - Fall / Winter 2011

oh poor baby! she does look terribly embarrassed.
My birds are all molting now too, but not as bad as these! I spend every day collecting the nice feathers to do crafts with, I was wondering why most of them weren't damaged... now I know why.
My husband was just asking the other day if you can breed a bird that plucks itself for the oven.... I'll show him these pictures.
I had NOOOOO idea that molting can be this BAD. Now I know what to look forward to. I think I would freak the first time I saw my chickens looking like some of these. Thanks for the warning!
It's ok to laugh IMO i see funny ones every day here.
some of mine get really red like this roo, it's not sunburn like some peeps think it is their skin getting ready for the new feathers.
this little roo is a good example of red threw and threw.

Golly, my Brooster went through the same red skin thing, and I am so glad I finally got it all cleared up, that the red skin is part of the molting process. I was so worried, I thought he had feather mites or something, and it was skin irritation from that!! I am really getting a good education from all you chicken owners, and it is a constant learning process. My Brooster did not look nearly as bad as yours, and his skin did not turn red all over, just in certain areas. His feathers are coming in beautifully now, and he is going to return to his former handsome self. I sure am enjoying all the awful looking molts!

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