Ended Official BYC Mini-Contest - Funny Poultry Faces & Poses Photo Contest



Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Jan 12, 2019
Winners Announced Here!


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Welcome to the Official BYC Mini-Contest
Funny Poultry Faces & Poses Photo Contest

We all know how hilarious poultry can be at times and sometimes we are just in time with the camera to capture the moment! Now, we would love to see yours! If you have a picture of your flock (any fowl species accepted) doing something funny, be it a pose or a funny face, show us! Share your best pictures for a chance to win 1 of 5 (that's right, FIVE) BYC 2021 Calendars!

It's easy to enter, just reply to this thread & attach (upload) pictures of your domestic fowl (chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, peafowl guinea fowl, quail, pheasants, etc.)!
Photography Tips from BYC's jolenesdad

  1. All entries must be submitted as a reply to this thread.
  2. Two pictures per member, one picture per post, please.
  3. The picture needs to have been taken by you.
  4. Open to all domestic fowl.
  5. No overly-edited or filtered images—basic editing such as cropping and other subtle changes are allowed.
  6. Extra consideration for picture quality!
  7. No watermarks, datestamps, text, etc. on the picture.
  8. ALL pictures MUST be uploaded to BYC and not hosted on other image sites, personal websites, etc.
  9. Open to all BYC members.
  10. All BYC rules apply: Terms of Service (Rules)
  11. Entries will be accepted until December 14th at 11:59 PM Pacific Time.
There will be 5 winners and each will receive a copy of the beautiful BYC 2021 Calendar!
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Last year's Funny Poultry Faces and Poses contest winners below.
From left to right:@Nats Chickens, @DiYMama540, @mama3mma, @SpiderAcres, @MallardMomx2

Check out the rest of the contests here:
Official BYC Mini-Contest Series - Win one of Fifty (50) BYC 2021 Calendars!

If you would like to purchase a beautiful BYC 2021 Calendar, see this thread: 2021 Calendars are here! Free US Shipping!
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