Ended Official BYC Mini-contest - Tell us your funniest chicken story and win!

I already posted a story, but my husband insisted I share this too, as we don't have a random funny story thread as far as I know and just want to add that all these stories are keeping a couch ridden, breast feeding mommy very entertained! Thank you:)

We were having some serious bear issues in our area, along with multiple other animal problems, mostly due to the drought. During the 3 years we lived in our area, we never saw a bear or had an issue until we got chickens. Having neighbors that struggle with the same problem and having been shaken with seeing exactly what a bear is capable of, this is what my ladies came up with as a solution and asked me to spread the word;)

Due to an attack on our chickens the other night, our head chicken Dora is organizing a militia and inviting all neighborhood chichens to partake in an evening full of training for self protection against egg and chicken theives. Dora believes with proper training no bear, fox, lion, racoon, possom.... will try to lay a paw on their thresholds again. Date to be determined;-)
My Mom and I took my husband's mean d'Anvers rooster to be processed last spring along with a bunch of excess roosters and my broilers. Somehow the little guy managed to get loose and was running around the barnyard crowing his fool head off when we went back to pick up my other birds. I told the farmer to not worry about him since he wasn't going to be much of a meal anyway. I figured he wouldn't last long in a new place without a coop to go into.
This fall rolls around and DH and I took our turkey to the same place to be processed. As we pulled in I look into the pasture by the road and low and behold, there is the little rooster running with about 30 hens! DH jumps out of the car and runs to the fence, the rooster runs from the other end of the yard to the fence and they meet up like long lost best friends. I went to check in with the farmer and commented about rooster being in with all the hens. He got a big grin on his face and said "he likes it in there".
DH can't wait to go up next spring to see how his little guy is doing.
Awww, this is cute!!!

My loving husband bought a camera system for me for Christmas as curious to what all goes on in the chicken coop. To our surprise are rescue pigeon that we got only a week old from a storage shed where his fate was not good he was almost dead he had fallin out of the nest where my husband works and he put him in box and brought him home ,has made a very best friend in the coop. Our top hen has takin this pigeon and made him one of the chickens. It's amazing the bond these to have its priceless as you can see in this picture the pigeon makes himself comfortable and having a nap on top of the Red hen.
One spring I picked up 6 'broiler' chicks at TSC. I told Mike when they were old enough, i was going to butcher them. "You mean to eat them?" he says. Along about 10 weeks, I thought it was time to butcher the biggest one. I spent one morning butchering the chicken, bagged it up, and drove to Mike's house. When I pulled the bagged chicken out of the Wal~Mart bag I was carrying him in, Mike said, "Wow honey, it looks like a REAL chicken!" Then he gets this look of horror and says, "My God, I have been eating baby chickens my whole life!" What can I say? He is a city boy!

Hey everyone! 2014 is nearly over and we decided to ring in the new year on a humorous note. We would like you to share your funniest chicken story and if your story makes us laugh, you can win a free BYC 2015 Calendar!


1. Post your funniest chicken story as a reply to this thread. Must be between 100-250 words.
2. Only one entry per member will be accepted.
3. The two funniest stories will each win a free 2015 BYC Calendar!
4. Have fun!

Can we post 2 stories in one post?
I live in a small town with a local public radio station that often airs messages about events around town, birthdays wishes, public service announcements and the like. I was at work one afternoon listening to the radio when that announcer comes on to say...'We've had a caller reporting that there are chickens loose in the driveway of 107 My Street. The caller doesn't know who the chickens belong too and doesn't think there is anyone in her neighborhood who has chickens. So if you're missing 4 brown and black hens you might want to try looking for them there.' The announcer is cracking up on air and saying that this is the 'best' public service announcement she's ever gotten to read on air. I'm not sure if I should be amused or horrified since I live right next door at 109 My Street. I just know these chickens are mine. I call my husband who is at home and ask him to go coral our wayward chickens (they'd already made their own way home by then though). We'd been letting the girls free range when we're home and up until now they hadn't shown any sign of wandering off our property. Oppps. Took some fresh eggs and an apology over the the neighbors that evening. They assured us the chickens weren't a problem they were just concerned about where they had come from and who might be missing them. I never told them we got chickens but not sure how they missed the coop and chickens that had been running around our yard for months.

Just to keep the fun going I was at a party that weekend. The hostess and several of the guests work at the radio station. Knowing that I live next door to the address given and that I'd gotten chickens that summer one of the guests asked me if the 'chickens on the radio' were mine. I fessed up and everyone had a good laugh. Apparently everyone at the station had been talking and laughing about the mysteriously appearing chickens and speculating about who they belonged too. Everyone was amused that this is what passes for a public service announcement in our little burg. I took their good-natured teasing all evening, responding that I was glad my chickens and I could provide some humor to their workweek.
Here is my story:

We had a section of yard that my husband forgot to mow because it was fenced in with cyclone fencing and the riding lawn mower would not fit through the gate.
The rest of our yard was easy to mow as it was not fenced. Whenever my husband finished mowing he always forgot all about the fenced section. Due to lack of mowing this section became so overgrown that we could not see our neighbors. My sister suggested that we get chickens and ducks so I would not have to fuss at hubby to mow the fenced section. So we excepted the challenge of 6 chickens and a few ducks. We enlisted the help of our dairy goats to clear this section by eating their way through the jungle. Munch, munch, munch! Wow! in short order they had much of this section cleared enough that we could get in an help them along.

My sister was giving us 6 chickens as our Christmas gift. We did not know how to build a chicken coup and found plans on mygardencoup.com. We planned to build a separate area for the ducks. The original plans called for the size to be approx 5x9, and we started building. Upon looking at the size hubby decided that it was too small for 6 chickens and increased the size. My mom was laughing at us as a 5x9 is plenty for 6 chickens. Well what did we know. We put the chickens a tile floor to help keep it clean and have just purchased a welcome sign from Canada to hang on the coup. My brother in law says he found someone crazier than my sister and that is me who hangs a welcome sign on a darn chicken coup.

The few ducks ended up being more that a few, since we already are vendors at the Farmers Markets we soon found out that duck eggs were in demand. Well the 2 ducks already coming ended up being 12 ducks total! Boy that was quick! The funny thing was that these ducks were in Iowa where my sister lives and I live in Texas. The lady selling them in Iowa was moving to Texas and did not want to take her ducks to Texas with her. The ducks ended up in Texas anyway, my sister drove them 19 hours from Iowa to Texas.

Upon arriving in Texas the ducks and chickens leaving the snow behind thought it was spring. We were having lots of rain and the dogs who were previously housed here had dug a nice hole which promptly filled with water from the torrential down pours. The duck frenzy began with the bathing, ducking heads, ducks chasing each other across the water and quack quack quack. I have never seen ducks flap and move so fast. The chickens must have thought they were in heaven with no snow and a freshly cleared piece of land with all the nice bugs to enjoy. The neighbors must have thought were were crazy as they now have to endure the quack quack quack when they put their trailer almost on our property line. Yes the air conditioner of the trailer is 28 inches from my property line and the 12 ducks love to quack in unison while waddling across the yard, startled by something, or to tell you its time to eat and you guessed it right under their bedroom window! Guess what, I have no poultry ordinance. So far though the ducks and chickens have remained relatively quite and we continue our quest of learning as we go.
One day a friend of a friend called and asked if she could bring her four year old son Jeffrey out to see our chickens since he had never seen a real live chicken before and of course we said "sure". So out they came. After collecting a few eggs, talking about how the hens go into the nesting boxes to lay every day and walking around the chicken yard Jeffery spotted the rooster. Just then old Hank let out one of his very best crows ever. Jeffrey's eyes opened wide and in a very excited and surprised voice he exclaimed, "They really DO say Cock-a-doodle-do!!". He just couldn't get over it and kept repeating and repeating those words. I guess that all this time he thought his mom was making it up when she read his favorite book to him each night. We've laughed about this for years.

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